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class ObjectNode

Inherited from: ValueNode.

Required header: <Eclog/ObjectNode.h>

The ObjectNode abstract class represents an object node in a document tree (See Document).

Member classes

Name Description
Element Provides an interface for accessing an element (key-value pair) in the object.
Iterator Provides a STL-style bidirectional iterator for the object.
ConstIterator Provides a STL-style const bidirectional iterator for the object.

Member functions

Name Description
clear Removes all elements.
empty Checks if this object is empty.
size Returns the number of elements.
begin Returns an iterator to the first element.
end Returns an iterator to the past-the-end element.
first Returns the first element.
last Returns the last element.
contains Checks if a specified key exists.
find Finds an element with a specified key.
findNull Finds a null value with a specified key.
findBoolean Finds a Boolean value with a specified key.
findString Finds a string value with a specified key.
findNumber Finds a number value with a specified key.
findObject Finds an object value with a specified key.
findArray Finds an array value with a specified key.
get Gets an element with a specified key.
getValue Gets a value with a specified key.
getNull Gets a null value with a specified key.
getBoolean Gets a Boolean value with a specified key.
getString Gets a string value with a specified key.
getNumber Gets a number value with a specified key.
getObject Gets an object value with a specified key.
getArray Gets an array value with a specified key.
getOrAddValue Gets or adds a value with a specified key.
getOrAddNull Gets or adds a null value with a specified key.
getOrAddBoolean Gets or adds a Boolean value with a specified key.
getOrAddString Gets or adds a string value with a specified key.
getOrAddNumber Gets or adds a number value with a specified key.
getOrAddObject Gets or adds an object value with a specified key.
getOrAddArray Gets or adds an array value with a specified key.
append Inserts an element at the end.
insert Inserts an element before a given position.
appendForce Inserts an element at the end.
insertForce Inserts an element before a given position.
merge Merges a patch object into this object.
remove Removes specified elements.
parse Parses an Eclog text and replaces elements with the parsing result.
render Renders this object and outputs the Eclog text result to a given output stream.
toStdString Renders this object and returns the Eclog text result as a C++ string.
assign Assigns new elements to this object.


virtual void clear();

Removes all elements.

Iterator validity

All iterators related to this object are invalidated, except the end iterators.


Linear in size.


virtual bool empty() const;

Checks if this object is empty.

Return value

bool true if this object is empty, false otherwise.




virtual size_t size() const;

Returns the number of elements.

Return value

size_t Number of elements in this object.




virtual Iterator begin();
virtual ConstIterator begin() const;

Returns an iterator to the first element.

If this object is empty, the returned iterator will be equal to end.

Return value

Iterator Iterator to the first element.

ConstIterator Iterator to the first element.




virtual Iterator end();
virtual ConstIterator end() const;

Returns an iterator to the past-the-end element.

This element acts as a placeholder; attempting to access it results in OutOfRange fault.

Return value

Iterator Iterator to the past-the-end element.

ConstIterator Iterator to the past-the-end element.




Element& first();

Returns the first element.

Return value

Element& Reference to the first element.


An OutOfRange fault occurs if this object is empty.




Element& last();

Returns the last element.

Return value

Element& Reference to the last element.


An OutOfRange fault occurs if this object is empty.




virtual bool contains(cstring key) const;

Checks if the specified key exists.


cstring key Key to search for.

Return value

bool true if the specified key exists, false otherwise.


Logarithmic in size.


virtual Iterator find(cstring key);
virtual ConstIterator find(cstring key) const;

Finds an element with the specified key.


cstring key Key of the element to search for.

Return value

Iterator Iterator to the element if found, end otherwise.

ConstIterator Iterator to the element if found, end otherwise.


Logarithmic in size.

findNull, findBoolean, findString, findNumber, findObject, and findArray

Iterator findNull(cstring key);
ConstIterator findNull(cstring key) const;

Iterator findBoolean(cstring key);
ConstIterator findBoolean(cstring key) const;

Iterator findString(cstring key);
ConstIterator findString(cstring key) const;

Iterator findNumber(cstring key);
ConstIterator findNumber(cstring key) const;

Iterator findObject(cstring key);
ConstIterator findObject(cstring key) const;

Iterator findArray(cstring key);
ConstIterator findArray(cstring key) const;

Finds a value of a specific type with the specified key.


cstring key Key of the element to search for.

Return value

Iterator Iterator to the element if found, end otherwise.

ConstIterator Iterator to the element if found, end otherwise.


Logarithmic in size.


Element& get(cstring key);
const Element& get(cstring key) const;

Gets an element with the specified key.


cstring key Key of the element to search for.

Return value

Element& Reference to the element.

const Element& Reference to the element.


An OutOfRange fault occurs if the specified key does not exist.


Logarithmic in size.


ValueNode& getValue(cstring key);
const ValueNode& getValue(cstring key) const;

Gets a value with the specified key.


cstring key Key of the element to search for.

Return value

ValueNode& Reference to the value node.

const ValueNode& Reference to the value node.


