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WojciechMazur committed Jul 5, 2023
1 parent aaf3281 commit 3c6f79c
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Showing 2 changed files with 114 additions and 140 deletions.
27 changes: 11 additions & 16 deletions .github/workflows/buildBisect.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ on:
type: string
description: "List of project targets to builds (comma deliomited)"
default: "*"
default: ""
type: string
description: "GitHub repository URL for compiler to build"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,24 +53,19 @@ jobs:
repository: ${{ inputs.repository-url }}
ref: main
path: "compiler"
- uses: coursier/cache-action@v6.4

- name: Check java version
shell: bash
run: |
javaVersion=$(jq -r ".\"${{ inputs.project-name }}\" // ${DefaultJDK}" $ConfigFile)
echo "java-version=$javaVersion" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "JavaVersion set to $javaVersion"
- uses: coursier/cache-action@v6.4

- name: "Bisect project"
shell: bash
run: |
cd ${{ github.workspace }}/compiler
git --no-pager log -1
${{ github.workspace }}/opencb/scripts/bisect.scala -- \
--releases ${{ inputs.scala-version-start}}..${{ inputs.scala-version-end}} \
--extra-scalac-options ${{ inputs.extra-scalac-options }} \
--disabled-scalac-options ${{ inputs.disabled-scalac-options }} \
--community-build-dir ${{ github.workspace }}/opencb \
--compiler-dir ${{ github.workspace }}/compiler \
${{ inputs.project-name }} ${{ inputs.project-targets }}
--project-name=${{ inputs.project-name }} \
--targets=${{ inputs.project-targets }} \
--releases=${{ inputs.scala-version-start}}..${{ inputs.scala-version-end}} \
--extra-scalac-options=${{ inputs.extra-scalac-options }} \
--disabled-scalac-options=${{ inputs.disabled-scalac-options }} \
--community-build-dir=${{ github.workspace }}/opencb \
--compiler-dir=${{ github.workspace }}/compiler
227 changes: 103 additions & 124 deletions scripts/bisect.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,127 +1,121 @@
// Based on

This script will bisect a problem with the compiler based on success/failure of the validation script passed as an argument.
It starts with a fast bisection on released nightly builds.
Then it will bisect the commits between the last nightly that worked and the first nightly that failed.
Look at the `usageMessage` below for more details.

//> using lib "com.github.scopt::scopt:4.1.0"
//> using scala 3.3

import sys.process._
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermissions
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.nio.file.Files

// --extra-scalac-options ${{ inputs.extra-scalac-options }} \
// --disabled-scalac-options ${{ inputs.disabled-scalac-options }} \
// --community-build-dir ${{ github.workspace }}/opencb
import java.nio.file._

val usageMessage = """
| > scala-cli project/scripts/bisect.scala -- [<bisect-options>] <projectName> <targets>*
|The optional <bisect-options> may be any combination of:
|* --dry-run
| Don't try to bisect - just make sure the validation command works correctly
|* --extra-scalac-options <options>
| Comma delimited of additional scalacOptions passed to project build
|* --disabled-scalac-options <options>
| Comma delimited of disabled scalacOptions passed to project build
|* --community-build-dir <path>
| Directory with community build project from which the project config would be resolved
|* --compiler-dir <path>
| Directory containing Scala compiler repository, required for commit-based bissect
|* --releases <releases-range>
| Bisect only releases from the given range (defaults to all releases).
| The range format is <first>..<last>, where both <first> and <last> are optional, e.g.
| * 3.1.0-RC1-bin-20210827-427d313-NIGHTLY..3.2.1-RC1-bin-20220716-bb9c8ff-NIGHTLY
| * 3.2.1-RC1-bin-20220620-de3a82c-NIGHTLY..
| * ..3.3.0-RC1-bin-20221124-e25362d-NIGHTLY
| The ranges are treated as inclusive.
|* --should-fail
| Expect the validation command to fail rather that succeed. This can be used e.g. to find out when some illegal code started to compile.
|Warning: The bisect script should not be run multiple times in parallel because of a potential race condition while publishing artifacts locally.
val communityBuildVersion = "v0.2.4"

