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This project is built using the MERN stack. Its backend is built using Nodejs and NoSql database named MongoDb is used. Its frontend is built using Reactjs and the Tailwind CSS framework. Redux is used for state management. Authentication is done using JWT Token. Data is stored in the database into proper schemas for the user and saved/favorite news. In news platform, user can signUp and login into account using the login and signup page. User can save favorite articles only when logged in. I utilized an API called CurrentNews for retrieving news articles. Users can save favorite articles by clicking on the save button on newsCard. Once news is saved then user can also remove saved news from the saved page by clicking on the delete icon. Responsiveness added for large screen and mobile screens only. Backend is deployed using Render and frontend is deployed using Vercel. Please wait for few seconds after opening deployed link because frontend loads immediately but the backend takes a few seconds to load because I hosted backend on Render without a subscription plan so backend processing is slow on the free plan*

I think it would be great if more features were added to this platform. For example, it could be really useful to have email verification using OTP, and a subscription feature using payment integration would be really convenient. It would also be nice to have news available in different languages, and the option to switch between dark and light themes. These are just a few ideas, but I think they could really enhance the user experience. Due to time constraints, I can only build a limited number of features.