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Brain MRI GAN - Tumor Segmentation

Build Status

Hi there, I'm Vuong Tuan Khanh - aka ArchiusVuong 👋

I'm a Student, Developer, Teacher at MindX, and Freelancer at Severium, Office Component and ComponentPro!

  • 🔭 I’m currently teaching at MindX School and working for Mr. Jason Dang at Incredium!
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Data Science, Machine Learning, and VueJS as well
  • 👯 I’m looking to learn as many as I can
  • 🥅 2020 Goals: Learn and contribute to Open Source projects
  • ⚡ Fun fact: I love to play with Data

About the Project

Brain MRI GAN is an application that allows based on T1 MRI images, Machine Learning will generate MRI T2 Contrast images, reducing half of the process of detecting brain tumors.

Cutting the prediction time in half means increased efficiency in the detection and treatment of brain tumors for 200%, while reducing the total cost of diagnosis and treatment by 50% when the cost of a single scan MRI is extremely high, along with limitations such as the common difficulties encountered in MRI scans of moving parts of the body, resulting in no results because MRI requires the subject to stand still for a very long period of time.

Brain MRI GAN has reached the top 4 in the National FPT Edu Hackathon 2021.

Live Demo

You can check out the live demo here

Team Member

Member Responsiblitity
Tuan Khanh Machine Learning
Khanh Huyen Machine Learning
Quoc Khoi Data Scientist
Van Tuyen Data Scientist


  1. Get the source code:
git clone
  1. Build using Python:

Reporting issues

You can follow the developments in the Brain MRI GAN project of our Github Issues Tracker.


You are welcome to use this however you wish within the MIT license.

Connect with me:

codeSTACKr.comVuong Tuan Khanh

Languages and Tools:

Visual Studio Code HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript SQL Git GitHub HTML5

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