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VoDA.FtpServer is a simple FTP server library. This library simplifies interaction with the FTP protocol down to the events level. All requests to the server related to authorization or working with data cause events that you must implement.

Quick start

To start the server, you need to create an FtpServerBuilder object, configure it using functions, as shown in the example below. For more information about each function, see ConfigurationParameters. After configuration, call the Build() function to create a server.

An example of an FTP server for working with the file system is given in the Test project.


var server = new FtpServerBuilder()
    .ListenerSettings((config) =>
        config.Port = 21; // enter the port
        config.ServerIp = System.Net.IPAddress.Any;
    .Log((config) =>
        config.Level = LogLevel.Information; // enter log level. Default: Information
    .Certificate((config) =>
        config.CertificatePath = ".\\server.crt";
        config.CertificateKey = ".\\server.key";
    .Authorization((config) =>
        config.UseAuthorization = true; // enable or disable authorization
        config.UsernameVerification += (username) => {...}; // username verification
        config.PasswordVerification += (username, password) => {...}; //verification of username and password
    .FileSystem((fs) =>
        fs.OnDeleteFile += (client, path) => {...}; // delete file event
        fs.OnRename += (client, from, to) => {...}; // rename item event
        fs.OnDownload += (client, path) => {...};   // download file event
        fs.OnGetList += (client, path) => {...};    // get items in folder event
        fs.OnExistFile += (client, path) => {...};  // file check event
        fs.OnExistFoulder += (client, path) => {...};   // folder check event
        fs.OnCreate += (client, path) => {...}; // file creation event
        fs.OnAppend += (client, path) => {...}; // append file event
        fs.OnDeleteFolder += (client, path) => {...};  // remove folder event
        fs.OnUpload += (client, path) => {...}; // upload file event
        fs.OnGetFileSize += (client, path) => {...};    // get file size event
        fs.OnGetFileModificationTime += (client, path) => {...};    // returns the last modified date of the file
// Start FTP-serer

Or you can use your own class that inherits from the context class. An example is below.

In this example, class MyAuthorization inherits from VoDA.FtpServer.Contexts.AuthorizationOptionsContext and class MyFileSystem inherits from VoDA.FtpServer.Contexts.FileSystemOptionsContext

var server = new FtpServerBuilder()
    .ListenerSettings((config) =>
        config.Port = 21; // enter the port
        config.ServerIp = System.Net.IPAddress.Any;
    .Log((config) =>
        config.Level = LogLevel.Information; // enter log level. Default: Information
    .Certificate((config) =>
        config.CertificatePath = ".\\server.crt";
        config.CertificateKey = ".\\server.key";
// Start FTP-serer

Full example see in Test project.


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