It is a simple tool to view the content of a MySQL-Database.
The app let you view your tables from database depending on the user configuration.
It was build using TKinter and Python.
First, you can install the required libraries by running the following command in your command prompt:
pip install tk
pip install mysql
pip install pandas
You can get more information abut getting code from here:
Cloning a repository
Now you can run the app by running the following command:
Before Running the code for first time you need to change the folling line of code in file:
database = "sakila"
table = "sales_by_film_category"
// Above details are predefined databse,table in MySQL so no need to change it
host = "localhost" //Most likely remain the same
user = "studentadmin" //Change this to your username
password = "8989" //Change this to your password
You are good to go from here
This was just a simple project to view the content of a MySQL-Database.
But actual plan was to make a database management system which can be used to manage the database.
Lets see if we can make it or not :).
If You Get any error please run in vsCode.