Set up environment variable
with the compute capability of your CUDA-enabled GPU (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUDA) -
Set up environment variable
to point to the NVidia CUDA examples -
IMPORTANT: Set up environment variable
to point to the path of this directory -
To use the matlab wrapper, set up environment vaiable
to point to matlab root directory
To build simply perform the following steps:
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ make install
The iugui
module needs QT5 (>=5.6), the iuio
module OpenCV 2.4 or 3.x.
A pre-built documentation is available here. To build the documentation on your own (requires doxygen), additionally do
$ make apidoc
In your cmake-based project include the following lines
find_package(ImageUtilities REQUIRED COMPONENTS iucore)
and link your application with
Image Utilities take away the hassle of memory management when dealing with CUDA code. The follwing code snippet shows a simple example of image manipulation using CUDA:
// read two images from files
iu::ImageGpu_32f_C1 *I1 = iu::imread_cu32f_C1(DATA_PATH("army_1.png"));
iu::ImageGpu_32f_C1 *I2 = iu::imread_cu32f_C1(DATA_PATH("army_2.png"));
// allocate memory for the output
iu::ImageGpu_32f_C1 result(I1->size());
// Add 0.5 to the first image and save the result
// Subtract one image from the other and save the result
They also make it easy to use images in CUDA kernels by providing additional information about the image that can be easily passed to kernels. Host code:
iu::ImageGpu_32f_C1 img(320,240);
dim3 dimBlock(16, 16);
dim3 dimGrid(iu::divUp(img.width(), dimBlock.x), img.height(), dimBlock.y);
test_kernel <<< dimGrid, dimBlock >>> (img);
and the device code:
__global__ void test_kernel(iu::ImageGpu_32f_C1::KernelData img)
int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
if (x < img.width_ && y < img.height_)
img(x,y) = x+y;