- project implemented as part of the Deep Learning Methods course attended on MSc degree of Data Science at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences in Warsaw University of Technology,
- the implemented architectures are DC-GAN and MLP-GAN,
- written in
TensorFlow r1.13
- Google Colab access,
- Google Storage Bucket with public access.
There are three files for Google Colab, which are described below:
- main notebook which allows to train GAN model, make small evaluation and generate images based on noise,Google_Colab_Most_similar.ipynb
- after training model you can use this notebook to find most similar images in training set to that which your model can generate,Google_Colab_Latent_space_interpolation.ipynb
- this notebook can ensure you that the GAN model has learnt some deep knowledge about the training set examples.
In order to run any of script please do following:
- Open
in Google Colab by clicking any of these links: train_eval_predict, most_similar, latent_space_interpolation, - set Google Colab environment to support
computation, - modify variables placed in the first cell of each notebook,
- run all cells,
- after all cells execution, please take a look either on the cells output or the Google Storage Bucket, which you provided to store model's checkpoints and generated images in.
Animation showing generated images during training of MLP-GAN and DC-GAN architectures:
Image generated for 1000-epoch trained DC-GAN using Google_Colab_Latent_space_interpolation.ipynb
Image generated for 1000-epoch trained DC-GAN using Google_Colab_Most_similar.ipynb
For more results and diagrams of architectures please read Project_Final_Report_PL.pdf