@main def run(args: String*): Unit =
val scriptOptions =
try ScriptOptions.fromArgs(args)
case _ =>
sys.error(s"Wrong script parameters.\n${usageMessage}")

val validationScript = scriptOptions.validationCommand.validationScript
val releases = Releases.fromRange(scriptOptions.releasesRange)
val releaseBisect = ReleaseBisect(validationScript, shouldFail = scriptOptions.shouldFail, releases)
val config = scopt.OParser
.parse(Config.parser, args, Config())
.getOrElse(sys.error("Failed to parse config"))

val validationScript = config.validationScript
val releases = Releases.fromRange(config.releasesRange)
val releaseBisect = ReleaseBisect(validationScript, shouldFail = config.shouldFail, releases)


if (!scriptOptions.dryRun) then
if (!config.dryRun) then
val (lastGoodRelease, firstBadRelease) = releaseBisect.bisectedGoodAndBadReleases()
println(s"Last good release: ${lastGoodRelease.version}")
println(s"First bad release: ${firstBadRelease.version}")
println("\nFinished bisecting releases\n")

val commitBisect = CommitBisect(validationScript, shouldFail = scriptOptions.shouldFail, lastGoodRelease.hash, firstBadRelease.hash)
val commitBisect = CommitBisect(validationScript, shouldFail = config.shouldFail, lastGoodRelease.hash, firstBadRelease.hash)

case class ScriptOptions(validationCommand: ValidationCommand, dryRun: Boolean, releasesRange: ReleasesRange, shouldFail: Boolean)
object ScriptOptions:
def fromArgs(args: Seq[String]) =
val defaultOptions = ScriptOptions(
validationCommand = null,
dryRun = false,
ReleasesRange(first = None, last = None),
shouldFail = false
parseArgs(args, defaultOptions)

private def parseArgs(args: Seq[String], options: ScriptOptions): ScriptOptions =
println(s"parse: $args")
args match
case "--dry-run" :: argsRest => parseArgs(argsRest, options.copy(dryRun = true))
case "--releases" :: argsRest =>
val range = ReleasesRange.tryParse(argsRest.head).get
parseArgs(argsRest.tail, options.copy(releasesRange = range))
case "--should-fail" :: argsRest => parseArgs(argsRest, options.copy(shouldFail = true))
case args =>
val command = ValidationCommand.fromArgs(args)
options.copy(validationCommand = command)

case class ValidationCommand(projectName: String, openCommunityBuildDir: File, targets: Seq[String]):
val remoteValidationScript: File = ValidationScript.buildProject(
projectName = projectName,
targets = Option.when(targets.nonEmpty)(targets.mkString(" ")),
extraScalacOptions = "",
runId ="test",
executeTests = false
case class ValidationCommand(projectName: String = "", targets: String = "", extraScalacOptions: String = "", disabledScalacOption: String = "")
case class Config(
dryRun: Boolean = false,
releasesRange: ReleasesRange = ReleasesRange.all,
shouldFail: Boolean = false,
openCommunityBuildDir: Path = Path.of(""),
compilerDir: Path = Path.of(""),
command: ValidationCommand = ValidationCommand()
inline def withCommand(mapping: ValidationCommand => ValidationCommand) = copy(command = mapping(command))

lazy val remoteValidationScript: File = ValidationScript.buildProject(
projectName = command.projectName,
targets = Option(command.targets).filter(_.nonEmpty),
extraScalacOptions = command.extraScalacOptions,
disabledScalacOption= command.disabledScalacOption,
runId = s"bisect-${command.projectName}",
buildURL= "",
executeTests = false,
openCBDir = openCommunityBuildDir
val validationScript: File = ValidationScript.dockerRunBuildProject(projectName, remoteValidationScript, openCommunityBuildDir)

object ValidationCommand:
def fromArgs(args: Seq[String]) =
args match
case Seq(projectName, openCBDir, targets*) => ValidationCommand(projectName, new File(openCBDir), targets)

lazy val validationScript: File =
require(Files.exists(openCommunityBuildDir), "Open CB dir does not exist")
require(Files.exists(compilerDir), "Compiler dir does not exist")
ValidationScript.dockerRunBuildProject(command.projectName, remoteValidationScript, openCommunityBuildDir.toFile())

