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bespoke automod and feature bot written in Typescript using discordx

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Shana is a bespoke automod bot that is written in Typescript using the Discordx framework

Global settings

Misc Settings:

setting Description
JAIL_ROLE The role that you give to members when you want to send them to your jail channel. this is used in the Auto Role module
YOUNG_ACCOUNT_ROLE This is the role you wish the bot to apply to accounts that are new to Discord if you have the min Account Age prop enabled on Auto Role module

Channel Settings:

Setting Description
LOG_CHANNEL The channel for the Audit Log module to post to
ADMIN_LOG_CHANNEL the channel for the Admin Loggers modules to post to
JAIL_CHANNEL the channel you use to jail members
BIRTHDAY_CHANNEL Used in the birthday command to wish members happy birthday, if this setting is not set, the command will be disabled


All modules in this application are defined by implementing the ICloseableModule interface. this applies to events only, not commands. Commands are defined in the own entity set contained in categories.


Audit Logger

The Audit logger is a non-admin styled logger designed to log quick events like when a member joins, leaves, is kicked or banned (along with by whom) and when an Auto Mod event is triggered.

In order for this module to work, it must be both enabled AND have the LOG_CHANNEL global setting populated with the ID of a channel

This is a quick non-admin style logger that can log:

  • Member join
  • Member kick
  • Member leave
  • Member muted
  • Member un-muted
  • Member ban

Admin Loggers

Admin Loggers are an embed style logger that will post realtime, detailed events to a chosen channel, these events are presented in a rich-embed. All triggered events contain an executor, the executor is the member who triggered the event; for example, if i deleted your message in Discord, then i would be the executor

for example, if a message is deleted, a member is kicked, banned, or even if a channel was modified or created. It will display who caused that action from the audit logs

In order for these modules to work, it must be both enabled AND have the ADMIN_LOG_CHANNEL global setting populated with the ID of a channel.

they consist of:

  • Channel Logger
  • Guild Logger
  • Member Logger
  • Message Logger
  • Role Logger
Channel Logger

The Channel logger will log:

  • Channel Create
  • Channel Delete
  • Channel Updated
  • Thread Create
  • Thread Delete
  • Thread Update
Guild Logger

The Guild logger will log:

  • Server changes
    • name
    • description
    • banner
    • rules channel (community)
    • splash image
    • Discovery image (community)
    • Server Icon
    • Vanity URL
Member Logger

The Member logger will log:

  • Member join
  • Member ban
  • Member kick
  • Member leave
  • Member unBanned
  • Member updated
  • Member joins/leaves VC
Message Logger

The Message logger will log:

  • Message Edited
  • Messaged Deleted
  • Bulk Message Deletion

Note for Message deleted. this will not only log the deleted message, but will log (and post), any attachment that was contained in the message.

so if a message was deleted, and it contained an image, that image will be logged. if it contained a video, the video will be logged. this will work for ANY attachment, be it image, video, binary file, a pdf, etc...

Role Logger

The Role logger will log:

  • Role Created
  • Role Deleted
  • Role Updated
  • Role Given
  • Role Removed


The auto mod module is a power moderation filter that augments the built-in discord auto mod feature with extra features such as kicking, muting, banning and warning users, logging them and using regex in pattern matching for text.

this module relies on a number of submodules known as filters. a Filter is a self-contained and isolated unit of work that takes a message and returns true or false if that message violated the filter.

Each filter can be turned on and off

the list of filters are:

  • All Caps Filter
  • Banned Word Filter
  • Discord Invite Filter
  • Emoji Spam Filter
  • Everyone Mentions Filter
  • Fast Message Spam Filter
  • Image Spam Filter
  • Link Cooldown Filter
  • Mass Mentions Filter
  • Spam Filter
  • Spoilers Filter
  • Zalgo Text Filter
Filter Description
All Caps Filter Filter will fail if more than 70% of the message is capitalised
Banned Word Filter Defines a list of banned words that will fail the filter if a message contains one of the words defined.

the Banned word filter defined 2 sets of words, these are exactWord and wildCardWords.

the exactWord filter will only a message contains EXACTLY that word in it.

