Dockerfile to build an OpenCV docker image with ML frameworks.
Starting my OpenCV Journey and committing myself to push regular updates
The Docker image will be of 8GB so build your own using the DockerFile. Customize the packages as per your needs.
cd /pathToYoutDockerFileLocation
docker build -t dockerImageName:tag .
eg : docker build -t opencv:1.0
This will take a while to download all the packages and build OpenCV in the VirtualEnv.
After completion, you can test your OpenCv Installation
Start by creating the docker container
docker --rm -ti --name opencvcontainer imageName:tag
eg : docker --rm -ti --name opencvcontainer opencv:1.0
Test OpenCv
workon gurus
>>> import cv2
If no error is shown, your OpenCv docker image has been sucessfully built with all necessary packages.