An OutOfRange fault occurs if the specified key does not exist.


Logarithmic in size.

getNull, getBoolean, getString, getNumber, getObject, and getArray

NullNode& getNull(cstring key);
const NullNode& getNull(cstring key) const;

BooleanNode& getBoolean(cstring key);
const BooleanNode& getBoolean(cstring key) const;

StringNode& getString(cstring key);
const StringNode& getString(cstring key) const;

NumberNode& getNumber(cstring key);
const NumberNode& getNumber(cstring key) const;

ObjectNode& getObject(cstring key);
const ObjectNode& getObject(cstring key) const;

ArrayNode& getArray(cstring key);
const ArrayNode& getArray(cstring key) const;

Gets a value with the specified key and casts the value to a specified type of value.


cstring key Key of the element to search for.

Return value

(value node type)& Reference to the value node.

const (value node type)& Reference to the value node.


An OutOfRange fault occurs if the specified key does not exist.

A BadCast fault occurs if the value node is not of the specified type.


Logarithmic in size.


ValueNode& getOrAddValue(const KeyDesc& key,
    const ValueDesc& defaultValue = null);

Gets a value with the specified key, or inserts a value with the specified key at the end, if the key does not exist.


cstring key Key of the element.

const ValueDesc& desc The description of the value to be inserted.

Return value

ValueNode& Reference to the value node.


If an error occurs, this object remains untouched.


Logarithmic in size.

getOrAddNull, getOrAddBoolean, getOrAddString, getOrAddNumber, getOrAddObject, and getOrAddArray

NullNode& getOrAddNull(const KeyDesc& key,
    const Null& defaultValue = null);

BooleanNode& getOrAddBoolean(const KeyDesc& key,
    bool defaultValue = false);

StringNode& getOrAddString(const KeyDesc& key,
    const StringDesc& defaultValue = cstring());

NumberNode& getOrAddNumber(const KeyDesc& key,
    const NumberDesc& defaultValue = 0);

ObjectNode& getOrAddObject(const KeyDesc& key,
    const ObjectDesc& defaultValue = empty_object);

ArrayNode& getOrAddArray(const KeyDesc& key,
    const ArrayDesc& defaultValue = empty_array);

Gets a value with the specified key and casts the value to a specific type, or inserts a value with the specified key at the end, if the key does not exist.


cstring key Key of the element.

bool defaultValue The Boolean value to be inserted.

const StringDesc& defaultValue The description of the string value to be inserted.

const NumberDesc& defaultValue The description of the number value to be inserted.

const ObjectDesc& defaultValue The description of the object value to be inserted.

const ArrayDesc& defaultValue The description of the array value to be inserted.

Return value

(value node type)& Reference to the value node.

const (value node type)& Reference to the value node.


A BadCast fault occurs if the value node is not of the specified type.

If an error occurs, this object remains untouched.


Logarithmic in size.


bool append(const Element& element);
bool append(const KeyNode& key, const ValueNode& value);
bool append(const KeyDesc& key, const ValueNode& value);
bool append(const KeyNode& key, const ValueDesc& value);
bool append(const KeyDesc& key, const ValueDesc& value);

Inserts an element at the end of this object if the specified key does not exist.


const Element& element The element to be inserted.

const KeyNode& key The key to be inserted.

const KeyDesc& key The description of the key to be inserted.

const ValueNode& value The value to be inserted.

const ValueDesc& value The description of the value to be inserted.

Return value

bool true if the insertion took place, false otherwise.


If an error occurs, this object remains untouched.

Iterator validity

No changes.


Logarithmic in size.


virtual Pair<Iterator, bool> insert(Iterator pos,
    const Element& element);

virtual Pair<Iterator, bool> insert(Iterator pos,
    const KeyNode& key, const ValueNode& value);

virtual Pair<Iterator, bool> insert(Iterator pos,
    const KeyDesc& key, const ValueNode& value);

virtual Pair<Iterator, bool> insert(Iterator pos,
    const KeyNode& key, const ValueDesc& value);

virtual Pair<Iterator, bool> insert(Iterator pos,
    const KeyDesc& key, const ValueDesc& value);

Inserts an element before the given position if the specified key does not exist.


Iterator pos Position in this object where the new element will be inserted before.

const Element& element The element to be inserted.

const KeyNode& key The key to be inserted.

const KeyDesc& key The description of the key to be inserted.

const ValueNode& value The value to be inserted.

const ValueDesc& value The description of the value to be inserted.

Return value

Pair<Iterator, bool> A pair consisting of an iterator to the inserted element (or to the element that prevented the insertion) and a Boolean denoting whether the insertion took place.


If an error occurs, this object remains untouched.

Iterator validity

No changes.


Logarithmic in size.


void appendForce(const Element& element);
void appendForce(const KeyNode& key, const ValueNode& value);
void appendForce(const KeyDesc& key, const ValueNode& value);
void appendForce(const KeyNode& key, const ValueDesc& value);
void appendForce(const KeyDesc& key, const ValueDesc& value);

Inserts an element at the end.

