Simple and very fast library for C or C++ to create dots and lines in a bitmap file.
Import the library in your code
#include "bitmap.h"
Create a color pixel:
bmp_pixel red;
red.r = 255;
red.g = 0;
red.b = 0;
bmp_pixel white;
red.r = 255;
red.g = 255;
red.b = 255;
Create BMPFILE object to draw the dots and lines
BMPFILE *file = bmp_init_bmp(1024, 1024, white, BMP_SCALE_NO); // width, height, background-color
Add a line
bmp_add_line(file, 0, 10 , 0, 200, 1, red); // bmp_pointer, x0, x1, y0, y1, strength(px), color
Add a dot
bmp_add_dot(file, 2, 255, 3, red); // bmp_pointer, x, y, radius(px), color
Save the bitmap image:
See the main.c file as a example.