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Merge pull request #282 from mxprshn/cecil-fixes
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Type solver & mock with enums fixes
  • Loading branch information
MchKosticyn authored Sep 27, 2023
2 parents d4cf163 + 770cb6b commit 163d954
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Showing 16 changed files with 255 additions and 104 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/build_vsharp.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: runner
path: ./VSharp.Runner/bin/DebugTailRec/netcoreapp6.0
path: ./VSharp.Runner/bin/DebugTailRec/net7.0
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: test_runner
path: ./VSharp.TestRunner/bin/DebugTailRec/netcoreapp6.0
path: ./VSharp.TestRunner/bin/DebugTailRec/net7.0
19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion VSharp.IL/MethodBody.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ type MethodWithBody internal (m : MethodBase) =
member x.GenericArguments with get() = genericArguments.Force()
member x.GetGenericMethodDefinition() =
match m with
| :? MethodInfo as m -> if isGenericMethod then m.GetGenericMethodDefinition() else m
| :? MethodInfo as m -> if isGenericMethod then Reflection.getGenericMethodDefinition m else m
| _ -> internalfailf $"Asking generic method definition for non-method {x}"
member x.GetGenericArguments() =
match m with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,6 +235,10 @@ type MethodWithBody internal (m : MethodBase) =
match y with
| :? MethodWithBody as y -> Reflection.compareMethods (x :> Core.IMethod).MethodBase (y :> Core.IMethod).MethodBase
| _ -> -1
override x.ResolveOverrideInType t = x.ResolveOverrideInType t
override x.CanBeOverriddenInType t = x.CanBeOverriden t
override x.IsImplementedInType t = x.IsImplementedInType t

// TODO: make it private!
override x.MethodBase : MethodBase = m

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -293,6 +297,19 @@ type MethodWithBody internal (m : MethodBase) =
let calledMethod = x.ResolveMethodFromMetadata (pos + Offset.from opCode.Size)
opCode, calledMethod

member x.ResolveOverrideInType t =
match m with
| :? ConstructorInfo when m.DeclaringType = t -> x
| :? MethodInfo as mi ->
(Reflection.resolveOverridingMethod t mi :> MethodBase) |> MethodWithBody.InstantiateNew
| _ -> __unreachable__()

member x.IsImplementedInType t =
match m with
| :? ConstructorInfo -> m.DeclaringType = t
| :? MethodInfo as mi -> Reflection.typeImplementsMethod t mi
| _ -> __unreachable__()

module MethodBody =

let private operandType2operandSize = [| 4<offsets>; 4<offsets>; 4<offsets>; 8<offsets>; 4<offsets>
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22 changes: 13 additions & 9 deletions VSharp.InternalCalls/Interlocked.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,15 +36,19 @@ module internal Interlocked =
let location, value, compared = args[1], args[2], args[3]
compareExchange interpreter cilState location value compared

let intCompareExchange (interpreter : IInterpreter) cilState (args : term list) =
let commonCompareExchange (interpreter : IInterpreter) cilState (args : term list) =
assert(List.length args = 3)
let location, value, compared = args[0], args[1], args[2]
compareExchange interpreter cilState location value compared

let intCompareExchange (interpreter : IInterpreter) cilState (args : term list) =
commonCompareExchange interpreter cilState args

let int64CompareExchange (interpreter : IInterpreter) cilState (args : term list) =
commonCompareExchange interpreter cilState args

let intPtrCompareExchange (interpreter : IInterpreter) cilState (args : term list) =
assert(List.length args = 3)
let location, value, compared = args[0], args[1], args[2]
compareExchange interpreter cilState location value compared
commonCompareExchange interpreter cilState args

let genericExchange (interpreter : IInterpreter) cilState (args : term list) =
assert(List.length args = 3)
Expand All @@ -56,17 +60,17 @@ module internal Interlocked =
let location, value = args[0], args[1]
exchange interpreter cilState location value

let intExchangeAdd (interpreter : IInterpreter) cilState (args : term list) =
let commonExchangeAdd (interpreter : IInterpreter) cilState (args : term list) =
assert(List.length args = 2)
let location, value = args[0], args[1]
let value = Arithmetics.Add (read cilState location) value
exchange interpreter cilState location value

let intExchangeAdd (interpreter : IInterpreter) cilState (args : term list) =
commonExchangeAdd interpreter cilState args

let longExchangeAdd (interpreter : IInterpreter) cilState (args : term list) =
assert(List.length args = 2)
let location, value = args[0], args[1]
let value = Arithmetics.Add (read cilState location) value
exchange interpreter cilState location value
commonExchangeAdd interpreter cilState args

let memoryBarrier (_ : state) (_ : term list) : term =
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions VSharp.InternalCalls/Interlocked.fsi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ module internal Interlocked =
[<Implements("System.Int32 System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange(System.Int32&, System.Int32, System.Int32)")>]
val intCompareExchange : IInterpreter -> cilState -> term list -> cilState list

