The Food Delivery App is created using React Native with support of few other popular third party libraries like React Navigation, etc.
- React Navigation
- (Expo) React Native Vector Icons
- Lottie React Native
- Firebase
- React Native Firebase SDK
- React Native Async Storage
- React Native Google Signin
- Redux
- React Redux
- Redux Thunk
- React Native Maps
- Expo Linear Gradient
- React Native Facebook SDK
- React Native Reanimated
- React Native Google Autocomplete
Food Door App by Ahmed El-okle Foodu - Food Delivery App UI Kit by Sobakhul Munir Siroj
Fetching the location: The first and foremost thing is fetch the location of the user under a regular interval DONE
Background location: The next thing to be done is to fetch the location even when the app is not in use. This is because always user will not be app be turned on to share their location DONE
Location Reception: The final thing to do is receive the location data by other end of the user HALFWAY DONE