PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git"
"require": {
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new OpenAPI\Client\Api\A2PApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$a2_p_application_submission = new \OpenAPI\Client\Model\A2PApplicationSubmission(); // \OpenAPI\Client\Model\A2PApplicationSubmission
try {
$result = $apiInstance->beginA2PApplication($a2_p_application_submission);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling A2PApi->beginA2PApplication: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to https://api.wall.et
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
A2PApi | beginA2PApplication | POST /v2/a2p/application | Create A2P Application |
A2PApi | fetchA2PApplication | GET /v2/a2p/application | Fetch A2P Application |
A2PApi | fetchA2PRegistration | GET /v2/a2p/registration | Fetch A2P Registration |
A2PApi | updateA2PApplication | PUT /v2/a2p/application/{applicationID} | Update A2P Application |
AdvertisementCreditsApi | archiveAdvertisementCredit | DELETE /v2/payment/advertisementCredit/{id} | Archive ad credit |
AdvertisementCreditsApi | createAdvertisementCredit | POST /v2/payment/advertisementCredit | Create ad credit |
AdvertisementCreditsApi | fetchAdvertisementCreditById | GET /v2/payment/advertisementCredit/{id} | Fetch ad credit |
AdvertisementCreditsApi | fetchAdvertisementCreditScans | GET /v2/payment/advertisementCredit/scans/{id} | Fetch scans |
AdvertisementCreditsApi | fetchAllAdvertisementCredits | GET /v2/payment/advertisementCredit/all | Fetch all active ad credits |
AdvertisementCreditsApi | restoreAdvertisementCredit | PATCH /v2/payment/advertisementCredit/{id} | Restore ad credit |
AdvertisementCreditsApi | updateAdvertisementCredit | PUT /v2/payment/advertisementCredit/{id} | Update ad credit |
AmenitiesApi | archiveAmenity | DELETE /v2/amenities/{id} | Archive amenity |
AmenitiesApi | createAmenity | POST /v2/amenities | Create amenity |
AmenitiesApi | fetchAllAmenities | GET /v2/amenities/all | Fetch all amenities |
AmenitiesApi | restoreAmenity | PATCH /v2/amenities/{id} | Restore amenity |
AmenitiesApi | updateAmenity | PUT /v2/amenities/{id} | Update amenity |
AnalyticsApi | countAllSubscribers | GET /v2/analytics/sms/all/subscribers/count | Count opt in list subscribers |
AnalyticsApi | countAuthenticatedSessions | GET /v2/analytics/walletPageViews/sessions/count/distinct/authenticated | Count authenticated sessions |
AnalyticsApi | countDistinctRedemptions | GET /v2/analytics/ledger/paymentObject/distinct/count | Fetch refund amount of campaigns by Campaign |
AnalyticsApi | countHelpDeskRequests | GET /v2/analytics/helpdeskrequests/count | Count help desk requests by date |
AnalyticsApi | countInboundMessages | GET /v2/analytics/sms/inbound/count | Count opt in list subscribers |
AnalyticsApi | countNewSessions | GET /v2/analytics/walletPageViews/sessions/count/distinct/first | Count new sessions |
AnalyticsApi | countOptInListSubscribersPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/sms/all/subscribers/count/date | Count opt in list subscribers by date |
AnalyticsApi | countOutboundMessages | GET /v2/analytics/sms/outbound/count | Count opt in list subscribers |
AnalyticsApi | countTotalSessions | GET /v2/analytics/walletPageViews/sessions/count/distinct | Count total sessions |
AnalyticsApi | countTransactions | GET /v2/analytics/ledger/transactions/count | Fetch refund amount of campaigns by Campaign |
AnalyticsApi | countVerifiedWalletPageViews | GET /v2/analytics/walletPageViews/sessions/verified/distinct/walletObjectsCount | Fetch wallet object counts within a given time frame that have a valid phone verification token |
AnalyticsApi | countWalletPageViews | GET /v2/analytics/walletPageViews/sessions/distinct/walletObjectsCount | Fetch wallet object counts within a given time frame |
AnalyticsApi | exitLinkSummary | GET /v2/analytics/walletPageViews/exitLinkSummary | Count exit clicks |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsAdCreditsCountPartitionedByEmployee | GET /v2/analytics/advertisementCredits/count/employee | Count ad credits by employee |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsAdCreditsCountPartitionedByPaymentDesign | GET /v2/analytics/advertisementCredits/count/paymentDesign | Count ad credits by payment design |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsAdCreditsCountPartitionedByValueType | GET /v2/analytics/advertisementCredits/count/valueType | Count ad credits by value type |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsAdCreditsRedemptionsAmountPartitionedByAdCreditID | GET /v2/analytics/advertisementCredits/redemptions/amount/adCredit | Fetch redemption amount of ad credits by Ad Credit |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsAdCreditsRedemptionsAmountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/advertisementCredits/redemptions/amount/date | Fetch redemption amount of ad credits by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsAdCreditsRedemptionsCountPartitionedByAdCreditID | GET /v2/analytics/advertisementCredits/redemptions/count/adCredit | Count redemptions of ad credits by Ad Credit |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsAdCreditsRedemptionsCountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/advertisementCredits/redemptions/count/date | Count redemptions of ad credits by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsAdCreditsRefundsAmountPartitionedByAdCreditID | GET /v2/analytics/advertisementCredits/refunds/amount/adCredit | Fetch refund amount of ad credits by Ad Credit |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsAdCreditsRefundsAmountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/advertisementCredits/refunds/amount/date | Fetch refund amount of ad credits by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsAdCreditsRefundsCountPartitionedByAdCreditID | GET /v2/analytics/advertisementCredits/refunds/count/adCredit | Count refunds of ad credits by Ad Credit |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsAdCreditsRefundsCountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/advertisementCredits/refunds/count/date | Count refunds of ad credits by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsAdCreditsScansCountPartitionedByAdCreditID | GET /v2/analytics/advertisementCredits/scans/count/adCredit | Count scans of ad credits by Ad Credit |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsAdCreditsScansCountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/advertisementCredits/scans/count/date | Count scans of ad credits by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsCampaignWalletPageViews | GET /v2/analytics/walletPageViews/campaign/{campaignID} | Fetch a campaign's wallet page views |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsCampaignsCountPartitionedByCampaignID | GET /v2/analytics/campaigns/count/campaign/created | Count created