Python version: 3
Python libraries:
Best thing you can do is install Anaconda for Python 3 and install mrcfile with
pip install mrcfile
git clone
cd TEM-Simulator
cmake CMakeLists.txt
# set a variable to the path of the executable, we will need it later
Download the scripts and example input files for TEM-Simulator
git clone
The file MasterThesis/input_files/gen_map.txt
will be used as input for TEM-Simulator to generate
a scattering potential map. This map will be filtered with the damage_filter to produce input maps for
every frame of the dose fractionated series.
Change the voxel size of the output scattering potential map in the MasterThesis/input_files/gen_map.txt
to 0.1 (nm) and set the option add_hydrogen = yes
add_hydrogen = yes
voxel_size = 0.1
The component === electornbeam ===
only has an influence on the absorption potential, so changes here
will not influence the real part of the scattering potential.
Now change the directory to the input file and launch TEM-Simulator with gen_map.txt
as input.
cd MasterThesis/input_files
$TEM-Simulator gen_map.txt
This should produce the log file and the output map.
A script for creating damage filtered maps for a dose fractionated series can be found in scripts
takes a scattering potential map as input and generates filtered maps, based on the dose
per frame and voxel size of the map. Use --help
to list all the options and parameter descriptions.
Let's create filtered maps, matching the VPP with defocus data (EMPIAR-10078), with a total dose of 39 e/A² and
24 frames. The parameter --factor 1
is the empirical factor used to decrease the intensity of the scattering potential
due to the fine sampling.
cd ..
python scripts/ input_files/map.mrc factor1_maps --voxelsize 1 --dose 39 --nf 24 --factor 1
# type 'y' or 'yes' to continue
This will create the factor1_maps
directory and write the filtered maps inside it.
$ ls factor1_maps
filt_0.000.mrc filt_14.625.mrc filt_17.875.mrc filt_22.750.mrc filt_27.625.mrc filt_32.500.mrc filt_35.750.mrc filt_6.500.mrc
filt_11.375.mrc filt_16.250.mrc filt_19.500.mrc filt_24.375.mrc filt_29.250.mrc filt_3.250.mrc filt_37.375.mrc filt_8.125.mrc
filt_13.000.mrc filt_1.625.mrc filt_21.125.mrc filt_26.000.mrc filt_30.875.mrc filt_34.125.mrc filt_4.875.mrc filt_9.750.mrc
In order to simulate a dose fractionated series, we need to simulate one frame at a time, since we use different input maps for every frame because of the applied damage filter. Most of the parameters remain the same for all frames, such as electron beam parameters, optics parameters, detector parameters, etc. Here is a list of parameters that need to be changed for every frame/micrograph:
=== simulation ===
log_file: Every frame has a separate log file
rand_seed: This parameter is VERY important for dose fractionated series. It specifies
the random seed for the shot noise. Each frame should have a different random seed,
otherwise averaging the frames will produce noise artefacts
=== geometry ===
geom_errors: This is used to simulate frame drift. Every frame needs a separate error file,
defined by the error_file_in parameter
error_file_in: Path to file
=== detector ===
image_file_out: Path to output mrc file of the frame/micrograph
The folder scripts
contains two scripts that greatly simplify the generation of TEM-Simulator input files.
The script
generates the input files, based on an input star file.
The star file must contain following columns:
['_rlnCoordinateX', '_rlnCoordinateY', '_rlnAnglePsi', '_rlnAngleRot', '_rlnAngleTilt', '_rlnMicrographName', '_rlnDefocusU', _rlnDefocusV', '_rlnPhaseShift', '_rlnMagnification', _rlnDetectorPixelSize']
The easiest way to provide such a star file is by simply taking a relion *
file of a 3D classification. Such a
star file (excerpt) can be found in input_files/
. Use the parameter --max
to specify the number of micrographs
that will be simulated (a negative values simulates all micrographs in the star file). Also don't forget to use
first, to see all available parameters.
mkdir factor1_simulations
python scripts/ -o factor1_simulations/ --angles input_files/ --fmaps factor1_maps/ --dose 39 --frames 24 --max 5 --voxelsize 1
The output directory will contain the micrograph folders and a
$ ls factor1_simulations
20S_001_Mar28_14.59.32 20S_003_Mar28_15.07.18 20S_004_Mar28_15.09.38 20S_005_Mar28_15.11.58 20S_006_Mar28_15.14.18
file can be used later in Relion, to import the particles. If simulation includes drift,
then two additional columns will be added ['_rlnOriginX', '_rlnOriginY']
that specify the particle position in the
middle frame. This is the default frame used as reference by Motioncor2.
