Script to convert cisco load balancer config to A10 load balancer config
This program needs the python virtual environment to be activated to add all the dependencies to run the program.
Navigate to the location of the script.
Run this command to activate the python virtual environment
user@root:~$ source /parse_env/bin/activate
- To run the server searchable based Cisco to A10 converter run:
user@root:~$ python3
- To run the content/website searchable based Cisco to A10 converter run:
user@root:~$ python3
- To create the json file of cisco configs run:
user@root:~$ python3
- To create a10 configs from the json file run:
user@root:~$ python3
cfg.json: json file of all attributes extracted from cisco config
a10_complete_config.txt : complete a10 configs file
a10_groups.txt: a10 groups configs
a10_services.txt: a10 services configs
a10_vips.txt: a10 virtual IPs configs
ping_list.txt: list of public IPs to ping
suspend_list.txt: cisco configs to suspend services
logs.txt: log file with list of converted websites and keepsalive status
- backend methods for processing
- server searchable configuration converter
- website/content searchable configuration builder
- cisco to json converter based on website
- json to A10 config builder based on website