campaigns by campaign |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsCampaignsCountPartitionedByEmployee | GET /v2/analytics/campaigns/count/employee | Count campaigns by employee |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsCampaignsCountPartitionedByPaymentDesign | GET /v2/analytics/campaigns/count/paymentDesign | Count campaigns by payment design |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsCampaignsCountPartitionedByValueType | GET /v2/analytics/campaigns/count/valueType | Count campaigns by value type |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsCampaignsRedemptionsAmountPartitionedByCampaignID | GET /v2/analytics/campaigns/redemptions/amount/campaign | Fetch redemption amount of campaigns by Campaign |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsCampaignsRedemptionsAmountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/campaigns/redemptions/amount/date | Fetch redemption amount of campaigns by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsCampaignsRedemptionsCountPartitionedByCampaignID | GET /v2/analytics/campaigns/redemptions/count/campaign | Count redemptions of campaigns by Campaign |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsCampaignsRedemptionsCountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/campaigns/redemptions/count/date | Count redemptions of campaigns by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsCampaignsRefundsAmountPartitionedByCampaignID | GET /v2/analytics/campaigns/refunds/amount/campaign | Fetch refund amount of campaigns by Campaign |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsCampaignsRefundsAmountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/campaigns/refunds/amount/date | Fetch refund amount of campaigns by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsCampaignsRefundsCountPartitionedByCampaignID | GET /v2/analytics/campaigns/refunds/count/campaign | Fetch refund amount of campaigns by Campaign |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsCampaignsRefundsCountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/campaigns/refunds/count/date | Fetch refund amount of campaigns by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsDeliveredOutboundMessagesCountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/outboundSMS/count/date/delivered | Count delivered outbound messages by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsDeliveredOutboundMessagesCountPartitionedByPhoneNumber | GET /v2/analytics/outboundSMS/count/phoneNumber/delivered | Count delivered outbound messages by phone number |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsDistinctWalletSessions | GET /v2/analytics/walletPageViews/sessions/distinct | Fetch distinct wallet sessions |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsDynamicVouchersCountPartitionedByEmployee | GET /v2/analytics/dynamicVouchers/count/employee | Count dynamic vouchers by employee |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsDynamicVouchersCountPartitionedByPaymentDesign | GET /v2/analytics/dynamicVouchers/count/paymentDesign | Count dynamic vouchers by payment design |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsDynamicVouchersRedemptionsAmountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/dynamicVouchers/redemptions/amount/date | Fetch redemption amount of dynamic vouchers by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsDynamicVouchersRedemptionsAmountPartitionedByDynamicVoucherID | GET /v2/analytics/dynamicVouchers/redemptions/amount/dynamicVoucher | Fetch redemption amount of dynamic vouchers by dynamic voucher |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsDynamicVouchersRedemptionsCountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/dynamicVouchers/redemptions/count/date | Count redemptions of dynamic vouchers by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsDynamicVouchersRedemptionsCountPartitionedByDynamicVoucherID | GET /v2/analytics/dynamicVouchers/redemptions/count/dynamicVoucher | Count redemptions of dynamic vouchers by dynamic voucher |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsDynamicVouchersRefundsAmountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/dynamicVouchers/refunds/amount/date | Fetch refund amount of dynamic vouchers by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsDynamicVouchersRefundsAmountPartitionedByDynamicVoucherID | GET /v2/analytics/dynamicVouchers/refunds/amount/dynamicVoucher | Fetch refund amount of dynamic vouchers by dynamic voucher |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsDynamicVouchersRefundsCountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/dynamicVouchers/refunds/count/date | Count refunds of dynamic vouchers by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsDynamicVouchersRefundsCountPartitionedByDynamicVoucherID | GET /v2/analytics/dynamicVouchers/refunds/count/dynamicVoucher | Count refunds of dynamic vouchers by dynamic voucher |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsHelpDeskRequestsCreatedCountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/helpdeskrequests/count/date/created | Count help desk requests by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsHelpDeskRequestsResolvedCountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/helpdeskrequests/count/date/resolved | Count resolved help desk requests by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsHelpDeskRequestsResolvedCountPartitionedByEmployee | GET /v2/analytics/helpdeskrequests/count/employee/resolved | Count resolved help desk requests by employee |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsHelpDeskRequestsUnresolvedCountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/helpdeskrequests/count/date/unresolved | Count unresolved help desk requests by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsItemWalletPageViews | GET /v2/analytics/walletPageViews/item/{itemID} | Fetch wallet page views of item |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsMemberCount | GET /v2/analytics/membership/member/count | Count members |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsMerchantCreditCount | GET /v2/analytics/membership/merchantCredit/count | Count merchant credits |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsOfferVsRedeemedAmountPartitionedByCampaignID | GET /v2/analytics/campaigns/amount/campaign/offerVsRedeemed | Fetch offer vs redeemed amount by campaign |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsPaymentObjectBroadcastsCreatedCountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/paymentObjectBroadcasts/count/date/created | Count created broadcasts by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsPaymentObjectBroadcastsIndividualExecutionTimeOfCompletedBroadcasts | GET /v2/analytics/paymentObjectBroadcasts/executionTime/completed | Fetch execution time of completed broadcasts |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsPaymentObjectBroadcastsScheduledCountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/paymentObjectBroadcasts/count/date/scheduled | Count scheduled broadcasts by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsPaymentObjectBroadcastsScheduledCountPartitionedByEmployee | GET /v2/analytics/paymentObjectBroadcasts/count/employee/scheduled | Count scheduled broadcasts by employee |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsPaymentObjectBroadcastsScheduledCountPartitionedByPhoneNumber | GET /v2/analytics/paymentObjectBroadcasts/count/phoneNumber/scheduled | Count scheduled broadcasts by phone number |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsPaymentObjectBroadcastsScheduledSMSCountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/paymentObjectBroadcasts/sms/count/date/scheduled | Count scheduled SMS broadcasts by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsSentOutboundMessagesCountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/outboundSMS/count/date/sent | Count sent outbound messages by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsSentOutboundMessagesCountPartitionedByPhoneNumber | GET /v2/analytics/outboundSMS/count/phoneNumber/sent | Count sent outbound messages by phone number |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsStaticVoucherWalletPageViews | GET /v2/analytics/walletPageViews/staticVoucher/{voucherID} | Fetch a static voucher's wallet page views |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsTCPAFiltersCreateCountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/tcpafilters/count/date/create | Count created TCPA Filter entries by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsTCPAFiltersDeleteCountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/tcpafilters/count/date/delete | Count deleted TCPA Filter entries by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsTCPAStopCountPartitionedByDate | GET /v2/analytics/tcpa/count/date/stop | Count TCPA (STOP) entries by date |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsTCPAStopCountPartitionedByPhoneNumber | GET /v2/analytics/tcpa/count/phoneNumber/stop | Count TCPA (STOP) entries by phone number |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsTotalAmountRedeemedPerMerchantCredit | GET /v2/analytics/membership/merchantCredit/amount/redeemed | Fetch redeemed amount of merchant credits |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsTotalAmountRedeemedPerTier | GET /v2/analytics/membership/tier/amount/redeemed | Fetch redeemed amounĚĄt of tiers |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsTotalAmountRefundedPerMerchantCredit | GET /v2/analytics/membership/merchantCredit/amount/refunded | Fetch refunded amount of merchant credits |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsTotalAmountRefundedPerTier | GET /v2/analytics/membership/tier/amount/refunded | Fetch refunded amount of tiers |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsTotalPointsRedeemed | GET /v2/analytics/membership/member/points/redeemed | Count redeemed points |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsTotalPointsRefunded | GET /v2/analytics/membership/member/points/refunded | Count refunded points |
AnalyticsApi | fetchAnalyticsWalletSessionActivity | GET /v2/analytics/walletPageViews/session/activity/{sessionID} | Fetch session activity |
AnalyticsApi | fetchWalletPageViewByID | GET /v2/analytics/walletPageViews/activity/{id} | Fetch session activity by wallet page view ID |
AnalyticsApi | referringSitesSummary | GET /v2/analytics/walletPageViews/referringSitesSummary | Count referring sites |
AnalyticsApi | sumRevenue | GET /v2/analytics/ledger/revenue/sum | Fetch refund amount of campaigns by Campaign |
AnalyticsApi | sumTransactions | GET /v2/analytics/ledger/transactions/sum | Fetch refund amount of campaigns by Campaign |
AppleWalletSubscribersApi | fetchAppleWalletSubscriberActivity | GET /v2/apple/wallet/pass/subscriber/activity/{subscriptionID} | Fetch subscriber activity |
AppleWalletSubscribersApi | fetchAppleWalletSubscribers | GET /v2/apple/wallet/pass/subscribers/all | Fetch all subscribers |
BillingApi | buyAddOn | POST /v2/billing/products/addOns/{productID} | Fetch add-on products, or 1-time purchase products (non-subscription products) |
BillingApi | buySpecialOffer | POST /v2/billing/products/specialOffers/{productID} | Buy special offer |
BillingApi | cancelPlan | DELETE /v2/billing/plan | Cancel billing plan and revert to default |
BillingApi | changePlan | PUT /v2/billing/plan | Change billing plan |
BillingApi | fetchAddOns | GET /v2/billing/products/addOns | Fetch add-on products, or 1-time purchase products (non-subscription products) |
BillingApi | fetchCustomerPaymentMethods | GET /v2/billing/paymentMethods/all | Fetch customer payment methods |
BillingApi | fetchIndustry | GET /v2/billing/industry | Fetch merchant's industry |
BillingApi | fetchInvoices | GET /v2/billing/invoices/all | Fetch all invoices |
BillingApi | fetchSpecialOffers | GET /v2/billing/products/specialOffers | Fetch special offer products |
BillingApi | fetchSubscription | GET /v2/billing/subscription | Fetch subscription |
BillingApi | fetchUsageSummary | GET /v2/billing/summary | Fetch usage summary |
BillingApi | savePaymentMethod | PUT /v2/billing/paymentMethod | Save payment method |
BillingApi | setDefaultPaymentMethod | POST /v2/billing/paymentMethod/default | Verify payment method |
BillingApi | upcomingInvoices | GET /v2/billing/invoices/upcoming | Fetch upcoming invoices |
BillingApi | verifyPaymentMethod | GET /v2/billing/paymentMethod | Verify payment method |
ClubMembersPointsApi | archiveMember | DELETE /v2/membership/member/{id} | Archive member |
ClubMembersPointsApi | createMember | POST /v2/membership/member | Create member |
ClubMembersPointsApi | fetchMemberById | GET /v2/membership/member/{id} | Fetch member |
ClubMembersPointsApi | fetchMemberHistoryLog | POST /v2/membership/member/history/log | Fetch history |
ClubMembersPointsApi | fetchMemberRedemptionLog | POST /v2/membership/member/redemption/log | Fetch redemption log |
ClubMembersPointsApi | fetchMembersByPage | POST /v2/membership/member/page | Fetch members by page |
ClubMembersPointsApi | fetchMembersCount | GET /v2/membership/member/count | Count active members |
ClubMembersPointsApi | restoreMember | PATCH /v2/membership/member/{id} | Restore member |
ClubMembersPointsApi | searchMembers | POST /v2/membership/member/search | Search for members |
ClubMembersPointsApi | updateMember | PUT /v2/membership/member/{id} | Update member |
ConfigurationApi | createPublicChatRoom | POST /v2/wallet/createPublicChatRoom | |
ConfigurationApi | saveMerchantCreditPaymentDesign | PUT /v2/wallet/merchantCredit/paymentDesign | Update wallet record |
ConfigurationApi | saveWalletRecord | PUT /v2/wallet | Update wallet record |
CountriesApi | fetchAllCountries | GET /system/countries/all | Fetch all countries |
