This is a Hugo blog project built with a focus on modern web development technologies. It leverages TypeScript for type safety, Sass for advanced CSS, and Hugo's powerful Go backend for its built-in pagination and speed.
- Built with Hugo (static site generator)
- Leverages TypeScript for type safety and maintainability
- Employs Sass for enhanced CSS features and maintainability
├── archetypes/ # Content templates for different post types
├── content/ # Markdown files containing your blog posts
├── layouts/ # HTML templates for different page layouts
├── public/ # Output directory for the generated static site
├── static/ # Project-wide static assets (images, fonts, etc.)
└── config.toml # Hugo configuration file
Clone the repository:
git clone
Utilisez ce code avec précaution.
Follow the official Hugo quick start guide
Regenerate the static site in /public hugo
Run development server hugo server
This will start a development server and open your blog in the default web browser (usually http://localhost:1313/). Any changes you make to your content or templates will be automatically reflected in the browser.
Add a new page using the default template hugo new content
The project is currently in development, and some features are still on the to-do list
Implement a working search system
Migrate from CSS to Sass for enhanced styling capabilities
Fully convert the project from JavaScript to TypeScript for improved type safety
This project is a derivative of It leverages the same basic structure but introduces additional technologies (TypeScript, Sass) for an enhanced development experience.
Feel free to customize this with your specific project details and instructions.