When creating this app, I used TableView and its delegates, worked with navigation controllers. I used one of the most popular design patterns for iOS apps - MVC. Worked with UITextField. To save all the data and user activity I used UserDefaults. To implement local notifications, I worked with the iOS User Notification framework, so that users could set a reminder for a task and not miss the most important one :) A dark theme is also implemented to make the app more user-friendly.
- Table views and navigation controllers
- Delegates and Protocols
- MVC design pattern for iOS apps
- UserDefaults to save user data and activity
- User Notifications - To implement local notifications
- Better understanding of Storyboards & Auto-Layout
- Support for dark and light themes using semantic colours
- Swift
- Xcode
- UIKit
- UserDefaults
- iOS User Notifications
- Storyboards & Auto-Layout
You can use Source Control -> Clone to clone the app and see how it works.
You can see the project in detail on Behance.