Retrieve basic tweet data based on the specified query. Requires NodeJS 4+.
'use strict';
let stream = require( 'stream' );
let Scraper = require( 'twitter-scraper' ).Scraper;
let query = 'from:riccardovolo since:2015-05-01 until:2015-05-02';
let scraper = new Scraper( query );
let toConsole = new stream.Writable( {
objectMode: true,
write: function( tweet, enc, cb ) {
console.log( 'Got tweet: ', tweet );
return cb();
} )
scraper.pipe( toConsole );
// Start the scraper
The data in the stream have the following format:
"id": "123123131312", // Tweet id as string
"text": "tweet tweeeet", // Text
"timestamp": 123123123, // Unix seconds
The start
method can accept 2 parameters first
and last
The lib uses the debug
lib (see here) use the DEBUG
env variable to control the logs.