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A simple RISC-V CPU written in Verilog.



This is an undergraduate Digital Logic Design course assignment. The task is to design and implement a processor based on the RISC-V instruction set using Verilog, with a requirement to implement some instructions from the RV32I instruction set. The expected outcome is that executing test scripts will yield correct output results.



  • Design and implement a single-cycle 32-bit RISC-V processor;
  • 设计实现一款单周期的32位RISC-V处理器;
  • Improve the processor from single-cycle to multi-cycle;
  • 在单周期RISC-V处理器的基础上进行改进,实现多周期的RISC-V处理器;
    • Single-issue, 5-stages pipelining;
    • 单发射、五级流水线;
    • Data forwarding, and pipeline blocking;
    • 实现数据转发、流水线阻塞;
    • Branch Prediction (optional).
    • 分支预测(选做);
  • Use Modelsim for simulation and verification, and observe the corresponding signal waveforms;
  • 使用Modelsim进行仿真验证,查看相应信号波形;
  • Use Vivado for synthesis, optimize timing as much as possible (optimize);
  • 使用Vivado对代码进行综合,尽可能的优化时序(选做);
  • Executing test scripts to obtain correct output results.
  • 运行测试指令,得到正确的输出结果。


Instruction Opcode Funct3 Funct6/7
add 0110011 000 0000000
addi 0010011 000 N/A
sub 0110011 000 0100000
and 0110011 111 0000000
or 0110011 110 0000000
xor 0110011 100 0000000
blt 1100111 100 N/A
beq 1100111 000 N/A
jal 1101111 N/A N/A
sll 0110011 001 0000000
srl 0110011 101 0000000
lw 0000011 010 N/A
sw 0100011 010 N/A


Only if.v and register.v is sequential circuit.

if.v (single cycle)

  • PC (Program Counter) normally increments by 4 each cycle;
  • 程序计数器PC在正常情况下,每个周期加4;
  • PC value is sent to inst_mem as the address for fetching instructions, and the fetched instructions are directly passed to the decode module;
  • PC值送入inst_mem作为指令的地址,将取得的指令直接送入译码模块;
  • If the current instruction is a conditional branch instruction (e.g., beq, blt) or an unconditional jump instruction (jal), the PC needs to be updated to the target address of the jump instruction if the branch condition is met.
  • 如果当前的指令是条件分支指令(beq,blt)或直接跳转指令(jal),当分支成立时,PC需要更新为跳转指令的目标地址。

Signal Bit width Function
ce 1 Chip select signal, high level enable inst_mem
addr 32 instruction address
inst 32 instruction

id.v (single cycle)

  • Decode the fetched instruction to determine the specific ALUop based on opcode, funct3, and funct7.
  • 对取到的指令进行译码,根据opcode, funct3, funct7确定具体的ALUop;
  • Determine if there is a need to read from registers. If so, send the register numbers rs1 and rs2 to the register file to read the corresponding data as source operands.
  • 判断是否需要读寄存器,把要读取的寄存器号rs1,rs2 送入register file,读取相应的数据作为源操作数;
  • Determine if there is a need to write to a register. Output the destination register number rd and the write-enable flag for register write-back.
  • 判断是否需要写寄存器,输出目标寄存器号rd、写寄存器标志,用于寄存器回写;
  • Check if a branch instruction is taken, and compute the jump address (this can also be implemented in ex.v).
  • 判断分支指令是否成立,并计算跳转地址(也可以在ex.v中实现);
  • For instructions with immediate values, perform sign extension (or no-sign extension, as specified in the spec file) to use as one of the source operands.
  • 对含有立即数的指令进行符号扩展(或无符号扩展,具体参考spec文件),作为其中的一个源操作数。
Instruction opcode funct3 funct7 ALUop
add 0110011 000 0000000 000001
sub 0110011 000 0100000 000010
sll 0110011 001 0000000 000011
jal 1101111 N/A N/A 000100

ex.v (single cycle)