Also a column called _rlnParticleId
will be added, to trace the particles during the refinements.
You can write a commands.txt
file for executing all commands. Assuming you saved the path to the TEM-Simulator
executable to the variable $TEM-Simulator
, you can do:
for d in `find factor1_simulations -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d`; do for input_file in $d/input*; do echo $TEM-Simulator $input_file; done; done >> input_files.txt
After simulating all frames you can use a similar command to create a frame stack:
for d in `find factor1_simulations -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d`; do $d/*with_noise.mrc $d/stack.mrcs; done
# average all frames
for d in `find factor1_simulations -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d`; do --average $d/stack.mrcs $d/average.mrc; done
# average all, except of the first two frames
for d in `find factor1_simulations -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d`; do --average $d/stack.mrcs $d/average.mrc --first 2; done
for d in `find factor1_simulations -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d`; do cp $d/average_throw2.mrc $d.mrc; done
Now you can start relion in the current directory, import micrographs and the particles star file and start your reconstructions.
The second way you can provide a star file for the simulations is with the script
. This creates
a star file where the particles are positioned on a grid and the euler angles are either randomly selected within the
specified interval or are read from a star file with the columns ['_rlnAnglePsi', '_rlnAngleRot', '_rlnAngleTilt']
, e.g.:
-128.0 109.58 82.26
89.17 91.66 95.3
-90.77 75.22 89.19
A new star file can be created e.g. with one of the following commands:
python scripts/ --np 10 10 --pd 30 --apix 1.06 --mics 10 --defocus 0.5 1
python scripts/ --np 10 10 --pd 30 --apix 1.06 --mics 10 --defocus 0.5 1 --ps 36 144
python scripts/ --np 10 10 --pd 30 --apix 1.06 --mics 10 --defocus 0.5 1 --ps 36 144 --rot 0 180 --tilt 0 45 --psi -180 180
python scripts/ --np 10 10 --pd 30 --apix 1.06 --mics 10 --defocus 0.5 1 --ps 36 144 --angles input_files/
Once you have a valid star file you can continue with the simulation as described earlier.
has the option --struct
where you can specify an MRC file to use as structural noise.
It uses the option implemented in TEM-Simulator randomize_particle = yes
that takes each pixel value x of an
input map and converts it to a random variable between -x and x before 'placing' it inside the specimen.
This method saves you from providing different random noise maps for each micrograph. Usage example:
python scripts/ 100 --shape 300 400
python scripts/ [...options...] --struct flat_noise.mrc
Note that the generated MRC file is padded with zeros. This is because whenever you provide a map as input for TEM-Simulator, it first subtracts the average of the outer pixels of the volume from the entire map. This is a strongly simplified way to account for dislocation of water molecules.
Tip: you can also overlap the particles with random noise maps generated this way, e.g. to simulate radiation damage.
Adds drift as an entire shift of the frame. This generates additional geometry error files for each
frame that are used as input for TEM-Simulator.
It also crates a drift.txt
file with all geometry errors.
python scripts/ [...options...] --drift
If the column
exists in the star file, then the electron dose is reduced by 10%, because of scattering of the electrons by the phase plate. It has the same effect as reducing the amplitude of the wave function (TEM-Simulator) by the square root of 0.9. This was not implemented directly in TEM-Simulator. -
TEM-Simulator uses a CCD detector. As long as you use a MTF of 1 and DQE of 1, the results are similar with a direct electron detector described in Vulovic et al. (2015) - Image formation modelling in cryo-electron microscopy. Alternatively you can simulate noise free maps and add the shot noise with another program.