CustomerApi | fetchActiveVouchers | GET /v2/customer/vouchers/active | Fetch active static vouchers |
CustomerApi | fetchAllVouchers | GET /v2/customer/vouchers/all | Fetch all static vouchers |
CustomerApi | fetchExpiredVouchers | GET /v2/customer/vouchers/expired | Fetch expired static vouchers |
CustomerApi | fetchRedeemedVouchers | GET /v2/customer/vouchers/redeemed | Fetch redeemed static vouchers |
CustomerApi | fetchRefundedVouchers | GET /v2/customer/vouchers/refunded | Fetch refunded static vouchers |
CustomerApi | fetchUpcomingVouchers | GET /v2/customer/vouchers/upcoming | Fetch upcoming static vouchers |
CustomerApi | fetchWalletViewsForSession | GET /v2/customer/walletViews/session/{id} | Fetch Wallet Views for Session |
CustomerApi | searchByMemberID | POST /v2/customer/search/memberID | Find members with memberID |
CustomerApi | searchByPhoneNumber | POST /v2/customer/search/phoneNumber | Find members with phone number |
DashboardApi | fetchDashboardActiveStaticVoucherCampaignsCount | GET /v2/dashboard/count/staticVoucherCampaigns/active | Count active static voucher campaigns |
DashboardApi | fetchDashboardActiveStaticVouchersCount | GET /v2/dashboard/count/staticVouchers/active | Count active static vouchers |
DashboardApi | fetchDashboardAppleWalletSubscribersCount | GET /v2/dashboard/count/appleWallet/subscribers | Count Apple Wallet Subscribers |
DashboardApi | fetchDashboardEmployeesCount | GET /v2/dashboard/count/employees | Count employees |
DashboardApi | fetchDashboardMembersCount | GET /v2/dashboard/count/members | Count members |
DashboardApi | fetchDashboardMembershipTiersCount | GET /v2/dashboard/count/membershipTiers | Count tiers |
DashboardApi | fetchDashboardNewsArticlesCount | GET /v2/dashboard/count/newsArticles | Count News Articles |
DashboardApi | fetchDashboardOptInListsCount | GET /v2/dashboard/count/optInLists | Count opt in lists |
DashboardApi | fetchDashboardOptInSourcesCount | GET /v2/dashboard/count/optInSources | Count opt in sources |
DashboardApi | fetchDashboardOutboundSMSCount | GET /v2/dashboard/count/sms/outbound | Count Outbound SMS |
DashboardApi | fetchDashboardPOSMachinesCount | GET /v2/dashboard/count/pos/machines | Count POS Machines |
DashboardApi | fetchDashboardPOSTransactionsCount | GET /v2/dashboard/count/pos/transactions | Count POS Transactions |
DashboardApi | fetchDashboardPerformancesCount | GET /v2/dashboard/count/performances | Count Performances |
DashboardApi | fetchDashboardPhoneNumbersCount | GET /v2/dashboard/count/phoneNumbers | Count phone numbers |
DashboardApi | fetchDashboardRedemptionsCount | GET /v2/dashboard/count/pos/redemptions | Count POS redemptions |
DashboardApi | fetchDashboardRefundsCount | GET /v2/dashboard/count/pos/refunds | Count POS refunds |
DashboardApi | fetchDashboardWalletPageViewsCount | GET /v2/dashboard/count/wallet/pageViews | Count Wallet page views |
DashboardApi | fetchDashboardWidgetsCatalog | GET /v2/dashboard/widgets | Fetch widgets catalog |
DiningApi | archiveDining | DELETE /v2/dining/{id} | Archive dining |
DiningApi | createDining | POST /v2/dining | Create dining |
DiningApi | fetchAllDining | GET /v2/dining/all | Fetch all dining |
DiningApi | restoreDining | PATCH /v2/dining/{id} | Restore dining |
DiningApi | updateDining | PUT /v2/dining/{id} | Update dining |
DynamicVouchersApi | archiveDynamicVoucherCampaign | DELETE /v2/payment/dynamicVoucher/{campaignID} | Archive dynamic voucher campaign |
DynamicVouchersApi | createDynamicVoucher | POST /v2/payment/dynamicVoucher | Create dynamic voucher |
DynamicVouchersApi | fetchAllDynamicVouchers | GET /v2/payment/dynamicVoucher/all | Fetch all active dynamic vouchers |
DynamicVouchersApi | fetchDynamicVoucherById | GET /v2/payment/dynamicVoucher/{id} | Fetch dynamic voucher |
DynamicVouchersApi | fetchDynamicVoucherRedemptions | GET /v2/payment/dynamicVoucher/redemptions/{id} | Fetch redemptions |
DynamicVouchersApi | fetchReachStatsOfAllDynamicVouchers | GET /v2/payment/dynamicVoucher/reach/all | Get the reach statistics of all the dynamic vouchers |
DynamicVouchersApi | fetchReachStatsOfIndividualDynamicVoucher | GET /v2/payment/dynamicVoucher/reach/{dynamicVoucherID} | Get the reach statistics of an individual dynamic voucher |
DynamicVouchersApi | restoreDynamicVoucherCampaign | PATCH /v2/payment/dynamicVoucher/{campaignID} | Restore dynamic voucher campaign |
DynamicVouchersApi | saveDynamicVoucher | PUT /v2/payment/dynamicVoucher/{id} | Update dynamic voucher |
EmailSubscriberApi | archiveEmailSubscriber | DELETE /v2/emailSubscriber/{id} | Archive email subscriber |
EmailSubscriberApi | createEmailSubscriber | POST /v2/emailSubscriber | Create email subscriber |
EmailSubscriberApi | fetchAllEmailSubscribers | GET /v2/emailSubscriber/all | Fetch all email subscribers |
EmailSubscriberApi | restoreEmailSubscriber | PATCH /v2/emailSubscriber/{id} | Restore email subscriber |
EmailSubscriberApi | updateEmailSubscriber | PUT /v2/emailSubscriber/{id} | Update email subscriber |
EmployeeAPIKeysApi | archiveEmployeeAPIKeys | DELETE /v2/employee/apiKeys/{id} | Archive employee API Key |
EmployeeAPIKeysApi | createEmployeeAPIKeys | POST /v2/employee/apiKeys | Create employee API Key |
EmployeeAPIKeysApi | fetchAllEmployeeAPIKeys | GET /v2/employee/apiKeys/all | Fetch all employee API Keys |
EmployeeAPIKeysApi | fetchEmployeeAPIKeyById | GET /v2/employee/apiKeys/{id} | Fetch API Key |
EmployeeAPIKeysApi | updateEmployeeAPIKeys | PUT /v2/employee/apiKeys/{id} | Update employee API Key |
EmployeeAccessApi | register | POST /authentication/register | Register |
EmployeesApi | addPeerToRoles | POST /v2/employee/roles/peer/{userID} | Add peer to roles |
EmployeesApi | createDocument | POST /v2/employee/document | Create document |
EmployeesApi | createEmployeePeer | POST /v2/employee/peer | Create employee peer |
EmployeesApi | createFile | POST /v2/employee/file/create | Create file |
EmployeesApi | createMediaFile | POST /v2/employee/mediaFile | Create media file |
EmployeesApi | createStaticVoucherCampaignsGroup | POST /v2/employee/staticVoucherCampaignsGroup | Create static voucher campaign group |
EmployeesApi | deleteDocument | DELETE /v2/employee/document/{documentID} | Delete document |
EmployeesApi | deleteMediaFile | DELETE /v2/employee/mediaFile/{mediaFileID} | Delete media file |
EmployeesApi | downloadFile | GET /v2/employee/file/download/{fileID} | Fetch URL for file download |
EmployeesApi | exportClubMembers | PUT /v2/employee/export/members | Export club members |
EmployeesApi | exportMerchantCredits | PUT /v2/employee/export/merchantCredits | Export merchant credits |
EmployeesApi | exportStaticVoucherCampaign | PUT /v2/employee/export/staticVoucherCampaign/{campaignID} | Export static voucher campaign |
EmployeesApi | failedImport | GET /v2/employee/file/imports/failed/{fileID} | Fetch URL to download a failed import |
