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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation




  • Highly customizable

    • support dark/light theme
    • corner radius
    • blurred background (with blur styles)
    • various positions

    Cell type's

    - ActionCell

    Single action
    .init(item: .ActionCell(selection: .default(icon: UIImage(systemName: "star"), title: "Title")), action: { action in
        print("item Unstar")
    Double action
    .init(item: .ActionCell(selection: .multi(isSelected: true,
                             selectedIcon: UIImage(systemName: "star.slash"), selectedTitle: "Unstar",
                             defaultIcon: UIImage(systemName: "star"), defaultTitle: "Star")), 
           action: { action in
         if action.isSelected ?? false {
             print("item Unstar")
         } else {
             print("item Star")
    Action item color
    - default
    - clear
    - filled parameters: color
    - tinted parameters: color
    - custom parameters: color, textColor, backColor
    Action item Layout
    - Icon_Title (Icon left, title right)
    - Title_Icon (Title left, Icon right)
    Action item height
    - compact
    - default
    - big

    - TitleCell

    .init(item: .Title("Title"))

    - SpacerCell

    .init(item: .Spacer(type: .empty))
    .init(item: .Spacer(type: .line())) parameters: color, inset
    .init(item: .Spacer(type: .dashedLine())) parameters: color
    .init(item: .Spacer(type: .divider))

    - InputCell

    .init(item: .InputCell(type: .textField(), placeholder: "Login", identifier: "Login"))
    .init(item: .InputCell(type: .textView(), placeholder: "Description", identifier: "Description"))
    textField parameters: text, isSecure, content, keyboard
    textView parameters: text, content, keyboard

    - SwitchCell

    .init(item: .SwitchCell(icon: UIImage(systemName: "bookmark")!, title: "Switch 1", action: #selector(switchAction)))

    - SegmentCell

    .init(item: .SegmentCell(items: ["Item 1", UIImage(systemName: "bookmark")!, "Item 3"], selected: 1, action: #selector(segmentAction)))

    - CustomCell

    .init(item: .CustomCell(view: CustomViewRow(title: "Custom rows", subtitle: "View custom rows", icon: UIImage(systemName: "tablecells")!)), action: { _ in }

    Horizontal Action item height

    - compact
    - default


Put Sources folder in your Xcode project. Make sure to enable Copy items if needed.


let actions: [UIFloatMenuAction] = []

//let custom_menu = UIFloatMenu.setup(type: .custom(view: CustomView))
let menu = UIFloatMenu.setup(type: .actions(actions))
menu.header.title = "UIFloatMenu title"
menu.header.subtitle = "UIFloatMenu subtitle"
menu.header.showButton = true
menu.header.showHeader = true
menu.header.showLine = true
menu.header.lineInset = 15
menu.config.cornerRadius = 12
menu.config.blurBackground = true
menu.config.blurStyle = .systemMaterial
menu.config.presentation = .default
menu.delegate.close = self


Show next view with animation

let header = UIFloatMenuHeaderConfig(title: "Activity", showLine: true)
UIFloatMenu.showNext(type: .custom(view: CustomView), header: header, presentation: .center) // custom view
UIFloatMenu.showNext(type: .actions([]), header: header, presentation: .center) // items

Display indicator

UIFloatMenu.displayIndicator(text: "Loading...", presentation: .rightUp(overNavBar: true))

//If success, show next
UIFloatMenu.showNext(actions: [], presentation: .rightUp(overNavBar: true), header: header)

//If error, stop indicator and show previous view

Show alert

let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Delete", message: "message", preferredStyle: .alert)
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .cancel))


To know when menu is closed, set the delegate with protocol UIFloatMenuCloseDelegate:

menu.delegate.close = self
func UIFloatMenuDidCloseMenu() {
    print("didCloseMenu - MenuClosed")

To get UITextField or UITextView data, set the delegate with protocol UIFloatMenuTextFieldDelegate:

menu.delegate.input = self
func UIFloatMenuGetInputData(_ rows: [InputRow]) {
    let login = UIFloatMenuHelper.find(rows, by: "Login")
    let password = UIFloatMenuHelper.find(rows, by: "Password")

    print("Login -", login)
    print("Password -", password)