I began my programming journey in 2020 during college, focusing on Python and Data Science. Over the years, I’ve delved into various technologies and projects, always striving to learn and adapt to market demands. In 2024, I shifted my focus to become a Full-stack developer, expanding my skills in both frontend and backend development. Currently, I work with technologies like React, Node.js, TypeScript, C#, .NET, and PostgreSQL, while also exploring DevOps tools like Docker. I’m passionate about creating complete, functional, and efficient solutions, and I’m always looking for new challenges to further enhance my skills.
My academic and professional journey has included solving complex exercises in Python, TS and .NET, which is evident in my repositories SistemaCadastroAPAM
, PyHolofotes
and NLWPoket
. I am constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities to expand my skills and knowledge.