[<Implements("System.Int64 System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange(System.Int64&, System.Int64, System.Int64)")>]
val int64CompareExchange : IInterpreter -> cilState -> term list -> cilState list

[<Implements("System.IntPtr System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange(System.IntPtr&, System.IntPtr, System.IntPtr)")>]
[<Implements("System.Object System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.InternalCompareExchange(System.IntPtr, System.Object, System.Object)")>]
val intPtrCompareExchange : IInterpreter -> cilState -> term list -> cilState list
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions VSharp.InternalCalls/SR.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,3 +119,7 @@ module SR =
let internal get_Arg_NotImplementedException (state : state) (args : term list) : term =
assert(List.length args = 0)
Memory.AllocateString "get_Arg_NotImplementedException" state

let internal get_Argument_InvalidTypeWithPointersNotSupported (state : state) (args : term list) : term =
assert(List.length args = 0)
Memory.AllocateString "get_Argument_InvalidTypeWithPointersNotSupported" state
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions VSharp.InternalCalls/SR.fsi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,3 +89,6 @@ module internal SR =

[<Implements("System.String System.SR.get_Arg_NotImplementedException()")>]
val get_Arg_NotImplementedException : state -> term list -> term

[<Implements("System.String System.SR.get_Argument_InvalidTypeWithPointersNotSupported()")>]
val get_Argument_InvalidTypeWithPointersNotSupported : state -> term list -> term
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions VSharp.SILI.Core/API.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ module API =

let ResolveCallVirt state thisAddress thisType ancestorMethod = TypeSolver.getCallVirtCandidates state thisAddress thisType ancestorMethod

let KeepOnlyMock state thisAddress = TypeSolver.keepOnlyMock state thisAddress

let MethodMockAndCall state method this args = MethodMocking.mockAndCall state method this args Default
let ExternMockAndCall state method this args = MethodMocking.mockAndCall state method this args Extern

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions VSharp.SILI.Core/API.fsi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ module API =
val SolveGenericMethodParameters : typeStorage -> IMethod -> (symbolicType[] * symbolicType[]) option
val SolveThisType : state -> term -> unit
val ResolveCallVirt : state -> term -> Type -> IMethod -> symbolicType seq
val KeepOnlyMock : state -> term -> unit

val MethodMockAndCall : state -> IMethod -> term option -> term list -> term option
val ExternMockAndCall : state -> IMethod -> term option -> term list -> term option
Expand Down
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions VSharp.SILI.Core/State.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -384,6 +384,8 @@ and candidates private(publicBuiltInTypes, publicUserTypes, privateUserTypes, re
if mock.IsSome then yield mock.Value |> MockType

member x.HasMock = Option.isSome mock

static member Empty() =
candidates(Seq.empty, None, Reflection.mscorlibAssembly)

Expand All @@ -402,12 +404,16 @@ and candidates private(publicBuiltInTypes, publicUserTypes, privateUserTypes, re
let publicUserTypes = Seq.filter typesPredicate publicUserTypes
let privateUserTypes = Seq.filter typesPredicate privateUserTypes
let rest = Seq.filter typesPredicate rest
let mock =
match mock with
| Some typeMock -> refineMock typeMock
| None -> None
let mock = Option.bind refineMock mock
candidates(publicBuiltInTypes, publicUserTypes, privateUserTypes, rest, mock, userAssembly)

member x.KeepOnlyMock() =
candidates(Seq.empty, Seq.empty, Seq.empty, Seq.empty, mock, userAssembly)

member x.DistinctBy(keySelector : Type -> 'a) =
let distinctOrderedTypes = Seq.distinctBy keySelector orderedTypes
candidates(distinctOrderedTypes, mock, userAssembly)

member x.Take(count) =
let types =
match mock with
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions VSharp.SILI.Core/Terms.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ type IMethod =
abstract ContainsGenericParameters : bool
abstract GenericArguments : Type[]
abstract SubstituteTypeVariables : (Type -> Type) -> IMethod
abstract ResolveOverrideInType : Type -> IMethod
abstract CanBeOverriddenInType : Type -> bool
abstract IsImplementedInType : Type -> bool
abstract MethodBase : System.Reflection.MethodBase