EmployeesApi | fetchDocuments | GET /v2/employee/documents/all | Fetch all documents |
EmployeesApi | fetchDynamicVouchers | GET /v2/employee/dynamicVouchers/all | Fetch all dynamic vouchers |
EmployeesApi | fetchEmployeeStaticVoucherCampaignGroups | GET /v2/employee/staticVoucherCampaignGroups/all | Fetch static voucher campaign groups |
EmployeesApi | fetchEmployeeStaticVoucherCampaigns | GET /v2/employee/staticVoucherCampaigns/all | Fetch static voucher campaigns |
EmployeesApi | fetchMediaFiles | GET /v2/employee/mediaFiles/all | Fetch all media files |
EmployeesApi | fetchMerchant | GET /v2/employee/merchant | Create employee alert |
EmployeesApi | fetchMessages | GET /v2/employee/messages/all | Fetch all messages |
EmployeesApi | fetchOptInListSource | GET /v2/employee/optInListSource/{sourceID} | Fetch opt in list source |
EmployeesApi | fetchOptInListSourcesCreatedByEmployee | GET /v2/employee/optInListSources/all | Fetch all opt in list sources |
EmployeesApi | fetchPeerActivity | GET /v2/employee/peer/activity/{employeeID} | Fetch peer activity |
EmployeesApi | fetchPeersPermissions | GET /v2/employee/peer/permissions/{userID} | Fetch peer permissions |
EmployeesApi | fetchProfileInfo | GET /v2/employee | Retrieve employee's webpages |
EmployeesApi | importClubMembers | POST /v2/employee/import/members | Import club members |
EmployeesApi | importMerchantCredits | POST /v2/employee/import/merchantCredits | Import merchant credits |
EmployeesApi | loadWebpagesOfEmployee | GET /v2/employee/webpages/all | Retrieve employee's webpages |
EmployeesApi | modifyPeersRoles | PUT /v2/employee/peer/permissions/{userID} | Modify peer's roles |
EmployeesApi | presignFile | POST /v2/employee/file/presign | Presign file for upload |
EmployeesApi | removePeerFromAllRoles | DELETE /v2/employee/peer/permissions/{userID} | Remove peer from all roles |
EmployeesApi | scheduleAdvertisementCredit | POST /v2/employee/sms/schedule/adCredit/{advertisementCreditID} | Schedule Ad Credit |
EmployeesApi | scheduleDynamicVoucher | POST /v2/employee/sms/schedule/dynamicVoucher/{dynamicVoucherID} | Schedule Dynamic Voucher to list |
EmployeesApi | scheduleDynamicVoucherToRecipient | POST /v2/employee/sms/schedule/recipient/dynamicVoucher/{dynamicVoucherID} | Schedule Dyanamic Voucher to recipient |
EmployeesApi | scheduleSimpleSMS | POST /v2/employee/sms/schedule/simple | Schedule Simple SMS broadcast to list |
EmployeesApi | scheduleSimpleSMSToRecipient | POST /v2/employee/sms/schedule/recipient/simple | Schedule Simple SMS broadcast to recipient |
EmployeesApi | sendHelpDeskResponse | POST /v2/employee/helpDesk/response | Send help desk response |
EmployeesApi | sendSmsCampaignBroadcast | POST /v2/employee/sms/schedule/campaign/{staticVoucherCampaignID} | Schedule SMS Campaign Broadcast |
EmployeesApi | setAlertsRead | PATCH /v2/employee/alerts | Mark alerts as read |
EmployeesApi | setExportDataFilesRead | PUT /v2/employee/export/dataFiles | Mark export data files as read |
EmployeesApi | setHelpDeskRequestResolved | PATCH /v2/employee/helpDesk/request/{helpDeskRequestID} | Resolve help desk request |
EmployeesApi | setMessagesRead | PATCH /v2/employee/messages | Mark messages as read |
EmployeesApi | setProfilePicture | PUT /v2/employee/profile/picture | Set profile picture |
EmployeesApi | updateClubMembers | PUT /v2/employee/update/members | Update club members |
EmployeesApi | updateEmailNotificationPreference | PUT /v2/employee/emailNotificationPreference | Changes the employee's email notification preference to enabled or disabled |
EmployeesApi | updateEmployeePeer | PUT /v2/employee/peer/{userID} | Update peer |
GamingApi | archiveGaming | DELETE /v2/gaming/{id} | Archive gaming |
GamingApi | createGaming | POST /v2/gaming | Create gaming |
GamingApi | fetchAllGaming | GET /v2/gaming/all | Fetch all gaming |
GamingApi | restoreGaming | PATCH /v2/gaming/{id} | Restore gaming |
GamingApi | updateGaming | PUT /v2/gaming/{id} | Update gaming |
ImageGridApi | archiveImageGrid | DELETE /v2/imageGrid/{id} | Archive image |
ImageGridApi | createImageGrid | POST /v2/imageGrid | Create image |
ImageGridApi | fetchAllImageGrid | GET /v2/imageGrid/all | Fetch all images |
ImageGridApi | restoreImageGrid | PATCH /v2/imageGrid/{id} | Restore image |
ImageGridApi | updateImageGrid | PUT /v2/imageGrid/{id} | Update image |
IndustriesApi | fetchAllIndustries | GET /system/industries/all | Fetch all industries |
IndustriesApi | fetchDomainsByIndustry | GET /system/industries/domains | Fetch all industries |
IndustriesApi | fetchIndustriesIDs | GET /system/industries/trimmed | Fetch all industries |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | countAdCreditsRedemptions | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/count/adCredits/redemptions | Count redeemed ad credits |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | countAdCreditsRefunds | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/count/adCredits/refunds | Count refunded ad credits |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | countDynamicVoucherRedemptions | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/count/dynamicVoucher/redemptions | Count dynamic voucher redemptions |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | countDynamicVoucherRefunds | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/count/dynamicVoucher/refunds | Count dynamic voucher refunds |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | countMembershipPointsRedemptions | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/count/membershipPoints/redemptions | Count redeemed membership points |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | countMembershipPointsRefunds | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/count/membershipPoints/refunds | Count refunded membership points |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | countMembershipTierRedemptions | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/count/membershipTier/redemptions | Count tier redemptions |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | countMembershipTierRefunds | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/count/membershipTier/refunds | Count tier refunds |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | countMerchantCreditRedemptions | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/count/merchantCredit/redemptions | Count redeemed merchant credits |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | countMerchantCreditRefunds | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/count/merchantCredit/refunds | Count refunded merchant credits |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | countStaticVoucherRedemptions | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/count/staticVoucher/redemptions | Count static voucher redemptions |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | countStaticVoucherRefunds | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/count/staticVoucher/refunds | Count static voucher refunds |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | fetchInfoGenesisAuthorizations | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/authorizations | Fetch InfoGenesis authorizations |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | fetchInfoGenesisCampaignData | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/campaign | Fetch campaign information |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | fetchInfoGenesisLookupRequests | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/requests/lookup | Fetch InfoGenesis lookup requests |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | fetchInfoGenesisLookupRequestsErrors | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/requests/lookup/errors | Fetch InfoGenesis lookup request errors |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | fetchInfoGenesisRedeemedStaticVouchers | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/staticVouchers/redeemed | Fetch redeemed static vouchers |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | fetchInfoGenesisRedeemedUniquePostingIDs | GET /v2/pos/infogenesis/postingIDs/redeemed | Fetch redeemed InfoGenesis unique posting IDs |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | fetchInfoGenesisRedemptions | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/redemptions | Fetch InfoGenesis redemptions |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | fetchInfoGenesisRefundedRoutingIDs | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/routingIDs/refunded | Fetch refunded InfoGenesis unique posting IDs |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | fetchInfoGenesisRefundedStaticVouchers | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/staticVouchers/refunded | Fetch refunded static vouchers |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | fetchInfoGenesisRefunds | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/refunds | Fetch InfoGenesis refunds |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | fetchInfoGenesisRequest | GET /v2/pos/infogenesis/request/{transactionID} | Fetch InfoGenesis request with transaction ID |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | fetchInfoGenesisRequests | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/requests | Fetch InfoGenesis requests with routing IDs |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | fetchInfoGenesisResponseErrors | GET /v2/pos/infogenesis/responses/errors | Fetch InfoGenesis response errors |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | fetchInfoGenesisResponses | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/responses | Fetch InfoGenesis responses with routing IDs |
InfoGenesisReportsApi | fetchInfoGenesisTransactionsWithUniquePostingIDs | POST /v2/pos/infogenesis/transactions | Fetch InfoGenesis transactions |
IntegratedTerminalsApi | archivePOSMachine | DELETE /v2/pos/machine/{id} | Archive POS machine |
IntegratedTerminalsApi | createPOSMachine | POST /v2/pos/machine | Create POS machine |
IntegratedTerminalsApi | fetchAllPOSMachines | GET /v2/pos/machine/all | Fetch all POS machines |
IntegratedTerminalsApi | restorePOSMachine | PATCH /v2/pos/machine/{id} | Restore POS machine |
IntegratedTerminalsApi | updatePOSMachine | PUT /v2/pos/machine/{id} | Update POS machine |
InteractionsApi | claimTicket | PUT /wallet/ticket/claim/{id} | Update ticket |
InteractionsApi | createAdvertisementCreditScan | POST /wallet/advertisementCredit/scan/{adCreditID} | Create ad credit scan |
InteractionsApi | createEmployeeVCard | GET /wallet/employee/vcard/{id} | Fetch an employee's VCard |
InteractionsApi | createIcsFile | GET /wallet/liveevent/ics/{id} | Fetch ICS for live event |
InteractionsApi | createVirtualBusinessCardVCard | GET /wallet/virtualBusinessCard/vCard/{id} | Fetch an employee's VCard |
InteractionsApi | fetchAllStaticVouchersAssociatedWithCustomerWithVoucherID | GET /wallet/staticVoucher/all | Fetch a customer's static vouchers on the basis of a given voucher ID |
InteractionsApi | fetchCustomerTicketsWithToken | POST /wallet/tickets/fetchCustomerTicketsWithToken | Update ticket |
InteractionsApi | fetchDynamicVoucherWithVoucherID | GET /wallet/dynamicVoucher/{voucherID} | Fetch dynamic voucher |
InteractionsApi | fetchMemberInformation | GET /wallet/member | Fetch member information |
InteractionsApi | fetchStaticVoucherWithVoucherID | GET /wallet/staticVoucher/{voucherID} | Fetch static voucher |
InteractionsApi | fetchWalletPageWithToken | POST /wallet/page/token | Fetch page with token NOTE: This route exists because a token can completely change the dataset returned to the client. A simple fetch just logs the token with the request, but a fetchWithToken request can have a very different object returned to the client. |
InteractionsApi | fetchWalletPaymentObjectsWithToken | POST /wallet/paymentObject/token | Fetch payment objects with token NOTE: This route exists because a token can completely change the dataset returned to the client. A simple fetch just logs the token with the request, but a fetchWithToken request can have a very different object returned to the client. |
InteractionsApi | findByVanityHandle | GET /wallet/vanityHandle/{handle} | Fetch vanity handle |
InteractionsApi | identifyItem | GET /wallet/item/identify/{itemID} | Identify item |
InteractionsApi | requestMerchantURLRedirect | POST /wallet/merchantURL/{itemID} | Request Merchant URL |
InteractionsApi | subscribeEmail | POST /wallet/subscribeEmail | Create email subscriber |
InteractionsApi | subscribeSms | POST /wallet/subscribeSms | Create sms subscriber |
LoginAndLogoutApi | login | POST /authentication/login | Login |
LoginAndLogoutApi | loginStatus | GET /authentication/status/{token} | Retrieve status of session token |
LoginAndLogoutApi | logout | DELETE /authentication/logout | Logout |
LoungeApi | archiveLounge | DELETE /v2/lounge/{id} | Archive lounge |
LoungeApi | createLounge | POST /v2/lounge | Create lounge |
LoungeApi | fetchAllLounge | GET /v2/lounge/all | Fetch all lounge |
LoungeApi | restoreLounge | PATCH /v2/lounge/{id} | Restore lounge |
LoungeApi | updateLounge | PUT /v2/lounge/{id} | Update lounge |
MembershipTiersApi | archiveMembershipTier | DELETE /v2/membership/tier/{id} | Archive tier |
MembershipTiersApi | createMembershipTier | POST /v2/membership/tier | Create tier |
MembershipTiersApi | fetchAllMembershipTiers | GET /v2/membership/tier/all | Fetch all tiers |
MembershipTiersApi | fetchAllMembershipTiersWithMemberCount | GET /v2/membership/tier/allWithMemberCount | Fetch all tiers with member count |
MembershipTiersApi | fetchMembershipTierById | GET /v2/membership/tier/{id} | Fetch tier |
MembershipTiersApi | fetchMembershipTierHistoryLog | POST /v2/membership/tier/history/log | Fetch history |
MembershipTiersApi | fetchMembershipTierRedemptionLog | POST /v2/membership/tier/redemption/log | Fetch redemption log |