object Config{
val parser = {
import scopt.OParser
val builder = OParser.builder[Config]
import builder.*
head("Scala 3 Open Community Build bisect", communityBuildVersion),
(_, c) => c.copy(dryRun = true)
.text("Don't try to bisect - just make sure the validation command works correctly"),
(v, c) => c.copy(releasesRange = ReleasesRange.tryParse(v).getOrElse(c.releasesRange))
.text("Bisect only releases from the given range 'first..last' (defaults to all releases)"),
(_, c) => c.copy(shouldFail = true)
.text("Expect the validation command to fail rather that succeed. This can be used e.g. to find out when some illegal code started to compile"),
(v, c) => c.withCommand(_.copy(projectName =v ))
.text("Name of the project to run using GitHub coordinates")
(v, c) => c.withCommand(_.copy(targets = v))
.text("Comma delimited list of targets to limit scope of project building"),
(v, c) => c.withCommand(_.copy(extraScalacOptions = v))
.text("Extra scalac options passed to project build"),
(v, c) => c.withCommand(_.copy(disabledScalacOption = v))
.text("Filtered out scalac options passed to project build"),
(v, c) => c.copy(openCommunityBuildDir = Path.of(v))
.text("Directory with community build project from which the project config would be resolved")
(v, c) => c.copy(compilerDir = Path.of(v))
.text("Directory containing Scala compiler repository, required for commit-based bissect")
checkConfig { c =>
if !Files.exists(c.compilerDir) then failure("Compiler directory does not exist")
else if !Files.exists(c.openCommunityBuildDir) then failure("Open Community Build directory does not exist")
else success

object ValidationScript:
def buildProject(projectName: String, targets: Option[String], extraScalacOptions: String, disabledScalacOption: String, runId: String, buildURL: String, executeTests: Boolean): File = tmpScript{
def buildProject(projectName: String, targets: Option[String], extraScalacOptions: String, disabledScalacOption: String, runId: String, buildURL: String, executeTests: Boolean, openCBDir: Path): File = tmpScript(openCBDir){
val configPatch =
if executeTests
then ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,31 +153,16 @@ object ValidationScript:
| "$extraScalacOptions" \
| "$disabledScalacOption"
|#/build/ \
|# '' \
|# "${projectName}" \
|# "$$(cat build-status.txt)" \
|# "$$(date --iso-8601=seconds)" \
|# build-summary.txt \
|# build-logs.txt \
|# "$$(config .version)" \
|# "$${scalaVersion}" \
|# "${runId}" \
|# "${buildURL}"
|#if [ $$? != 0 ]; then
|# echo "::warning title=Indexing failure::Indexing results of ${projectName} failed"
|grep -q "success" build-status.txt;
|exit $$?

def dockerRunBuildProject(projectName: String, validationScript: File, openCBDir: File): File =
val scriptsPath = "/scripts/"
val validationScriptPath="/scripts/"
val imageVersion = "v0.2.4"
|#!/usr/bin/env bash
|set -e
Expand All @@ -193,13 +172,13 @@ object ValidationScript:
|docker run --rm \
| -v ${validationScript.getAbsolutePath()}:$validationScriptPath \
| -v ${openCBDir.getAbsolutePath()}:/opencb/ \
| virtuslab/scala-community-build-project-builder:jdk$${javaVersion}-$imageVersion \
| /bin/bash $validationScriptPath $$scalaVersion
| virtuslab/scala-community-build-project-builder:jdk$${javaVersion}-$communityBuildVersion \
| /bin/bash -c "$validationScriptPath $$scalaVersion"

private def tmpScript(content: String): File =
private def tmpScript(openCBDir: Path)(content: String): File =
val executableAttr = PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(PosixFilePermissions.fromString("rwxr-xr-x"))
val tmpPath = Files.createTempFile("scala-bisect-validator", "", executableAttr)
val tmpPath = Files.createTempFile(openCBDir, "scala-bisect-validator", ".sh", executableAttr)
val tmpFile = tmpPath.toFile

print(s"Bisecting with validation script: ${tmpPath.toAbsolutePath}\n")
Expand Down

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