Checkout and open project with XCode. You need openssl.framework inside same folder.
All values are defined through Info.plist and used from there.
Set up your environment with your credentials. Please insert your username, password and url here. For obfuscation, please follow our best practice documentation.
[[Statistics instance] username:@"sandbox"];
[[Statistics instance] password:@"sandbox"];
[[Statistics instance] serverFilePath:@""];
This is the global context that you are currently in your application. Just give it a simple name with logical app structure to identify where the user stays.
[[Statistics instance] page:@"Main"];
If you want to request a page with dynamic content, please use this function.
[[Statistics instance] event:@"$action" value:@"$value"];
To capture ads - correspondingly the shown ad.
[[Statistics instance] ads:@"$campain"];
To capture map shifts - correspondingly the new center.
[[Statistics instance] move:$latitude longitude:$longitude];
To capture open websites or documents including the information which page or document has been requested.
[[Statistics instance] open:@"$urlOrName"];
To capture played files including the information which file/action has been played.
[[Statistics instance] play:@"$urlOrName"];
To capture searches including the information for what has been searched.
[[Statistics instance] search:@"$search"];
To capture when the device was shaken.
[[Statistics instance] shake];
To capture typed/touched actions.
[[Statistics instance] touch:@"$action"];
- macOS 11.0
- macOS 10.15
- macOS 10.14
- macOS 10.13
- macOS 10.12
- macOS 10.11
- macOS 10.10
- iOS 14
- iOS 13
- iOS 12
- iOS 11
- iOS 10
- iOS 9
- iOS 8
We have successfully passed the review process already. If you have problems with the review process, please let us know and ask for to solve the issue.