MembershipTiersApi | restoreMembershipTier | PATCH /v2/membership/tier/{id} | Restore tier |
MembershipTiersApi | updateMembershipTier | PUT /v2/membership/tier/{id} | Update tier |
MerchantApi | archiveMerchantProfile | DELETE /v2/merchant/delete | Archive Merchant |
MerchantApi | archivePaymentObjectBroadcast | DELETE /v2/merchant/paymentObjectBroadcast/{broadcastID} | Archive payment object broadcast |
MerchantApi | countInboundSMS | GET /v2/merchant/sms/inbound/count/{phoneNumberID} | Count inbound SMSes |
MerchantApi | exportInboundMessages | PUT /v2/merchant/sms/inbound/export/{phoneNumberID} | Export inbound messages |
MerchantApi | exportOutboundMessages | PUT /v2/merchant/sms/outbound/export/{phoneNumberID} | Export outbound messages |
MerchantApi | fetchAdvertisementCreditBroadcasts | GET /v2/merchant/broadcasts/adCredits/all | Fetch all ad credit broadcasts |
MerchantApi | fetchCustomRoles | GET /v2/merchant/roles/custom | Fetch custom roles |
MerchantApi | fetchDynamicVoucherBroadcasts | GET /v2/merchant/broadcasts/dynamicVouchers/all | Fetch all dynamic voucher broadcasts |
MerchantApi | fetchEmployees | GET /v2/merchant/employees/all | Fetch all employees |
MerchantApi | fetchHelpDeskRequests | GET /v2/merchant/helpDeskRequests/{phoneNumberID} | Fetch help desk requests |
MerchantApi | fetchImportedList | GET /v2/merchant/lists/imported/{listID} | Fetch imported list |
MerchantApi | fetchImportedLists | GET /v2/merchant/lists/imported/all | Fetch all imported lists |
MerchantApi | fetchInboundSMS | GET /v2/merchant/sms/inbound/{phoneNumberID} | Fetch inbound SMSes |
MerchantApi | fetchInboundSMSByPage | GET /v2/merchant/sms/inbound/page/{phoneNumberID} | Fetch inbound SMSes by page |
MerchantApi | fetchMerchantOutboundSMS | GET /v2/merchant/sms/outbound/{phoneNumberID} | Fetch outbound SMSes |
MerchantApi | fetchMerchantPhoneNumbers | GET /v2/merchant/phoneNumbers/all | Fetch all phone numbers |
MerchantApi | fetchOptInList | GET /v2/merchant/lists/optIn/{listID} | Fetch opt in list |
MerchantApi | fetchOptInLists | GET /v2/merchant/lists/optIn/all | Fetch all opt in lists |
MerchantApi | fetchPhoneNumber | GET /v2/merchant/phoneNumber/{phoneNumberID} | Fetch phone number |
MerchantApi | fetchPublicEmployees | GET /v2/merchant/employees/public | Fetch public representative employees of the merchant |
MerchantApi | fetchSimpleSMSBroadcasts | GET /v2/merchant/broadcasts/simpleSMS/all | Fetch all simple SMS broadcasts |
MerchantApi | fetchStaticVoucherCampaignBroadcasts | GET /v2/merchant/broadcasts/staticVoucherCampaign/all | Fetch all static voucher campaign broadcasts |
MerchantApi | fetchTCPAFilter | GET /v2/merchant/tcpa/filter/all | Fetch all TCPA Filters |
MerchantApi | fetchWalletConfiguration | GET /v2/merchant/wallet/configuration | Fetch wallet configuration |
MerchantApi | updateMerchant | PUT /v2/merchant | Update merchant details |
MerchantApi | updatePointsOfContact | PUT /v2/merchant/pointsOfContact | Update billing contact |
MerchantApi | updatePosIntegration | PUT /v2/merchant/pos/integration | Update POS Integration |
MerchantCreditsApi | archiveMerchantCredit | DELETE /v2/payment/merchantcredit/{id} | Archive merchant credit |
MerchantCreditsApi | createMerchantCredit | POST /v2/payment/merchantcredit | Create merchant credit |
MerchantCreditsApi | fetchMerchantCreditById | GET /v2/payment/merchantcredit/{id} | Fetch merchant credit |
MerchantCreditsApi | fetchMerchantCreditCount | GET /v2/payment/merchantcredit/count | Fetch all active merchant credits |
MerchantCreditsApi | fetchMerchantCreditHistoryLog | POST /v2/payment/merchantcredit/history/log | Fetch history |
MerchantCreditsApi | fetchMerchantCreditRedemptionLog | POST /v2/payment/merchantcredit/redemption/log | Fetch redemption log |
MerchantCreditsApi | fetchMerchantCreditsByPage | POST /v2/payment/merchantcredit/page | Fetch merchant credits by page |
MerchantCreditsApi | restoreMerchantCredit | PATCH /v2/payment/merchantcredit/{id} | Restore merchant credit |
MerchantCreditsApi | searchMerchantCredits | POST /v2/payment/merchantcredit/search | Search for merchant credits |
MerchantCreditsApi | updateMerchantCredit | PUT /v2/payment/merchantcredit/{id} | Update merchant credit |
MerchantURLsApi | archiveMerchantURL | DELETE /v2/business/merchantUrl/{id} | Archive merchant url |
MerchantURLsApi | createMerchantURL | POST /v2/business/merchantUrl | Create merchant url |
MerchantURLsApi | fetchAllMerchantURLs | GET /v2/business/merchantUrl/all | Fetch all merchant urls |
MerchantURLsApi | fetchMerchantURL | GET /v2/business/merchantUrl/{id} | Fetch merchant url |
MerchantURLsApi | fetchMerchantURLRequests | GET /v2/business/merchantUrl/requests/{id} | Fetch requests |
MerchantURLsApi | restoreMerchantURL | PATCH /v2/business/merchantUrl/{id} | Restore merchant url |
MerchantURLsApi | updateMerchantURL | PUT /v2/business/merchantUrl/{id} | Update merchant url |
MobileTerminalApi | fetchWalletItemFromMobileTerminal | GET /v2/pos/mobile/item/{itemID} | Fetch item |
MobileTerminalApi | findMemberByID | GET /v2/pos/mobile/member/{memberID} | Find member |
MobileTerminalApi | redeemWalletItemFromMobileTerminal | POST /v2/pos/mobile/item/redeem/{itemID} | Redeem item |
NewsApi | archiveNewsArticle | DELETE /v2/news/{id} | Archive news article |
NewsApi | createNewsArticle | POST /v2/news | Create news article |
NewsApi | fetchAllNewsArticles | GET /v2/news/all | Fetch all news articles |
NewsApi | restoreNewsArticle | PATCH /v2/news/{id} | Restore news article |
NewsApi | updateNewsArticle | PUT /v2/news/{id} | Update news article |
PaymentDesignsApi | archivePaymentDesign | DELETE /v2/payment/design/{id} | Archive payment design |
PaymentDesignsApi | createPaymentDesign | POST /v2/payment/design | Create payment design |
PaymentDesignsApi | fetchAllPaymentDesigns | GET /v2/payment/design/all | Fetch all active payment designs |
PaymentDesignsApi | fetchPaymentDesignById | GET /v2/payment/design/{id} | Fetch payment design |
PaymentDesignsApi | restorePaymentDesign | PATCH /v2/payment/design/{id} | Restore payment design |
PaymentDesignsApi | updatePaymentDesign | PUT /v2/payment/design/{id} | Update payment design |
PerformancesApi | archivePerformance | DELETE /v2/performances/{id} | Archive performance |
PerformancesApi | countClaimedComps | GET /v2/performances/{id}/claimed/count | Count number claimed |
PerformancesApi | countRedeemedComps | GET /v2/performances/{id}/redeemed/count | Count number redeemed |
PerformancesApi | createPerformance | POST /v2/performances | Create performance |
PerformancesApi | exportTickets | POST /v2/performances/{id}/tickets/export | Update performance |
PerformancesApi | fetchAllPerformanceTickets | GET /v2/performances/tickets/all/{id} | Fetch all tickets |
PerformancesApi | fetchAllPerformances | GET /v2/performances/all | Fetch all performances |
PerformancesApi | fetchPerformance | GET /v2/performances/{id} | Fetch a single performance |
