Create a vm serving GeoPortal in a matter of minutes.
Under the files dir you will find code written by ESRI inc, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. This license is included in this repository.
- [git] (
- [VirtualBox] (
- [Vagrant] (
- [Fabric] (
vagrant up
fab dev init
Or, if you want to run from a fresh .war build from bleeding-edge geoportal code:
fab dev build_new
*NOTE: currently there's an issue with running installs from the fabfile. If you ssh into the VM and run the fabfile commands by hand it works fine.
- Password for vagrant
- Create Password for user postgres
(accept the defaults) - Create password for role geoportal
(accept the defaults) - Password for postgres
- Open a browser and navigate to [http://localhost:8081/geoportal/catalog/main/] (http://localhost:8081/geoportal/catalog/main/
- Click 'Login'
- Enter credentials 'gptuser', 'gptuser'