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Fluence Interrogation Panel

Carole Hayakawa edited this page Apr 4, 2019 · 11 revisions

Fluence Interrogation Panel

Fluence/Interrogation Solver Panel:

The Fluence/Interrogation Solver Panel enables the user to view fluence maps, absorbed energy maps, and photon hitting density (PHD) maps.

  1. Fwd Solver: This pull down has some of the options presented on the Forward Solver/Analysis Panel. Details of the algorithms employed for these solutions can be found on the Analytic Model Descriptions page.
  2. Map Type: The user selects the type of map of interest.
  • Fluence (Phi): Provides the internal spatial distribution of fluence using the Fwd Solver specified.
  • Absorbed Energy (mua*Phi): Provides internal distribution of the absorbed energy density which is simply the fluence distribution multiplied by the absorption coefficient.
  • Photon Hitting Density (PHD): Provides a graphical display of the product of two Green's functions:the first being the relative probability that a source photon will visit a given location within the medium and the second being the probability that a photon emanating from that location is subsequently captured by the detector. Method inspired by Schotland et al., 1993. Our implementation follows that of Feng et al, 1995. While the source representation can be modified, the detector is always considered to be a hemisperical detector located at the tissue surface.


Schotland, J.C., Haselgrove, J.C., and Leigh, J.S., ”Photon Hitting Density” Applied Optics, 32(4):448-453, 1993.

Feng, Zeng, Chance. ”Photon migration in the presence of a single defect: a perturbation analysis” Applied Optics, 34(19):3826-3837, 1995.