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Model for LoRa networks with single or multiple gateways, quasi-orthogonality considerations, duty-cycling and channel variations.


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This repository is the implementation of the model described in "Modeling Communication Reliability in LoRa Networks with Device-level Accuracy" presented at INFOCOM 2021. The model allows to quickly obtain an estimate of the delivery ratio of each node in a user-specified LoRa network. The model calculates the delivery ratio per node by taking into account several key factors: quasi-orthogonal spreading factors, capture effect, duty cycling and channel variation due to fading. For more details, please read the paper. If you use the model, please cite:

Verónica Toro-Betancur, Gopika Premsankar, Mariusz Slabicki and Mario Di Francesco, "Modeling Communication Reliability in LoRa Networks with Device-level Accuracy," IEEE INFOCOM 2021 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 2021, pp. 1-10, doi: 10.1109/INFOCOM42981.2021.9488783.

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  author={Toro-Betancur, Verónica and Premsankar, Gopika and Slabicki, Mariusz and Di Francesco, Mario},
  booktitle={IEEE INFOCOM 2021 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications}, 
  title={Modeling Communication Reliability in LoRa Networks with Device-level Accuracy}, 

Setting the environment

We recommend using a Python virtual environment to run the code. Please follow the instructions using the package manager of your choice: Conda or pip.


To set the environment using Conda, simply run the following to create a Conda environment called lora-env.

conda config --append channels conda-forge
conda create --name lora-env --file requirements.txt


If you prefer to set the environment using pip, you can do so as follows. This was last tested with Python version 3.7.4 and 3.8.11.

First, create the pip virtual environment (here, the environment is called .lora-env and will be created in a folder with the same name):

python -m venv .lora-env

Activate it

source .lora-env/bin/activate

And install the dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

To deactivate the environment, simply run:



Clone the repository:

git clone

From the src/ folder you can run the model. That is, first run

cd directory_where_LoRa-model_was_cloned/LoRa-model/src/

Then, run the model:

python [options]

You can also make executable and avoid calling Python every time. For a complete list of options run

python --help

There are three options that must always be specified:

  • -s: Spreading Factor (SF) assignment strategy. It can be either random or minimum
  • -t: Transmission Power (TP) assignment strategy. It can be either random, minimum or maximum
  • -d: Directory where the config file is located. See below for more details on the config file
python -s random -t minimum -d path_to_config_file

Config file

You can run the model in both, uniform scenarios or user-specified networks, as follows:

Uniform scenarios

In uniform scenarios, nodes are uniformly distributed around gateways. Users can specify the number of nodes, the number of gateways, locations of gateway(s) and distance (radius) within which nodes are deployed. Specify the parameters in the file network_config_files/network_config.ini. For instance, for a network with 2 gateways located at coordinates (500 m, 500 m) and (1000 m, 500 m), 50 nodes deployed around each gateway within a radius of 500 m from both gateways, a sample is provided below. Note that the parameters sizeX and sizeY define the whole deployment area, such that all nodes are contained in a rectangle of sizes sizeX and sizeY. Moreover, under [network], the total numNodes must be equal to the sum of numNodes deployed around each gateway.

sizeX = 1500
sizeY = 1000
numNodes = 100
numGateways = 2

numNodes = 50
xLocation = 500
yLocation = 500
radius = 500

numNodes = 50
xLocation = 1000
yLocation = 500
radius = 500

To run the model with the network specifications in the file called network_config.ini, inside the folder network_config_files/:

python -s minimum -t maximum -d ../network_config_files/network_config.ini

User-specified networks

For a custom network, you must specify the location of all the nodes in the same format used in the example file in the network_ini_files/ folder. Moreover, if you would like to specify the SF and TP of all nodes, you can do so in the same format as in the example file provided in this repository. Additionally, you must enable the -sno flag when running the code. This flag indicates whether the SFs and TPs are in the network pickle file.

python -s minimum -t maximum -d ../network_config_files/custom_network.ini -sno 1

Even though the -s and -t flags have no effect in this case, they must always be entered. Note that the format of the INI files are based on the config files used in the FloRa simulator.

Saving your results

After running the model, you will only get the Overall delivery ratio per node printed in the terminal. However, if you would like to store the delivery ratio per node in a numpy file, then you must specify the path and file name you want to create with the results, using the option -df. Remember to include the file extension .npy. If such a file already exists, the results will be overwritten.

python -s minimum -t maximum -d ../network_config_files/network_config.ini -df results.npy 

Changing parameters

You would probably like to run the model with different channel and traffic parameters. To set the channel settings, you should modify the definition of self._pld0, self._d0, self._gamma and self._sigma in src/ This model uses a lognormal path loss model, where

  • self._pld0 is the mean pathloss at distance self._d0,
  • self._gamma is the pathloss exponent and
  • self._sigma is the standard deviation of a Gaussian variable with zero mean that models the channel variations.

For a different average sending rate, i.e., the average rate at which the LoRa devices send packets, you should set the variable arrival_rate in src/

The duty-cycle restriction can also be modified through the variable self._dutyCycle in src/ A duty-cycle of 0.01 means that the devices can only be active for 1% of the time.


Model for LoRa networks with single or multiple gateways, quasi-orthogonality considerations, duty-cycling and channel variations.







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