🔭 I know it looks a bit empty here. I store my scientific work nowadays at Codeberg. https://codeberg.org/Venema
🌱 I’m currently learning open science and the open web (ActivityPub & Co.).
🤔 I am looking for help with a new system for the public post-publication peer review of the scientific literature. This system is independent of journals and is designed to break the power of the scientific publishers so that scientists again decide what good science is and not commercial enties optimizing citations, which is not the same as good science. The system also provides a better access to the scientific literature. For this I set up a GitHub organization. https://github.com/grassrootsjournals
💬 Ask me about climate change.
⚡ Fun fact: people who think princes Diana is murdered are MORE likely to think she is still alive.
📫 How to reach me: Via my academic homepage, on Mastodon or on Twitter.