  • Use the ALUop and the two source operands decoded in id.v to perform the corresponding operation;
  • 根据id.v中译码所得的ALUop和两个源操作数,进行相应的操作;
  • If ALUop indicates that it's an addition operation, the two operands will be added; the sub operation can be implemented by complement.
  • 如果ALUop表明是加法操作,则将两个操作数相加;减法操作可以通过加补码实现。

ALUop Operation
000001 +
000011 <<
000010 -

mem.v (single cycle)

  • If the instruction is lw, read 32-bit data from data_mem;
  • 指令是lw指令,则从data_mem中读取32bit的数据;
  • If the instruction is sw, write 32-bit data to data_mem;
  • 指令是sw指令,则向data_ mem中写入32bit的数据;
  • For other instructions, no operation is performed.
  • 如果是其他指令,则不做操作。
Signal Bit width Function
ce 1 Chip select signal, high level enable inst_mem
we 1 Write into data_mem at high level and read from data_mem at low level
addr 32 Address signal
data_i 32 the data which need to write into data_mem
data_o 32 the data which is from data_mem


  • When reading rs1 or rs2, fetch data from the register file using the addresses of rs1 and rs2;
  • 当需要读取rs1,rs2时,根据rs1,rs2的地址从register file中读取数据;
  • When writing to rd, write data to the register file at the address of rd;
  • 当需要写入rd时,根据rd的地址往register file中写入数据
  • Writing data to the register file uses sequential logic, meaning data is written on the next clock rising edge, while reading data from the register file uses combinational logic;
  • 往register file中写数据的操作采用时序逻辑,即在下一个时钟上升沿写入数据,从register file中读取数据采用组合逻辑;
  • In RISC-V, X0 is a zero register. When the destination register rd is X0, the data is not actually written to X0;
  • RISC-V中X0为恒零寄存器,当目标寄存器rd为X0时,数据实际不会被写入X0;
  • If the read register signal and write register signal are both active simultaneously, and the read address and write address are the same, the data to be written can be directly output as read data, implementing data forwarding.
  • 如果读寄存器信号与写寄存器信号同时有效,并且读地址与写地址相同,此时则可以将要写入的数据直接输出为读数据,实现数据转发。

stall.v (5 stages)

  • When data hazards cannot be resolved through data forwarding, pipeline stalls are introduced;
  • 当数据冒险无法通过数据转发解决,使流水暂停;
  • Collect stall request signals between stages; if a stall request is issued by a stage, all sequential logic circuits before that stage are stalled.
  • 从各级之间收集stall请求信号,如果某级发出stall请求,则将该级前面所有的时序电路暂停。

if_id.v (5 stages)

  • Sequential logic: Pass the PC value and inst. During pipeline stalls, pc and inst remain unchanged; when a branch is taken, pc and inst are cleared.
  • 时序逻辑: 传递PC值和inst。流水线阻塞时,pc和inst保持不变;分支成立时,pc和inst清零。

id_ex.v (5 stages)

  • Sequential logic: Pass the ·ALUop·, source operands, destination register address, and write register flag obtained from decoding in id.v;
  • 时序逻辑: 传递id.v中译码得到的ALUop,源操作数,目标寄存器地址,写寄存器标志等信号。
  • During pipeline stalls, these signals remain unchanged or are Bubbled.
  • 流水线阻塞时,以上信号保持不变或清零。

ex_mem.v (5 stages)

  • Sequential logic: Pass the result data computed in ex.v, destination register address, and write register flag;
  • 时序逻辑: 传递ex.v中计算得到的结果数据,目标寄存器地址,写寄存器标志等信号。
  • During pipeline stalls, these signals remain unchanged or are Bubbled.
  • 流水线阻塞时,以上信号保持不变或清零。

mem_wb.v (5 stages)

  • Sequential logic: Pass the result data to be written to the register, destination register address, and write register flag.
  • 时序逻辑: 传递要写入寄存器的结果数据,目标寄存器地址,写寄存器标志等信号。


  • Deadline: Dec 29, 2019 (Sunday)