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A set of cross platform libraries and tools related to game development


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A set of cross platform libraries and tools built for game development.


Currently development is supported on Windows and Linux. Only Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18+ have been tested with the steps laid out in this guide.


All environment setups assumes you will be developing for all supported targets for that host.


The following packages are required.

  • gcc (currently only gcc-9, gcc-10 and gcc-11 are supported)
  • g++ (currently only g++-9, g++-10 and g++-11 are supported)
  • git
  • clang (currently only clang-10, clang-11 and clang-12 are supported)
  • cmake (minimum of CMake 3.16.3 required)
  • ninja-build
  • python3
  • libx11-xcb-dev
  • libxcb-keysyms1-dev

If you want to use Unix Makefiles as a generator you will also need the following.

  • make


All configuration is done via CMake. All steps below assume you are within a subfolder called build within the root of the checked out code-base.


cmake \
  -G[Ninja|"Unix Makefiles"] \
  -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=[gcc|clang] \ # optional, default cc will be used
  -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=[g++|clang++] \ # optional, default c++ will be used
  -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug|Release] \

Note that Ninja is the only offically supported generator for Linux. If CMAKE_C_COMPILER and CMAKE_CXX_COMPILE are omitted CMake will configure against the default system configured compilers. You can also specify specific versions of gcc or clang (gcc-10.0, clang++-11.0, etc.) if you have more then a single version installed and want to target a certain version. Currently only gcc/g++ 9, 10 and 11 are supported along with clang 10, 11 and 12.


cmake \
  -G[Ninja|"Visual Studio 15 2017"|"Visual Studio 16 2019"] \
  -Thost=x64 \  # Not needed for Ninja generator
  -Ax64 \ # Not needed for Ninja generator
  -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug|Release] \ # only needed when using Ninja

Note that only 64-bit builds are supported and that Ninja is the only offically supported generator for Windows. For Visual Studio 15 2017 and Visual Studio 16 2019 you must specify the architecture through the -A command. The CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is only needed if using Ninja as the generator type. For the Ninja generator you will also need to run the appropriate Visual Studio environment setup script in the same command prompt you intend to use for configuration before running a configuration. After you have completed configuration you don't need to re-run this script for subsequent commands. See here for location of and options for Visual Studio command line tools. This step may not be required if you only have a single version of Visual Studio installed.


cmake \
  -G[Ninja|"Unix Makefiles"] \
  -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[WNFramework Root]/Overlays/Posix/Overlays/Android/android.toolchain.cmake \
  -DWN_ANDROID_ABIS=[arm|arm64|x86|x86_64] \
  -DWN_ANDROID_SDK=[Android SDK Root] \
  -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug|Release] \

Note that Ninja is the only offically supported generator for Android. Both the [WNFramework Root] and [Android SDK Root] must be absolute paths. Currently only x86, arm and arm64 toolchains for Android API 22 are supported.


All building is done via CMake. All steps below assume you are within a subfolder called build within the root of the code-base and a configuration has already completed successfully

cmake --build .

Visual Studio

If using the command line you will also want to specify --config [Debug|Release]. If omitted it will build Debug by default. Inside the build folder generated by the Configuration step there is also a WNFramework.sln file that can be used to perform the build but isn't required.


All testing is done via CMake. All steps below assume you are within a subfolder called build within the root of the code-base and a build has already completed successfully.


Visual Studio

If using the command line you will also need to specify -C [Debug|Release]. If omitted it will run Debug by default. Inside the build folder generated by the Configuration step there is also a WNFramework.sln file containing a project named RUN_TESTS that can be used to run tests but isn't required.

Coding Conventions

This project uses a number of different languages, for language specific coding conventions check the guides below.