Proxy-filter is an easy-to-use tool for low-resource parallel corpus filtering tool. It is developed as a proxy learner on top of a transformer-based multilingual pre-trained language model (RoBERTa). Proxy-filter can easily score the noisy low-resource parallel corpus with high accuracy and low latency, covering 100 languages. Proxy-filter wins the first (Pashto-English) and runner-up (Khmer-English) positions in WMT20 Parallel Corpus Filtering Task ( The research paper depicting the Proxy-Filter is accepted to present in WMT 2020. If you find this tool useful please support us by citing the paper:
@inproceesings{proxyfilter20, title={Filtering noisy parallel corpus using transformers with proxy task learning}, author={Acarcicek, Haluk and Colakoglu, Talha and Aktan, Pinar Ece and Huang, Chongxuan and Peng, Wei}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Machine Translation (WMT)}, year={2020} }
- Proxy-filter has been tested with Python 3.6+ on Linux.
- Proxy-filter uses torch 1.4 under the hood to extract embeddings. You must install torch MANUALLY according to your CUDA version. Go check out
- For other requirements, you may install using pip:
pip install requirements.txt
Training the filtering model consists of two steps:
- generating a dataset for the proxy task [1];
- finetuning pretrained xlm-roberta-large transformer [2] with the huggingface interface [3].
will run these steps automatically.
After cloning the repo and installing the requirements, you can train a filtering model for a desired language pair (or domain).
Firstly you may edit and change the below data path to specify the directory of the training and validation data:
--valid_src_data_dir /VAILD_SRC_DATA_PATH/
--valid_trg_data_dir /VAILD_TRG_DATA_PATH/valid.en
--train_src_data_dirs /TRAIN_SRC_DATA_PATH/
--train_trg_data_dirs /TRAIN_TRG_DATA_PATH/train.en
Some insights:
- It is usually enough to supply a ~5-10k parallel pair for training and a couple of hundreds for the validation;
- Bigger datasets will increase the training time drastically and will not probably improve filtering performance;
- A model can be biased towards training data sentence length in the filtering phase. So training data should not be dominated with long or short sentences;
- You can feed multiple files to TRAINING data but not for the VALIDATION;
- Training data can be subsampled by changing "training_examples_subsample" parameter (1.0 = 100%).
Running the will take 6-8 hours with 10k bitext on a single NVIDIA V100 gpu.
If you want to check the details of a trained model you can check the training logs including datasets, parameters and performance by running tensorboard [4] at the folder "../runs".
You can edit the prefix --output_dir parameter ../outputs/[name it to remember] if you plan to train multiple models.
- --max_seq_length
- --per_gpu_eval_batch_size
- --per_gpu_train_batch_size
The above parameters affect GPU memory usage and performance directly. Please adjust the batch size according to your GPU memory to prevent the "Out of Memory" error.
Note that:
- Lowering the max_seq_length more than 256 may cause accuracy drop;
- Lowering the per_gpu_train_batch_size below 8 may cause performance issues;
- If you are limited on the GPU memory use gradient_accumulation_steps to keep gradient update batch size above 8. (gradient update batch size = per_gpu_train_batch_size*gradient_accumulation_steps )
The filtering step will score each sentence pair that you provided to the model. A higher score means the model is more confident on that pair.
Proxy-filter can be simply run as: bash
Note that you need to edit or run with your own parameters:
python ../code/
--max_seq_length 128
--batch_size 1024
--model_checkpoint_path ../outputs/[model-name-that-you-trained-before]
--src_data /SRC_DATA_PATH/
--trg_data /TRG_DATA_PATH/sents.en
--output_dir ../filter.output/ \
A "scores.txt" file will be produced at the "output_dir" location.
[1] Official Submission,
[2] Model details,
[3] Huggingface library,
[4] Tensorboard,