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Grunt commands

French District edited this page Aug 19, 2017 · 7 revisions

NOTE: This page is under construction. A complete reference is available at

These commands are run on the command line, prefixed with grunt. For example, to rebuild the CSS after editing the LESS files, you would run grunt less.

Some commands require you to have external applications installed. Instructions for installing dependencies are included in the developer documentation.


Recompiles all LESS files into their corresponding CSS files, including sourcemaps, and then runs cssmin. The list of files that will be compiled is defined in Gruntfile.js in the variable cssLessFiles.


Minifies Largo's .js JavaScript files to .min.js files.


Takes all .css files in css/ and homepages/assets/css that are not .min.css files and makes minified versions with the file extension .min.css.


Runs commands directly on the command line, instead of running Grunt modules.

These commands require you to have set up Largo according to the complete dev environment or documentation contribution environment instructions, because they require several Python libraries that were installed by following those instructions. Besure to have activated your python virtualenv with workon, as described in those instructions.


Recompiles the [Largo API Docs] </api/> from structured comments in Largo's PHP code using /docs/ into reStructuredText files.


Converts all available reStructuredText files into HTML documentation, which is saved locally in docs/_build/html/. If you want to preview these docs without pushing them to <>_, run

python -m SimpleHTTPServer as described in [the documentation contribution instructions]setup-documentation.html#setting-up>`_.


Runs msgmerge <>_ to merge translation files.

watch Runs less if a .less file in less/ or homepages/assets/less/ is modified. Runs docs if a reStructuredText .rst file changes in docs/.

pot Scans the Largo code for the WordPress localization functions and generates .po files for working with localization software.

Running this command requires your computer to have ``xgettext`` installed. Installation instructions vary based on operating system; your best bet is Google. ``xgettext`` is usually installed in the same package as ``gettext``.

po2mo Converts the .po files to .mo files. For more information about .po and .mo files, see the Wikipedia articles on gettext <>_.

Running this command requires your computer to have ``xgettext`` installed. Installation instructions vary based on operating system; your best bet is Google. ``xgettext`` is usually installed in the same package as ``gettext``.

apidocs Runs shell:apidocs, rebuilding only the API docs.

docs Runs shell:sphinx, rebuilding ALL docs.

build Runs less, cssmin, uglify, apidocs, docs, pot, and shell:msmerge to rebuild the assets, docs, and language files.

version Increments the Largo version number based on package.json. Files affected are: docs/, style.css,

build-release Runs build and version.

publish Runs the following tasks to publish the newest version of Largo on the master branch:

    Makes sure that you want to publish a release.

    Checks out the ``master`` branch of Largo.

    Merges the ``develop`` branch into ``master``.

    Tags the latest commit with the version number from ``package.json``.

    Pushes the ``master`` branch back to GitHub.
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