After the new element is inserted, an old element with the same key is removed if it exists.


const Element& element The element to be inserted.

const KeyNode& key The key to be inserted.

const KeyDesc& key The description of the key to be inserted.

const ValueNode& value The value to be inserted.

const ValueDesc& value The description of the value to be inserted.


If an error occurs, this object remains untouched.

Iterator validity

No changes.


Logarithmic in size.


virtual Iterator insertForce(Iterator pos,
    const Element& element);

virtual Iterator insertForce(Iterator pos,
    const KeyNode& key, const ValueNode& value);

virtual Iterator insertForce(Iterator pos,
    const KeyDesc& key, const ValueNode& value);

virtual Iterator insertForce(Iterator pos,
    const KeyNode& key, const ValueDesc& value);

virtual Iterator insertForce(Iterator pos,
    const KeyDesc& key, const ValueDesc& value);

Inserts an element before the given position.

After the new element is inserted, an old element with the same key is removed if it exists.


Iterator pos Position in this object where the new element will be inserted before.

const Element& element The element to be inserted.

const KeyNode& key The key to be inserted.

const KeyDesc& key The description of the key to be inserted.

const ValueNode& value The value to be inserted.

const ValueDesc& value The description of the value to be inserted.

Return value

Iterator Iterator to the inserted element.


If an error occurs, this object remains untouched.

Iterator validity

No changes.


Logarithmic in size.


virtual void merge(const ObjectDesc& patch);
virtual void merge(const ObjectNode& patch);

Merges a patch object into this object.

This function follows the processing rules of JSON Merge Patch (RFC 7386), which is described in the following pseudo-code:

    for each key/value pair in patch
        if value is null
            if key exists in this {
                remove the key/value pair from this
        else if value is object
            if this[key] is not object {
                this[key] = empty object

            this[key] = value


const ObjectDesc& patch The description of the patch object.

const ObjectNode& patch The patch object.


If an error occurs, this object remains untouched.

Iterator validity

No changes.


Linear in the number of elements of the patch.


virtual void remove(Iterator pos);
virtual size_t remove(Iterator first, Iterator last);
virtual bool remove(cstring key);

Removes specified elements.


Iterator pos Iterator to the element to be removed.

Iterator first, last Range of elements to be removed.

cstring key Key of the element to be removed.

Return value

size_t Number of removed elements.

bool true if an element was removed, false otherwise.

Iterator validity

Iterators referring to removed elements are invalidated.


Linear in the number of elements to be removed.


virtual void parse(Context& ctx);
virtual void parse(Context& ctx, ErrorCode& ec);
virtual void parse(InputStream& stream);
virtual void parse(InputStream& stream, ErrorCode& ec);
virtual void parse(cstring str);
virtual void parse(cstring str, ErrorCode& ec);
virtual void parse(std::istream& stream);
virtual void parse(std::istream& stream, ErrorCode& ec);
virtual void parse(const std::string& str);
virtual void parse(const std::string& str, ErrorCode& ec);
virtual void parse(const char* str);
virtual void parse(const char* str, ErrorCode& ec);

Parses an Eclog text and replaces elements with the parsing result.


Context& ctx The parsing context.

InputStream& stream The input stream to be parsed.

cstring str The text string to be parsed.

std::istream& stream The input stream to be parsed.

const std::string& str The text string to be parsed.

const char* str The text string to be parsed.

ErrorCode& ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.


If an error occurs, this object remains untouched.

Iterator validity

All iterators related to this object are invalidated, except the end iterators.


virtual void render(OutputStream& stream) const;
virtual void render(OutputStream& stream, ErrorCode& ec) const;
virtual void render(OutputStream& stream, const RendererConfig& rc) const;
virtual void render(OutputStream& stream, const RendererConfig& rc, ErrorCode& ec) const;
virtual void render(std::ostream& stream) const;
virtual void render(std::ostream& stream, ErrorCode& ec) const;
virtual void render(std::ostream& stream, const RendererConfig& rc) const;
virtual void render(std::ostream& stream, const RendererConfig& rc, ErrorCode& ec) const;

Renders this object and outputs the Eclog text result to the given output stream.


OutputStream& stream The output stream to write to.

std::ostream& stream The output stream to write to.

const RendererConfig& rc The renderer configuration.

ErrorCode& ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.


std::string toStdString() const;
std::string toStdString(ErrorCode& ec) const;
std::string toStdString(const RendererConfig& rc) const;
std::string toStdString(const RendererConfig& rc, ErrorCode& ec) const;

Renders this object and returns the Eclog text result as a C++ string.


const RendererConfig& rc The renderer configuration.

ErrorCode& ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.

Return value

std::string The Eclog text result.


virtual void assign(const ObjectDesc& desc);
virtual void assign(const ObjectNode& other);

Assigns new elements to this object, replacing its current elements.


const ObjectDesc& desc An object description.

const ObjectNode& other Another object.


If an error occurs, this object remains untouched.

Iterator validity

All iterators related to this object are invalidated, except the end iterators.


Linear in the number of elements to be removed and to be copied.