A maze visualization using Java with advanced algorithms to generate a maze and path find between two points.
Download and launch MazeVisualizer.jar to run visualization.
Recursive Division
- Recursively divide the maze into smaller segments with randomly positioned walls to
create a fraction-like maze.
Randomized Kruskal's Algorithm
- Generates a perfect maze by creating a minimum spanning tree from a set of all
posible connections in maze.
Randomized Prim's Algorithm
- Algorithm generates random passages with short dead ends that create a minimum
spanning tree.
Wilson's Algorithm
- Creates a maze by performing a series of loop-erased random walks to join different
passages together.
Depth First Search
- Traverses maze as far as possible along each passage before backtracking.
Breadth First Search
- Explores positions in maze at current depth level from start position, before moving
on to positions at next depth level.
A Star Pathfinding
- Calculates cost of each move using heuristics to find shortest path in optimal time.
Select a Blue Maze Generation Algorithm to Generate a Random Maze.
- Manual Generation is Controlled By Mouse Click. - Left Click on the Maze to Create Walls, and Right Click to Delete Walls.
Create Start and Destination Nodes By Selecting Purple Buttons.
- Left Click to Add Start or Destination to Maze. - Right Click on Start or Destination to Delete From Maze.
Select an Orange Pathfinding Algorithm.
- Algorithm will Pathfind Between the Start and Destination Node.
Green is your start node
Red is your destination node
Yellow is the search area
Blue is the path