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40 changes: 25 additions & 15 deletions VSharp.SILI.Core/TypeSolver.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,13 +115,13 @@ module TypeSolver =

let private enumerateNonAbstractSupertypes predicate (typ : Type) =
let rec getNonAbstractSupertypes predicate (t: Type) =
if typ = null || typ.IsAbstract then List.empty
let rec getNonAbstractSupertypes (t: Type) (supertypes : Type list) =
if t = null then supertypes
let supertypes = getNonAbstractSupertypes predicate t.BaseType
if predicate typ then typ::supertypes else supertypes
let supertypes = if not t.IsAbstract && predicate t then t::supertypes else supertypes
getNonAbstractSupertypes t.BaseType supertypes
assert userAssembly.IsSome
let types = getNonAbstractSupertypes predicate typ
let types = getNonAbstractSupertypes typ List.empty
candidates(types, None, userAssembly.Value)

let private hasSubtypes (t : Type) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -484,7 +484,18 @@ module TypeSolver =
| TypeSat _ -> ()
| TypeUnsat -> internalfail "Refining types: branch is unreachable"

let getCallVirtCandidates state (thisRef : heapAddress) (thisType: Type) (ancestorMethod : IMethod) =
let keepOnlyMock state thisRef =
match thisRef.term with
| HeapRef({term = ConcreteHeapAddress thisAddress}, _) when VectorTime.less state.startingTime thisAddress -> ()
| HeapRef(thisAddress, _) ->
let typeStorage = state.typeStorage
match typeStorage[thisAddress] with
| Some candidates ->
typeStorage[thisAddress] <- candidates.KeepOnlyMock()
| None -> ()
| _ -> ()

let getCallVirtCandidates state (thisRef : heapAddress) (thisType : Type) (ancestorMethod : IMethod) =
userAssembly <- Some ancestorMethod.DeclaringType.Assembly
match thisRef.term with
| HeapRef({term = ConcreteHeapAddress thisAddress}, _) when VectorTime.less state.startingTime thisAddress ->
Expand All @@ -493,21 +504,20 @@ module TypeSolver =
let thisConstraints = List.singleton thisType |> typeConstraints.FromSuperTypes
let typeStorage = state.typeStorage
typeStorage.AddConstraint thisAddress thisConstraints
let ancestorMethod = ancestorMethod.MethodBase :?> MethodInfo
let checkOverrides t =
Reflection.canOverrideMethod t ancestorMethod
let getMock = getMock typeStorage.TypeMocks
let result = refineStorage getMock typeStorage Array.empty Array.empty
match result with
| TypeSat ->
let candidates = typeStorage[thisAddress].Value
let optionMock m = Some m
let filtered = candidates.Filter(checkOverrides, optionMock)
let truncated = filtered.Take(5)
typeStorage[thisAddress] <- truncated.Eval()
let typeFilter t = ancestorMethod.CanBeOverriddenInType t
let resolveOverride t =
let overridden = ancestorMethod.ResolveOverrideInType t
let filtered = candidates.Filter(typeFilter, Some).DistinctBy(resolveOverride).Take(5).Eval()
typeStorage[thisAddress] <- filtered
| TypeUnsat -> Seq.empty
| Ref address when Reflection.typeImplementsMethod thisType (ancestorMethod.MethodBase :?> MethodInfo) ->
| Ref address when ancestorMethod.IsImplementedInType thisType ->
assert(thisType = address.TypeOfLocation)
ConcreteType thisType |> Seq.singleton
| _ -> internalfail $"Getting callvirt candidates: unexpected this {thisRef}"
73 changes: 32 additions & 41 deletions VSharp.SILI/Interpreter.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -856,36 +856,16 @@ type ILInterpreter() as this =
ILInterpreter.CheckDisallowNullAttribute method (Some args) cilState true (fun states ->
Cps.List.mapk inlineOrCall states (List.concat >> k))

member x.ResolveVirtualMethod targetType (ancestorMethod : Method) =
let genericCalledMethod = ancestorMethod.GetGenericMethodDefinition()
let genericMethodInfo =
Reflection.resolveOverridingMethod targetType genericCalledMethod
if genericMethodInfo.IsGenericMethodDefinition then
else genericMethodInfo
|> Application.getMethod

