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GristCTL : Command Line Interface (CLI) for Grist

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Grist is a versatile platform for creating and managing custom data applications. It blends the capabilities of a relational database with the adaptability of a spreadsheet, empowering users to design advanced data workflows, collaborate in real-time, and automate tasks—all without requiring code.

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gristctl is a command-line utility designed for interacting with Grist. It allows users to automate and manage tasks related to Grist documents, including creating, updating, listing, deleting documents, and retrieving data from them.


To get started with gristctl, follow the steps below to install the tool on your machine.

Installing from exec files

Download exec files from release. Extract the archive and copy the gristctl file corresponding to your runtime environment into a directory in your PATH.


That means you can either:

  • copy the gristctl.exe into a directory that is in your PATH
  • add the directory that contains gristctl.exe in your PATH environment variable

Installing from Source


  • If you want to build from sources, ensure you have a working installation of Go (version 1.23 or later).
  • You should also have access to a Grist instance.


To install gristctl from source:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Open a terminal (or command prompt on Windows) and navigate to the gristctl directory:

    cd gristctl
  3. Build the tool:

    go build
    • Note: If dependencies don't install automatically you may need to install them manually (ex: go get gristctl/gristapi) then build again.
  4. Once the build is completed, you can move the binary (gristctl.exe) to your PATH.


That means you can either:

  • copy the gristctl.exe into a directory that is in your PATH
  • add the directory that contains gristctl.exe in your PATH environment variable


sudo mv gristctl /usr/local/bin/


You will need your Grist instance URL and your Grist user token/API key (to find it you can follow the official documentation).


You can configure gristctl with the following command :

$ gristctl config
Setting the url and token for access to the grist server (/Users/me/.gristctl)
Actual URL :
Token : ✅
Would you like to configure (Y/N) ?
Grist server URL (https://......... without '/' in the end):
User token : secrettoken
Url : --- Token: secrettoken
Is it OK (Y/N) ? y
Config saved in /Users/me/.gristctl


Create a .gristctl file in your home directory containing the following information:

GRIST_TOKEN="user session token"
GRIST_URL="https://<GRIST server URL, without /api>"


List of commands :

Command Usage
config configure url & token of Grist server
delete doc <id> delete a document
delete user <id> delete a user
delete workspace <id> delete a workspace
get doc <id> document details
get doc <id> access list of document access rights
get doc <id> excel export document as <workspace name>_<doc name>.xlsx Excel file
get doc <id> grist export document as <workspace name>_<doc name>.grist Grist file
get doc <id> table <tableName> export content of a document's table as a CSV file (xlsx) in stdout
get org <id> organization details
get org organization list
get users displays all user rights
get workspace <id> access list of workspace access rights
get workspace <id> workspace details
import users imports users from standard input
purge doc <id> [<number of states to keep>] purges document history (retains last 3 operations by default)
version displays the version of the program

List Grist organization

To list all available Grist organization:

$ gristctl get org
| ID |   NAME   |
|  2 | Personal |
|  3 | ems      |

Displays information about an organization

Example : get organization n°3 information, including the list of his workspaces :

$ gristctl get org 3
Organization n°3 : ems (30 workspaces)
|          350 | Direction-DSI                  |   4 |          285 |
|          341 | Service-INF                    |   2 |          284 |
|          649 | Service-PSS                    |   4 |            3 |

Describe a workspace

To fetch data from a Grist workspace with ID 676, including the list of his documents:

$ gristctl get workspace 676
Organization n°3 : "ems", workspace n°676 : "Cellule Stratégie Logiciels Libres"
Contains 1 documents :
|           ID           |    NAME    | PINNED |
| b8RzZzAJ4JgPWN1HKFTb48 | Ressources | 📌     |

View workspace access rights

$ gristctl get workspace 676 access
Workspace n°676 access rights : Cellule Stratégie Logiciels Libres
Full inheritance of rights from the next level up

Accessible to the following users :
| ID  |      NOM      |            EMAIL            | INHERITED ACCESS | DIRECT ACCESS |
|   5 | xxxx xxxxxxx  |  | owners           |               |
| 237 | xxxxxxx xxxxx | | owners           | owners        |
2 users

Delete a workspace

To delete a Grist workspace with ID 676:

gristctl delete workspace 676

Import users from an ActiveDirectory directory

Extract the list of members of AD groups GA_GRIST_PU and GA_GRIST_PA :

foreach ($grp in ('a', 'u')) {
    get-adgroupmember ga_grist_p$grp | get-aduser -properties mail, extensionAttribute6, extensionAttribute15 |select-object mail, extensionAttribute6, extensionAttribute15 | export-csv -Path ga_grist_p$grp.csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding:UTF8
cat ga_grist_pu.csv | awk -F',' 'NR>1 {gsub(/"/, "", $0); print tolower($1)";3;Direction-"$2";viewers"}' | gristctl import users
cat ga_grist_pu.csv | awk -F',' 'NR>1 {gsub(/"/, "", $0); print tolower($1)";3;Service-"$3";viewers"}' | gristctl import users
cat ga_grist_pa.csv | awk -F',' 'NR>1 {gsub(/"/, "", $0); print tolower($1)";3;Direction-"$2";editors"}' | gristctl import users
cat ga_grist_pa.csv | awk -F',' 'NR>1 {gsub(/"/, "", $0); print tolower($1)";3;Service-"$3";editors"}' | gristctl import users


We welcome contributions to gristctl. If you find a bug or want to improve the tool, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

Steps for contributing

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Commit your changes.
  4. Push your branch and create a pull request.

Please ensure that your code adheres to the project's coding style and includes tests where applicable.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see LICENCE for details.

This project includes third-party libraries, which are licensed under their own respective Open Source licenses. SPDX-License-Identifier headers are used to show which license is applicable. The concerning license files can be found in the LICENSES directory.