This is a NodeJS with Express project, designed to run crawlers on Famous Tibia Webpages to transform HTML into GET endpoints.
GET /tibia-wiki-creatures
- Get all Tibia Creatures from TibiaWiki with Name, Image, HP, XP, Charms, Difficulty;GET /guild-stats
- Get Nemesis Bosses chances for Today from GuildStats for Venebra World;GET /tibia-statistics
- Same as above but using TibiaStatistics as data source;GET /killed-yesterday
- Bosses killed yesterday from the official Tibia website;GET /duplicated-bosses
- WIP (Work In Progress) for bosses with multiple respawns;
If the Data Source Website is down, we cannot provide any bosses probability data. The only Endpoint that will work in case of Source if OFF is GET /tibiawiki-creatures
The most reliable data source for bosses is Guild Stats, prefer to use it instead of TibiaStatistics.