the wildCardWords uses a regex to check if a message contains that word in any of the text supplied.
Discord Invite Filter Prevents users from posting invite links
Emoji Spam Filter defines how many emojis in a single message is allowed. this is configurable by the filters value prop. this defaults to 6
Everyone Mentions Filter Fails the filter if someone does @everyone this filter will only trigger if the member posting does NOT have the MentionEveryone permission.
Fast Message Spam Filter This defines how many messages (in 5 seconds) someone can post. this will fail the filter if someone posts more messages than set by the value prop. defaults to 5 messages. this will additinally delete all the messages being posted during that 5 second gap if failed. (if the filter action contains a delete)
Image Spam Filter same as above but defines how many images someone is allowed to post in 10 seconds. due to the conflict of the image and fast message spam filter, these filters can not be enabled at the same time. they are mutually exclusive only
Link Cooldown Filter same as above but defines how many URLS someone is allowed to post in a defined time in the value prop. defaults to 5
Mass Mentions Filter Defines how many mentions allowed on a single message. this defaults to 6 and is configured using the value prop
Spam Filter The spam filter is defunct and will be removed
Spoilers Filter if set, this filter will fail when a spoiler is posted
Zalgo Text Filter if set, this filter will fail if zalgo is posted

Each filter defines:

  • actions (is an array of multiple actions)
    • Warn
    • Delete
    • Mute
    • Bane
    • Kick
    • None
  • warn Message
  • priority
  • terminal Violation Timeout
  • auto Terminal Violation Count
  • auto Mute Timeout
Prop Description
actions Actions are used to define what action takes place if a filter fails.
Kick, Ban, and Mute are defined as Terminal actions, this means if this action is taken, no more actions can be performed.
warn Message If an action is warn then this message will be posted when a filter fails.
priority this gives a order to each filter.
terminal Violation Timeout This defines long to wait (in seconds) to cooldown the auto MuteViolation Count value.

for example, if autoTerminalViolationCount is set to 2 and this is set to 30 then each member will have 30 seconds to violate 2 terminal filters starting from the first violation. If a member violates ONE terminal filter and not another within 30 seconds, then the counter is reset to 0
auto Terminal Violation Count this sets the amount of filters that define a terminal operation (mute, kick and ban) as punishment that needs to fail before the action is automatically taken
auto Mute Timeout How long (in seconds) are members muted for if they violate a filter with the mute action

Auto Responder

This module allows you to react to a message that is posted.

If you are familiar with Dyno's auto-responder, then it works almost the exact same way with some additional features like OCR (optical character recognition) and some extra actions.

Each Auto Responder entry contains:

  • title
  • response Type
  • settings
    • use Regex
    • wildCard
    • public Delete
    • use OCR
    • emoji Reactions
    • response

the entries are defined as:

prop Description
title This is trigger word, depending on the settings, this word will be exactly matched.

if the title is foo and someone posts a message saying foo then this responder will trigger, if they say foo bar then it will not be triggered
response Type A response type is what happens when a auto responder triggers, can be ONE of the following:
  • message
  • reaction
  • delete
  • kick
Setting Description
use Regex if true, then your title can be a regex input. if set then wildcard will be disabled
wildCard if true, then the message will be searched for the word that matches the title. use Regex will be disabled if this is true
public Delete Public delete means that if the responder is triggered, then the message will also be deleted. this option is ONLY available if the response type is message or kick
use OCR If true, then it will use an OCR engine to scan an image for text.
Emoji Reactions this is only available if response type is set to reaction, it will allow you to set an array of emojis to use when reacting to the message
Response This is only available if response type is set to message. this will be the message bot will post when a auto responder is triggered.

You can only have ONE type of response type per auto responder.

Response type Description
Message If the auto responder is set to message then the bot will post a message containing the text supplied in the response prop. this also allows you to put in variables that will be explained in the next table
Reaction If the auto responder is set to reaction then the bot will react to the message that triggered the auto responder, the reactions it will respond to are defined in the emoji Reactions prop
delete If the auto responder is set to delete then the bot will simply just delete the message that caused the trigger
kick If the auto responder is set to kick then the bot will kick the user. the response prop is also used in this mode but in this case, the bot will DM the user with the response

Auto Role

The Auto role module deals with applying roles to members when they join with an optional timeout. the roles that can be applied are flexible and can be configured in the modules settings.

Setting Description
role An array of role ID's to apply to the member who joins
min Account Age If set, then this will apply the young account role instead of the roles defined above to any member who's account age is below this limit. this is useful for giving new accounts on discord a different role

you must have the GLOBAL setting of YOUNG_ACCOUNT_ROLE set for this to work
autoJail Automatically jail members who had previously left the server while in jail and rejoined . this requires the JAIL_ROLE global setting to be set
panicMode if enabled, all members who join will automatically be allowed the YOUNG_ACCOUNT_ROLE. this is helpful for a suspected flood
massJoinProtection defines the threshold for members joining in 10 seconds before automatically enabling panicMode
autoRoleTimeout How long to wait before the autoRole is applied (ignored for unverified and auto-jail/ato-mute)

Trigger Constraint

This is not a module. but rather a global filter that defines a set of constraints that will cause a module to trigger or not.

