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Releases: Verlihub/ledokol

16 Dec 13:28
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[139] Fixed: Errors on reloading Lua plugin, report by KCAHDEP
[141] Fixed: Skip parsing +me command when mainchat_class is set, thanks to Gabriel
[141] Fixed: Skip hub bots when detecting clones, thanks to Gabriel
[136] Added: Blacklist feature, similar to but less advanced, allows to import lists from
[137] Added: Hard IP ban now supports single IP, IP range or LRE and ability to disable items aswell as importing from
[138] Added: hbanfeedint and blistfeedint configurations to delay blacklist and hard IP ban notifications in minutes
[140] Added: System ban feature, requires IPTables and super user, use with caution if other rules defined
[142] Added: votekickregdays configuration as number of days user has to be registered before using vote kicks
[140] Improved: Translation parameter count mismatch, thanks to PWiAM

11 Dec 20:28
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[121] Fixed: AVDB update process when items were deleted from database
[129] Fixed: NMDC status in user information
[132] Fixed: SQL syntax when adding indexes
[134] Fixed: MCTo command syntax
[111] Added: cleanallbangags configuration to clean all gag lists on cleanallban hub command, request by FAUST
[112] Added: Hard ban cache list
[113] Added: IP intelligence result to ipinfo command
[114] Added: avkickhide configuration to hide antivirus kicks, requires Verlihub
[118] Added: Complete user MyINFO identified by "info" to forbidden MyINFO checks
[120] Added: AVDB verbosity level 4 available only for class 10 users
[122] Added: Optional reason and time parameters to gagipadd command and ipgagdefmins configuration for default time in minutes where zero means forever, request by KCAHDEP
[123] Added: Support for Verlihub time as time and interval parameters, request by KCAHDEP and Master
[124] Added: ASN gag, similar to city gag, request by Master and KCAHDEP
[125] Added: ipgagtoself and ipgagnochat configurations, request by Master and KCAHDEP
[127] Added: New GeoIP country codes
[128] Added: chatintelcheckcmd configuration to detect public proxy on users commands, request by KCAHDEP
[130] Added: Script command is_ip_proxy and ip_is_proxy reply
[131] Added: User logger parameters stat and tls
[133] Added: antitest command to test match of specified text
[135] Added: Proxy protection list, request by KCAHDEP
[110] Improved: UTF-8 detection in avdetforce command when avdetforceconv is enabled
[112] Improved: Allow to use class 0 in command permissions
[115] Improved: Magnet parameter is optional in release bot, request by barrow
[116] Improved: User information MyINFO status
[117] Improved: Always include path in AVDB reports
[119] Improved: Workaround for FlylinkDC++ that sets passive mode for its second clone
[126] Improved: SQL optimization

10 Jan 19:52
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  • [ 87] Fixed: Properly unload script when called by hub
  • [ 90] Fixed: Public proxy lookup for hubs with different locale and decimal separator, report by Master
  • [ 91] Fixed: Faster rank table cleanup when disabling, report by KCAHDEP
  • [ 93] Fixed: Correctly send main chat messages to users in chat list only, report by Delion
  • [ 93] Fixed: User IP in chat feature now relies on user_ip_class configuration when possible
  • [ 94] Fixed: Automated replace consequence, probably first of
  • [ 95] Fixed: Lua error, report by KCAHDEP
  • [ 98] Fixed: Display of default port in links with non standard protocols in frienly hublist
  • [100] Fixed: Cut down too long string in user logger
  • [103] Fixed: Lua 5.4 now pushes booleans correctly
  • [106] Fixed: Antivirus search server
  • [104] Changed: Clone detection is performed using all MyINFO and IP parameters instead of only IP and share size
  • [ 88] Added: Secure connection information to user information
  • [ 89] Added: TLS version information to user information
  • [ 89] Added: badpassbanmult configuration to multiply incorrect password ban time each time, request by KCAHDEP
  • [ 91] Added: Remove kick vote when voter is logging out, request by KCAHDEP
  • [ 91] Added: Set chatintelon to 2 to notify logged in users previously detected as public proxy
  • [ 92] Added: avdetclass configuration to separate antivirus command restriction
  • [ 96] Added: ulogouttime configuration to disable logout time recording for user logger
  • [ 98] Added: setuserip command for temporary IP change
  • [101] Added: Support for other hub protocols in seen command results
  • [102] Added: User uptime ranking
  • [105] Added: Timeout variables chatintelreqtime and chatintelreqwait for public proxy lookup
  • [105] Added: Search filter block script command sefi_user_block
  • [106] Added: AVDB detection script command avdb_user_detect
  • [107] Added: ledobotdesc configuration for custom main bot description
  • [108] Added: timebotdesc configuration for custom time bot description
  • [109] Added: avdetforceconv configuration for conversion of parameters from UTF-8 into hub encoding
  • [ 97] Removed: Predefined MySQL character set, collation and engine to use system defaults

