This project was developed while I was studying 'Software Architecture: Model, Service and Controller' at Trybe Programming School.
In this project I developed an application for sales management. By using it, it's possible to create, view, update, and delete products and sales.
Regular deadline: June 12, 2023 at 2:00 pm
🏗 Project structure
The files created by me are in project-store-manager/backend/src/
- In the folder 📁
there are the files responsible for receiving all user requests and controlling what will be shown to the user. - In the folder 📁
there are the files responsible for doing the business rules. - In the folder 📁
there are the files responsible for connect to the database. - In the folder 📁
there are the files responsible for defining routes. - In the folder 📁
there are the files responsible for the validations. - In the folder 📁
there are the files with auxiliary functions.
The created endpoints are:
- GET /products
- GET /products/:id
- GET /sales
- GET /sales/:id
- POST /products
- POST /sales
- PUT /products/:id
- DELETE /products/:id
- DELETE /sales/:id
- GET /products/search
- PUT /:saleId/products/:productId/quantity
The tests created by me are in project-store-manager/backend/tests/unit/
- In the folder 📁
there are the tests developed for the functions of the controller layer. - In the folder 📁
there are the tests developed for the functions of the service layer. - In the folder 📁
there are the tests developed for the functions of the model layer. - In the folder 📁
there are the tests developed for the middlewares functions.
Sinon and Chai are the test libraries used. Sinon is a testing library that provides features for testing asynchronous code and simulating objects and functions. Chai is a testing library that provides a more readable assertion syntax for your tests.
🔎 Linter
To ensure code quality, the ESLint
and Stylelint
linters were used in this project.
ESLint is a tool for identifying and reporting patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code. In many ways it is similar to JSLint and JSHint with a few exceptions:
- ESLint uses Espree for JavaScript parsing.
- ESLint uses an AST to evaluate patterns in code.
- ESLint is completely 'pluggable', each of the rules is a plugin and you can add […]
To run them locally, run the commands below:
npm run lint
npm run lint:styles
🖥️ To access
1 - Clone the repository:
git clone
2 - Enter the repository folder you just cloned.
You must be using node version 16 (or higher).
To check your version, use the command:
nvm --version
Quickstart with Docker Compose 🐳
# Instale as dependências
npm install
# Inicie os containers do compose `backend` e `db`
# A aplicação estará disponível em `http://localhost:3001` em modo de desenvolvimento
docker-compose up -d
Quickstart without Docker Compose
# Instale as dependências
npm install
# Inicie apenas o serviço `db` no compose
docker-compose up -d db
# Inicie a aplicação em modo de desenvolvimento
npm run dev:local
🗣 Feedbacks
Give me feedbacks, I'm open to new ideas 😉