This constraint is attatched to:

  • Auto Mod
  • Auto Responder

This constraint adds some additional settings to the modules listed above. these settings are:

Setting Description
allowed Channels allowed Channels will constrain the module to only trigger under these channels. if you set this, then ignored channels will be disabled
ignored Channels ignored channels will simply ignore the module from these channels, if the message posted is in a channel in this array, then the module will be ignored. if you set this, then allowed Channels will be disabled
allowed Roles Allowed roles does the same as allowed channels but for roles. if you populate this array, then the module will ONLY trigger for members who have the roles in the array. if you set this, then ignored Roles will be disabled
ignored Roles Ingored roles will do the same as ignored channels but for roles, if anyone has a role defined in tis array, then it will bypass the module. if you set this, then allowed Roles will be disabled


This bot comes with a set of commands. each command belongs to a group, and each group belongs to a global category. there are 3 categories

  • Members
  • Fun
  • Misc

Members are commands that have no security constraint and by default can be used by all.

Fun are non-automod related commands that also have no security constraint and can be used by all.

Misc is a mix of commands that have a default security constraint attached. all commands will be explained below:

N/A constraint means by default, ALL members can use it

  • Slash - type / to run message
  • Message contest menu - right-click the message and go to apps to run command
  • User context menu - Right-click the user and go to apps to run command
Command Description Default security constraint Type
/ages channel_age Get the age of a channel N/A Slash
/ages server_age Get the age of the current server N/A Slash
/ages user_age Get the age of a users account N/A Slash
/bans clean_bans Will remove all the deleted accounts from the servers bans BanMembers Slash
/birthday add_birthday Add a birthday N/A Slash
/birthday next_birthdays Get the next 10 birthdays N/A Slash
/birthday remove_birthday Remove your birthday N/A Slash
/bookmarks deletebookmarks Remove a bookmark by title N/A Slash
/bookmarks getbookmark Get all your bookmarks N/A Slash
/message_schedule get_scheduled_message get all scheduled posts optionally by channel ManageMessages Slash
/message_schedule add_scheduled_message create a message to schedule a post from cron to a channel ManageMessages Slash
/message_schedule remove_scheduled_message remove a scheduled post by name ManageMessages Slash
/miscellaneous find_anime return the info of an anime by it's screenshot N/A Slash
/miscellaneous find_source Reverse image search a image and find the source N/A Slash
miscellaneous translate Translate a message N/A Message Context menu
miscellaneous avatar Get the avatar of a member N/A User context menu
miscellaneous banner Get the banner of a user if they have one N/A User context menu
/notes add_note Add a private note N/A Slash
/notes edit_note Edit a private note via title N/A Slash
/notes get_notes Get all of your private notes or just a single note from title N/A Slash
/notes delete_note Delete a private note N/A Slash
/secure no_roles Set all users who do not have any roles to the Auto Role role ManageRoles and MuteMembers Slash
/secure mutes Get a list of all members who are muted using Discords mute feature ManageRoles and MuteMembers Slash
/username username Set a members username with the ability to force set it. this will prevent the user from changing it. another affect of this command is that if a member leaves and comes back, then the username will automatically be set with the username set with this command

to clear a username out of the database, then you must reset it back to blank using discord's built in nickname changer
ManageNicknames Slash
/username view_usernames View all the persisted usernames this bot is aware of ManageNicknames Slash
/moebooru danbooru Get random image from N/A Slash
/moebooru konachan Get random image from N/A Slash

Code Structure

This bot is architected in a way to take heavy use of decorators, DAO's, Managers, Factories, Engines and Dependency Injection. It's main design pattern is the decorator pattern with its main underlying framework being Discord.js wrapped in Discordx and with my persistence and service layer on top of it. Each manager that acts as the repository to the DAO has its own internal cache that works with discord.js's cache to be as performant as possible.

The code is very "interface first", in that any public method outside a singleton is defined in an interface and abstracted with heavy use of generics and abstract classes, as well as dependency injection that is all loaded on runtime.

If you are familiar with Java Spring and its way of coding styles, this architecture will seem familiar to you.

Dependency Injection

The main guts of this application is all wired together with the use of a Dependency Injection framework to supply an Inversion of Control (IOC) architecture to the low level bootstrapping and initialisation of class singletons.

Each class defined by a @Discord() or @singleton() are all registered with tsyringe's global object registry container. and is injected into the constructors of classes that need them.

There also exists Spring-like @PostConstruct annotations to facilitate the post construction initialisation method that is called after the object is constructed and resolved and @Property used to inject settings from source agnostic paths


bespoke automod and feature bot written in Typescript using discordx






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