member x.CallAbstract targetType (ancestorMethod : Method) (this : term) (arguments : term list) cilState k =
member x.CallAbstract targetType (ancestorMethod : MethodWithBody) (this : term) (arguments : term list) cilState k =
let thisType = MostConcreteTypeOfRef cilState.state this
let candidateTypes = ResolveCallVirt cilState.state this thisType ancestorMethod |> List.ofSeq
let getMethods t (concreteMethods, mockTypes) =
match t with
| ConcreteType t ->
let overriden = x.ResolveVirtualMethod t ancestorMethod
if overriden.InCoverageZone || t.IsAssignableTo targetType && targetType.Assembly = t.Assembly then
(t, overriden) :: concreteMethods, mockTypes
else concreteMethods, mockTypes
| MockType m -> concreteMethods, (m :: mockTypes)
let candidateMethods, typeMocks = List.foldBack getMethods candidateTypes (List.empty, List.empty)
assert(List.length typeMocks <= 1)
let candidateMethods = List.distinctBy snd candidateMethods
let invokeMock cilState k =
if Seq.isEmpty typeMocks then
__insufficientInformation__ $"Trying to 'CallVirt' method {ancestorMethod} without mocks"
let overriden =
if ancestorMethod.DeclaringType.IsInterface then ancestorMethod
else x.ResolveVirtualMethod targetType ancestorMethod
let returnValue = MethodMockAndCall cilState.state overriden (Some this) []
let mockMethod =
if ancestorMethod.DeclaringType.IsInterface then
ancestorMethod.ResolveOverrideInType targetType
let returnValue = MethodMockAndCall cilState.state mockMethod (Some this) []
match returnValue with
| Some symVal ->
push symVal cilState
Expand All @@ -895,18 +875,29 @@ type ILInterpreter() as this =
// Moving ip to next instruction after mocking method result
fallThrough loc.method loc.offset cilState (fun _ _ _ -> ()) |> k
| _ -> __unreachable__()
let rec dispatch candidates cilState k =
let rec dispatch (candidates : symbolicType list) cilState k =
match candidates with
| [] -> invokeMock cilState k
| (t, method : Method)::rest ->
StatedConditionalExecutionCIL cilState
(fun cilState k -> k (API.Types.TypeIsRef cilState t this, cilState))
(fun cilState k ->
let this = Types.Cast this method.ReflectedType
x.CommonCall method arguments (Some this) cilState k)
(dispatch rest)
dispatch candidateMethods cilState k
| [MockType _] ->
KeepOnlyMock cilState.state this
invokeMock cilState k
| ConcreteType candidateType :: rest ->
let overridden =
ancestorMethod.ResolveOverrideInType candidateType :?> Method
if overridden.InCoverageZone || candidateType.IsAssignableTo targetType && targetType.Assembly = candidateType.Assembly then
StatedConditionalExecutionCIL cilState
(fun cilState k -> k (API.Types.TypeIsRef cilState candidateType this, cilState))
(fun cilState k ->
let this = Types.Cast this overridden.ReflectedType
x.CommonCall overridden arguments (Some this) cilState k)
(dispatch rest)
dispatch rest cilState k
| MockType _ :: _ ->
| [] ->
__insufficientInformation__ $"Trying to 'CallVirt' method {ancestorMethod} without mocks"
dispatch candidateTypes cilState k

member private x.ConvOvf targetType (cilState : cilState) =
let supersetsOf =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1066,12 +1057,12 @@ type ILInterpreter() as this =
if baseType.IsAbstract || canBeOverriden() || ancestorMethod.IsDelegate then
x.CallAbstract baseType ancestorMethod this args cilState k
let targetMethod = x.ResolveVirtualMethod baseType ancestorMethod
let targetMethod = ancestorMethod.ResolveOverrideInType baseType
if targetMethod.IsAbstract then
x.CallAbstract baseType targetMethod this args cilState k
x.CallAbstract baseType (targetMethod :?> Method) this args cilState k
let this = Types.Cast this targetMethod.ReflectedType
x.CommonCall targetMethod args (Some this) cilState k
x.CommonCall (targetMethod :?> Method) args (Some this) cilState k

// NOTE: there is no need to initialize statics, because they were initialized before ``newobj'' execution
let call (cilState : cilState) k =
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