Releases: Verlihub/ledokol
[ 6] Fixed: Chat replacer feature now replaces all occurrences of an entry instead of first only
[ 6] Fixed: Possible error when unloading Lua plugin, report by KCAHDEP
[ 11] Fixed: Search filter block list was never blocking
[ 12] Fixed: Escape of special characters in chat messages from other scripts, report by KCAHDEP
[ 12] Fixed: Incorrect position of next word in chat replacer, report by KCAHDEP
[ 13] Fixed: Error when settings some configurations to empty value
[ 5] Added: Support for new VH_OnParsedMsgSupports callback
[ 8] Added: Search filter actions 8 and 9 to block all next search requests from user, action 8 is silent
[ 9] Added: Chat replacer exception types, 0 = nick, 1 = IP and 2 = LRE, request by KCAHDEP
[ 10] Added: Hub URL to user information when available
[ 11] Added: sefiblockdel to delete user from search filter block list on logout
[ 11] Added: sefibllist command to show users in search filter block list
[ 11] Added: sefibldel command to delete users from search filter block list
[ 14] Added: Take advantage of VH_OnSetConfig callback if supported by hub
[ 15] Added: Support for opchat_to_all script command, external scripts can use this to send operator chat history line to Ledokol
[ 16] Added: Requirement to gain some uptime in order to use public and private chats and related commands
[ 16] Added: Notification on low registration, search and chat uptimes
[ 7] Removed: Infected user redirect to AVDB quarantine hub
[ 0] Fixed: Skip repeated main chat history messages from same user
[ 0] Fixed: Chat replacer feature now replaces all possible occurrences instead of first random only
[ 0] Fixed: Keep letter case sensitivity in messages that are being replaced, report by KCAHDEP
[ 4] Fixed: Missing feed notifications in operator chat history when sender nick is not operator chat, report by KCAHDEP
[ 0] Changed: chatantiflood is not used for chat flood detection type anymore, use each type configurations instead
[ 0] Added: replprotect configuration to protect users from chat replacer feature, request by KCAHDEP
[ 0] Added: custlistclass configuration to restrict users from using custlist and realnick commands, request by KCAHDEP
[ 0] Added: Involved user information such as nick, IP address and class in all PM action notifications, request by KCAHDEP
[ 0] Added: reluseclass configuration to restrict users from using rellist and relfind commands, request by KCAHDEP
[ 0] Added: Main chat flood detection from single user with high interval
[ 0] Added: Disable any type of chat flood detection by setting any of its *count or *int configurations to 0
[ 0] Added: Notify user when his message is ignored on main chat flood from all detection
[ 0] Added: Public bot message support to use in main chat history, idea by SCALOlаz
[ 0] Added: Support for chat_to_all script command, external scripts can use this to send main chat history line to Ledokol
[ 1] Added: Build number starting from 1 to increase on every development and release update, request by Uhlik
[ 2] Added: rcmenuoff command to disable or enable right click menu item
[ 3] Added: Send script build number in all AVDB requests to help determine version specific issues
[ 4] Added: Operator chat history stores messages on class basis allowing to save feed notificiations, idea by KCAHDEP
Fixed: rename command parameters when used from user menu, report by KCAHDEP
Fixed: Pingers can use +report command in PM to hub security bot when gag is set, report by KCAHDEP
Fixed: Incorrect IP in connect request notification
Fixed: Class number check on reglist command
Fixed: Don't allow forced infected user detection on users who don't share anything, report by KCAHDEP
Added: Save hub messages from operator chat bot in operator chat history, requires VH_OnOpChatMessage callback, request by KCAHDEP
Added: Turkish language, thanks to Mauron
Added: langfileprefix country code validation, also allows use of full country names in English
Added: User log search by country code
Fixed: Missing $OpList command separator, report by PPK
Fixed: Missing built in right click menu items, report by Uhlik
Changed: Hublist user lookup now accepts type parameter such as nick, desc, tag, conn, mail, share and ip
Added: Antispam debug option to see which entry caused detection
Added: histdel command to delete history messages by text, request by KCAHDEP
Added: Use custom nicks in all chatroom broadcasts when available
Added: Regular and country code chatroom history, request by KCAHDEP