Extremely configurable cryptocurrency/altcoin autoseller script written in Perl, loosely based on dtbartle's python "altcoin-autosell".
Currently supports CoinEx. Support for Cryptsy coming soon.
Requires modules Digest::SHA, HTTP::Request, JSON, Log::Log4perl, LWP::Protocol::https, LWP::UserAgent, Try::Tiny, and YAML::Tiny.
cpan Digest::SHA HTTP::Request JSON Log::Log4perl LWP::Protocol::https LWP::UserAgent Try::Tiny YAML::Tiny
./autoseller.pl # just run
perl autoseller.pl # just run
./autoseller.pl -usage # show usage
The script will log to the console as well as "autosell.log" in the working directory. To change this, edit the log config.
Log configuration(for debugging) located in log.conf. For example, to debug the config loading, turn log level up of log4perl.logger.Autosell.Config
to DEBUG or higher, TRACE. Alternatively, if you only want to show errors, change the log level up to WARN or ERROR. See Log4Perl for more.
Edit configuration in config.yml
, or create one and pass it on the command line with -config '/path/to/config.yml'
# General settings
# Amount of time between polls
poll-time: 300
# Delay when we are going to send a request
request-delay: 5
# strategy to use to sell coins
# match-buy: Match highest buy offer(quick sell, least money)
# match-sell: Match lowest sell offer(takes longer, most money)
# undercut-sell: Undercuts lowest sell by max( int(5%), 1 Satoshi )
strategy: match-buy
# Target currency(btc/ltc/doge)
target: BTC
# Any number of API keys for us to monitor/use
# Format:
# exchangename-nickname:
# key: 'API key'
# secret: 'API secret'
# exchange the keys are for(determines what API we need to use)
# API key
key: ''
# API secret
secret: ''
# Min sell amounts for any number of coins (OPTIONAL)
# Will not try to make orders when balance is below set amount
# Format:
# coin: amount
# require SXC balance >= 1 before trying to sell
SXC: 1
# require DGC balance >= 1 before trying to sell
DGC: 1
# require FST balance >= 1 before trying to sell
FST: 1
# require LOT balance >= 1000 before trying to sell
LOT: 100
# Coins to exclude from our auto-selling (OPTIONAL)
# Format: 1 coin per line
# - coin
# Do not autosell LTC
NOTE: coinmins and excludes sections are completely optional.
If you like the script and would like to donate, you can use any of these addresses!
Coin | Address |
BTC | 15FURNXP8pcfXewySTHH3bqPJTBK1Yfu8d |
LTC | LWkEeQ2pKjhR8tiz5WhSxe5uanNWLnoDcM |
DOGE | DF1WhZN3Gny9UoDJLuHFyJ72Dr57o43Ma8 |