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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

category: accessibility
category: accessibility
For known WCAG 2.0 AA compliance problems
category: clean up
category: clean up
unused code/clean up items
category: customizer
category: customizer
Issues relating to the Customizer
category: feature add
category: feature add
New/added features
category: gutenberg
category: gutenberg
Relating to general Gutenberg compatibility
category: images
category: images
Issues relating to images
category: performance
category: performance
performance-related issues
category: plugin compat
category: plugin compat
Issues relating to plugin compatibility
category: styles
category: styles
affects lots of styles, requiring visual testing
category: sunset
category: sunset
things we're sunsetting
community contribution
community contribution
Legacy label from Zenhub.
Estimate Needed
Estimate Needed
Estimate: < 2 Hours
Estimate: < 2 Hours
Estimate: < 4 Hours
Estimate: < 4 Hours
Estimate: < 6 Hours
Estimate: < 6 Hours
Estimate: < 8 Hours
Estimate: < 8 Hours
Estimate: < 10 Hours/Unknown
Estimate: < 10 Hours/Unknown
good for beginners
good for beginners
lesson learned
lesson learned
Things to remember for the future.
priority: high
priority: high
Either blocks work on a priority-normal task or a solution here informs other work.
priority: low
priority: low
Nice-to-have in a release.
priority: normal
priority: normal
Must be completed before release of this version of plugin.
status: could not reproduce
status: could not reproduce
Label for issues which we could not reproduce.
status: in progress
status: in progress
status: needs docs
status: needs docs
status: needs research
status: needs research
We need to look into this to see what's needed
status: needs review
status: needs review