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I created realistic interactive lighting and materials in WebGL in a ‘virtual world.’ Users can move and explore 3D animated solid objects placed on a patterned ‘floor’ plane that stretches to the horizon in the x, y directions. The 3D objects in this ‘virtual world’ are made from different materials, each with individually-specified emissive, ambient, diffuse, specular parameters. The world also contains several smoothly-movable user-adjustable light sources, each with different position, ambient, diffuse, and specular parameters. Program then uses lights, materials, surface-normals and more with several vertex/fragment shader pairs to compute the Phong lighting model in different ways, including ‘Gouraud’ shading (yields faceted appearance) and ‘Phong’ shading (for smooth-looking, facet-free surfaces with nicely rounded specular highlights).

I designed three robot doing exercise in the gym (Ground Grid). Also, I add lighting in the gym and use different shading and lighting methods to apply the lighting. Based on the knowledge of project, the page can also be resized.

User Guide

Users can use ‘w/a/s/d’ to move the camera, use ‘i/j/k/l’ to change the camera direction. And ‘q’ is a switch for head light, ‘e’ is a switch for world light. ‘u’ is a switch for shading mode, ‘o’ is a switch for lighting mode. Also, users can change the position of light world light.


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