This analysis uses Climate Data Operators (CDO) in bash and Python.
Python scripts are run on python3. The environment for this analysis is available for installing necessary packages.
Bash scripts are used for coarsening model and observational inputs to the time-frame of this analysis.
Python scripts are used for the detection and attribution analysis, which is built on adapted python code from pinplex.
Python code is labelled as follows:
- ''; the main script for adapting analysis factors
- ''; a sub-routine script for doing some stuff
- ''; a script holding all processing and plotting functiosn for a given analysis
Where an 'analysisname' indicates:
- 'da'; regularized optimal fingerprinting analysis
- 'pca'; EOF analysis
- 'lu'; trend and correlation analysis of LU and treeFrac/cropFrac
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See also the LICENSE file.