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vermock module

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Tired of mocking libraries with cumbersome APIs? Frustrated with numerous and complicated options? Looking for a mock that works well with a composite of small interfaces or loves high ordered functions? Introducing vermock, the simple mocking support that will enthusiastically accept a function that can be tailored to any bespoke test case. vermock is guided by a central principle: test code must have full control of the code that runs in the mocked object. This means mock behaviour has access to anything in the test fixture and the testing.T value. This module provides a number functions that can be used as building blocks for your own mocks.


To use the vermock module, ensure it is installed and imported in your project.

import vermock ""

To use the vermockgen command, simply run go run:

go run

After running vermockgen for the first time, go generate can be used to regenerate generated files:

go generate

Basic Usage

  1. Define an Interface

Create one or more interfaces that your mock needs to satisfy. For example:

package my

type Getter interface {
	Get(key string) (any, bool)

type Putter interface {
	Put(key string, value any) error
  1. Create a Mock Implementation

Implement the interface with mock methods. For example:

type mockObject struct {
	_ byte // prevent zero-sized type

func (m *mockObject) Get(key string) (any, bool) {
	return vermock.Call2[any, bool](m, "Get", key)

func (m *mockObject) Put(key string, value any) error {
	return vermock.Call1[error](m, "Put", key, value)

Note that vermock.New will panic if a zero-sized type is constructed more than once.

  1. (Optional) Define Helpers

Implement Expect functions for greater readability. For example:

func ExpectGet(delegate func(testing.TB, string) (any, bool)) func(*mockObject) {
	return vermock.Expect[mockObject]("Get", delegate)

func ExpectPut(delegate func(testing.TB, string, any) error) func(*mockObject) {
	return vermock.Expect[mockObject]("Put", delegate)
  1. Using the Mock in Tests

Create a mock instance in your test and use it as needed. For instance:

func TestObject(t *testing.T) {
	m := vermock.New(t,
	vermock.ExpectGet(func(t testing.TB, key string) (any, bool) {
		// Define your mock's behaviour
	vermock.ExpectPut(func(t testing.TB, key string, value any) error {
		// Define your mock's behaviour

	// Use the mock instance in your test

	// Assert that all expected methods were called
	vermock.AssertExpectedCalls(t, m)

Using vermockgen

Alternatively, creating a mock implementation and associated helpers can be automated with vermockgen. Instead of implementing all the methods of your mock, simply declare the interfaces you want your mock to satisfy in an ordinary go file and let vermockgen do the rest.

To continue the example from above this file would look like:

//go:build vermockstub

package my

type mockObject struct {

This is an ordinary go source file with a special build tag: vermockstub. After running vermockgen (see Installation above) a new file called vermock_gen.go will be created with a new definition of mockObject (the build tag ensures that these two definitions do not collide) containing all the generated methods and functions.

Beyond Basic Usage

Be sure to checkout the Examples in the tests.

Expect Variants

In addition to the vermock.Expect function, which corresponds to a single call of a method, there is also vermock.ExpectMany, which will consume all remaining calls of a method.

Expect functions accepts a delegate function that matches the signature of the named method. The delegate may also accept a *testingT or testing.TB value as the first argument. This the same testing.T that was used to construct the mock (first argument to vermock.New). In addition, ExpectMany optionally accepts the method's call count.

Ordered Calls

The vermock.ExpectInOrder will ensure that calls occur in a specified order. For example, this will fail if Put is called before Get:

vermock.New(t, vermock.ExpectInOrder(vermock.Expect("Get", ...), vermock.Expect("Put", ...)))


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