10 Mar 11:57
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  • [ 75] Fixed: User log list contains wrong country code for given IP address
  • [ 84] Changed: Ledokol user agent for HTTP requests to Mozilla compatible
  • [ 71] Added: AVDB detection connection block message delay to avoid flood, report by KCAHDEP
  • [ 72] Added: Main chat history search functionality
  • [ 73] Added: Client NMDC version, supports and user logout time fields to user logger, request by dimetro
  • [ 74] Added: Command logger search functionality, request by KCAHDEP
  • [ 74] Added: Replace asterisk with spam message in antimessage configuration, request by KCAHDEP
  • [ 76] Added: cloneinfo command to list online user clones
  • [ 77] Added: Separate command menu item for cleanup of registered users table, request by KCAHDEP
  • [ 78] Added: Also remove user from Ledokol tables when cleaning up registered users table, request by KCAHDEP
  • [ 79] Added: More features to release bot
  • [ 80] Added: Support for new script commands required for cooperation with Blacklist script
  • [ 81] Added: Vote kicks are checked against voters IP address, request by KCAHDEP
  • [ 82] Added: Allow custom URL protocol in friendly hublist, request by Alexandr
  • [ 82] Added: clonemove command to redirect all online user clones except first one to specified address
  • [ 83] Added: Search result filter as an addition to search request filter
  • [ 83] Added: Public proxy lookup for chat messages, similar to Blacklist functionality
  • [ 85] Added: Search request duplicate filter, request by KCAHDEP
  • [ 86] Added: ledocofi command to find configuration variables

19 Feb 12:47
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  • [ 63] Fixed: Operator list appearance after removing user with opkeyclass condition, report by KCAHDEP
  • [ 64] Added: CTM uptime with actions
  • [ 65] Added: More keywords to AVDB search server requests
  • [ 65] Added: Optional path parameter to avdetforce command
  • [ 66] Added: Command notification for custom nick change, request by KCAHDEP
  • [ 67] Added: Main chat rank prize as higher user class defined by configuration, idea by Foxtrot
  • [ 68] Added: Updated country code list after MaxMindDB names
  • [ 69] Added: Search and CTM uptime user message control, request by KCAHDEP


05 Nov 11:40
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[ 47] Fixed: User logger command parameters when searched string is a number
[ 49] Fixed: Country code gag reason parameter could not be empty, report by KCAHDEP
[ 53] Fixed: Invalid comparison of number of days parameter in registered users list cleanup command
[ 58] Fixed: Fake operator key not disappearing after setting a lower class on user, report by sirtrifanoff
[ 58] Changed: VIP kicks are again made with bot nick due to rights restriction and command reservation in Verlihub, report by sirtrifanoff
[ 48] Added: Separate feed for search filter notifications
[ 50] Added: Antispam debug uses operator note to specify entry that caused detection when user is banned, request by KCAHDEP
[ 51] Added: sefiblockmsg configuration to disable block list notification
[ 52] Added: WHOIS lookup using system command
[ 54] Added: History cleanup type parameter, request by Mank
[ 55] Added: Disability of automatic country chatroom entrance with code --, request by Pasha
[ 56] Added: GeoIP ASN information to userinfo and ipinfo commands
[ 57] Added: autosendhelp configuration to disable display of command list on hub help command, request by Reanimator®
[ 59] Added: norepltoops configuration to disable chat replacer in PM to operators, request by sirtrifanoff
[ 60] Added: City gag feature, request by sirtrifanoff
[ 61] Added: Chat code feed notification, request by Alexandr
[ 62] Added: Chat replacer can be removed by LRE, request by sirtrifanoff


22 May 10:31
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[ 36] Fixed: Errors on configuration conversion from string to number and vice versa, report by Alexandr
[ 38] Fixed: Lua 5.3 number to string conversions in MySQL queries
[ 39] Fixed: Missing default password value when adding new PM block entry
[ 37] Added: Optional reason to country code gag
[ 40] Added: Optional filter parameter to word ranks command, request by Meka][Meka
[ 41] Added: Split help texts and send on hub help command execution
[ 42] Added: Replacer debug configuration repldebug, request by KCAHDEP
[ 43] Added: IP gag now supports single IP, range or LRE, request by KCAHDEP
[ 44] Added: Forbidden chat nick MyINFO check
[ 45] Added: Column support to Team Elite hublist user search
[ 46] Added: Default type and limit parameters to user logger command, idea by Lord_Zero


12 Feb 12:00
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[ 29] Fixed: Error on registered users list cleanup when using * as number of days, report by KCAHDEP
[ 32] Fixed: Error in forbidden country code exception notification
[ 33] Fixed: More Lua 5.3 number to string conversion errors, report by Zorro
[ 35] Fixed: More Lua 5.3 number to string conversion errors, report by KCAHDEP
[ 27] Added: Support for Lua 5.3 number to string conversion
[ 28] Added: More support for Lua 5.3
[ 30] Added: Class parameter to operator chat message script command
[ 34] Added: Support for delayed protocol messages, requires Verlihub version
[ 27] Improved: Translation speed by parsing language file only once and storing it as a table
[ 31] Improved: Search filter cache for better performance, request by FlylinkDC and KCAHDEP
[ 32] Improved: Forbidden MyINFO cache for better performance, idea by FlylinkDC and KCAHDEP


24 Dec 11:30
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[ 26] Fixed: Chat replacer exception of long words, report by Nickel
[ 24] Changed: regmeuptime to number of seconds instead of minutes
[ 23] Added: hubnews command lines parameter is now optional and defaults to newsdeflines configuration, request by Mank
[ 25] Added: readlog command lines parameter is now optional and defaults to 100, request by Mank

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year


31 Aug 11:33
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[ 17] Fixed: Tag parser with lowercase version identifier, report by Uhlik
[ 20] Fixed: Bypass ban notification on old Verlihub to avoid error due to missing arguments, report by Mank
[ 21] Fixed: Welcome messages not being added with MySQL server version 5.7 and above, report by Men_VAf, S0RiN and Tzaca
[ 22] Fixed: New ALTER TABLE syntax since MySQL version 5.7, thanks to Frog
[ 18] Added: respskiplast configuration to skip last used chat responder, request by Uhlik
[ 18] Added: resplist command now accepts optional search pattern, request by Uhlik
[ 19] Added: history, myhistory and ophistory commands lines parameter is now optional and defaults to histdeflines configuration, request by Mank