- Your first 3D game
- No VR device is required
- Cardboard and Rift are optional
- We review the GDD format.
- Brainstorm Concepts, Rules and Requirements.
- Outline the scope for the section.
- Introduction to the Unity Editor.
- Adding 3D objects to a scene.
- Moving, Scaling and Rotating.
- Previewing our work.
- Introduction to Components.
- Using the inspector.
- Adding Rigidbody physics.
- Making objects collide.
- Playing with physics.
- Brief introduction to materials.
- Prefabs as linked copies.
- Overriding prefab values.
- Reverting prefab values.
- Creating instances programmatically.
- The Instantiate() function.
- Recap of if statements and GetKeyDown().
- Accessing components in code.
- Return values of functions.
- GetComponent<>() function.
- Adding velocity to a Rigidbody.
- Rotating the camera.
- Updating transform.rotation.
- The Quaternion type.
- Quaternion multiplication and rotation.
- The Unity InputManager settings.
- Using Input.GetAxis().
- Updating our rotation based on mouse input.
- Understanding rotation behaviour.
- Parenting game objects.
- Avoiding camera tilt in mouse look.
- Creating a camera gimbal.
- Accessing components of child objects.
- Correct script placement in a hierarchy.
- Global rotation vs localRotation.
- Refactoring the BallSpawner script.
- Setting the spawn position for prefabs.
- Exposing fields to the designer.
- Recapping rotations.
- Rotations and vectors.
- Calculating the “look direction”.
- Collision components.
- Introducing OnCollisionEnter().
- Starting to keep score
- Creating a central score keeper.
- Finding components globally.
- Introduction to public methods.
- Getting objects with FindObjectOfType<>().
- Organising multiple scenes.
- Understanding scene buildIndex.
- Loading levels in code.
- Introducing the UI canvas.
- Adding background images.
- Finding uncopyrighted images.
- Dealing with multiple screen sizes.
- How to find suitable fonts.
- Adding text to UI canvas.
- Importing fonts into Unity.
- Adding and styling UI buttons.
- Connecting UI buttons to objects.
- Calling code OnClick.
- Writing LoadPreviousScene().
- Introducing Time.deltaTime.
- How to implement a timer.
- Creating a default of no progression.
- Separation of presentation and data.
- Updating UI text in code.
- Creating a HUD.
- Testing multiple screen resolutions.
- GameObject lifetime in scenes.
- Introduction to DontDestroyOnLoad().
- Ending the lifetime manually.
- Displaying the score on game over.
- Installing the Oculus SDK.
- Enabling VR support in Unity.
- Converting an existing project to VR.
- Putting UI in World Space.
- Scaling and positioning UI canvases.
- Creating prefabs to avoid duplication.
- Importing Unity asset packages.
- Making our scene look beautiful.
- Playtesting the game for difficulty.
- Triggers and OnTriggerEnter().
- Writing a script from scratch.
- Revising script communication.
- Detecting baskets properly.
- Adding Audio Sources in Unity.
- Properties of Audio Sources.
- Autoplaying and looping music.
- Audio Source components.
- Triggering SFX in code.
- The AudioSource.Play() method.
- Congratulations
- What you learnt in this section
- Share your creation with other students