PerformancesApi | fetchPerformanceTicketsPage | GET /v2/performances/tickets/page/{performanceID} | Fetch tickets by page |
PerformancesApi | importTickets | POST /v2/performances/{id}/tickets/import | Update performance |
PerformancesApi | restorePerformance | PATCH /v2/performances/{id} | Restore performance |
PerformancesApi | saveTicketSettings | POST /v2/performances/{id} | Update performance |
PerformancesApi | updatePerformance | PUT /v2/performances/{id} | Update performance |
ProductsApi | archiveProduct | DELETE /v2/products/{id} | Archive product |
ProductsApi | createProduct | POST /v2/products | Create product |
ProductsApi | fetchAllProducts | GET /v2/products/all | Fetch all products |
ProductsApi | restoreProduct | PATCH /v2/products/{id} | Restore product |
ProductsApi | updateProduct | PUT /v2/products/{id} | Update product |
PromotionCodesApi | archivePromoCode | DELETE /v2/promoCodes/{id} | Archive promo code |
PromotionCodesApi | createPromoCode | POST /v2/promoCodes | Create promo code |
PromotionCodesApi | fetchAllPromoCodes | GET /v2/promoCodes/all | Fetch all promo codes |
PromotionCodesApi | restorePromoCode | PATCH /v2/promoCodes/{id} | Restore promo code |
PromotionCodesApi | updatePromoCode | PUT /v2/promoCodes/{id} | Update promo code |
QRCodeDesignsApi | archiveQRCodeDesign | DELETE /v2/qrcodedesign/{id} | Archive QR Code Design |
QRCodeDesignsApi | createQRCodeDesign | POST /v2/qrcodedesign | Create QR Code design |
QRCodeDesignsApi | fetchAllQRCodeDesigns | GET /v2/qrcodedesign/all | Fetch all active QR Code Designs |
QRCodeDesignsApi | fetchQRCodeDesignById | GET /v2/qrcodedesign/{id} | Fetch QR Code Design |
QRCodeDesignsApi | restoreQRCodeDesign | PATCH /v2/qrcodedesign/{id} | Restore payment design |
QRCodeDesignsApi | updateQRCodeDesign | PUT /v2/qrcodedesign/{id} | Update QR Code Design |
QuickLinksApi | archiveLinkBook | DELETE /v2/linkBook/{id} | Archive link |
QuickLinksApi | createLinkBook | POST /v2/linkBook | Create link |
QuickLinksApi | fetchAllLinkBook | GET /v2/linkBook/all | Fetch all links |
QuickLinksApi | fetchLinkBookById | GET /v2/linkBook/{id} | Fetch link book by id |
QuickLinksApi | restoreLinkBook | PATCH /v2/linkBook/{id} | Restore link |
QuickLinksApi | updateLinkBook | PUT /v2/linkBook/{id} | Update link |
QuickLinksSectionApi | archiveLinkBookSection | DELETE /v2/linkBookSection/{id} | Archive link book section |
QuickLinksSectionApi | createLinkBookSection | POST /v2/linkBookSection | Create link book section |
QuickLinksSectionApi | fetchAllLinkBookSections | GET /v2/linkBookSection/all | Fetch all link book sections |
QuickLinksSectionApi | restoreLinkBookSection | PATCH /v2/linkBookSection/{id} | Restore link book section |
QuickLinksSectionApi | updateLinkBookSection | PUT /v2/linkBookSection/{id} | Update link book section |
RoomRatesApi | archiveRoomRate | DELETE /v2/roomRates/{id} | Archive room rate |
RoomRatesApi | createRoomRate | POST /v2/roomRates | Create room rate |
RoomRatesApi | fetchAllRoomRates | GET /v2/roomRates/all | Fetch all room rates |
RoomRatesApi | restoreRoomRate | PATCH /v2/roomRates/{id} | Restore room rate |
RoomRatesApi | updateRoomRate | PUT /v2/roomRates/{id} | Update room rate |
SMSApi | acquirePhoneNumber | POST /v2/sms/phoneNumber/acquire | Acquire phone number |
SMSApi | archivePhoneNumber | DELETE /v2/sms/phoneNumber/{phoneNumberID} | Archive phone number |
SMSApi | archiveRecipient | DELETE /v2/sms/importedList/recipients/{id} | Archive recipient |
SMSApi | countImportedListRecipients | GET /v2/sms/importedList/recipients/count/{listID} | Count imported list recipients |
SMSApi | countOptInListSubscribers | GET /v2/sms/optInList/subscribers/count/{listID} | Count opt in list subscribers |
SMSApi | countOptInSourceSubscribers | GET /v2/sms/optInSource/subscribers/count/{sourceID} | Count opt in source subscribers |
SMSApi | countOutboundSMS | GET /v2/sms/outbound/count/{phoneNumberID} | Count outbound SMS |
SMSApi | createImportedList | POST /v2/sms/importedList | Create imported list |
SMSApi | createOptInList | POST /v2/sms/optInList | Create opt in list |
SMSApi | createOptInListSource | POST /v2/sms/optInListSource | Send SMS to opt in list |
SMSApi | createRecipientInImportedList | POST /v2/sms/importedList/recipients/create | Add new recipient in an imported list |
SMSApi | exportImportedListRecipients | POST /v2/sms/importedList/recipients/export/{importedListID} | Export imported list recipients |
SMSApi | exportOptInListSubscribers | POST /v2/sms/optInList/subscribers/export/{listID} | Export opt in list subscribers |
SMSApi | fetchBlockedTCPAEntries | GET /v2/sms/phoneNumber/blocked/{phoneNumberID} | Fetch blocked TCPA entries |
SMSApi | fetchImportedListRecipients | GET /v2/sms/importedList/recipients/{listID} | Fetch imported list recipients |
SMSApi | fetchImportedListRecipientsByPage | GET /v2/sms/importedList/recipients/page/{listID} | Fetch imported list recipients by page |
SMSApi | fetchOptInListSources | GET /v2/sms/optInListSources/all | Fetch all opt in list sources |
SMSApi | fetchOptInListSubscribers | GET /v2/sms/optInList/subscribers/{listID} | Fetch opt in list subscribers |
SMSApi | fetchOptInListSubscribersByPage | GET /v2/sms/optInList/subscribers/page/{listID} | Fetch opt in list subscribers by page |
SMSApi | fetchOptInListsAssociatedWithPhoneNumber | GET /v2/sms/phoneNumber/lists/{phoneNumberID} | Fetch opt in lists |
SMSApi | fetchOptInSourceSubscribers | GET /v2/sms/optInSource/subscribers/{sourceID} | Fetch opt in source subscribers |
SMSApi | fetchOptInSourcesAssociatedWithPhoneNumber | GET /v2/sms/phoneNumber/sources/{phoneNumberID} | Fetch opt in sources |
SMSApi | fetchOutboundSMS | GET /v2/sms/outbound/{phoneNumberID} | Fetch outbound SMS |
SMSApi | fetchOutboundSMSByPage | GET /v2/sms/outbound/page/{phoneNumberID} | Fetch outbound SMSes by page |
SMSApi | fetchPaymentObjectBroadcasts | GET /v2/sms/paymentObjectBroadcasts/{phoneNumberID} | Fetch payment object broadcasts |
SMSApi | fetchSMSAgreement | GET /v2/sms/agreement | Accept SMS agreement (DEPRECATED) |
SMSApi | importImportedListRecipients | POST /v2/sms/importedList/recipients/import/{importedListID} | Import imported list recipients |
SMSApi | importImportedListRecipientsFromMembershipTier | POST /v2/sms/importedList/recipients/import-from-tier | Import imported list recipients from a given membership tier |
SMSApi | importOptInListSubscribers | POST /v2/sms/optInList/subscribers/import/{listID} | Import opt in list subscribers |
SMSApi | restorePhoneNumber | PATCH /v2/sms/phoneNumber/{phoneNumberID} | Restore phone number |
SMSApi | restoreRecipient | PATCH /v2/sms/importedList/recipients/{id} | Restore recipient |
SMSApi | retrieveSentAndMaxCountOfMessages | GET /v2/sms/sent | Retrieve the number of messages sent by the merchant within the current billing cycle |
SMSApi | saveImportedList | PUT /v2/sms/importedList/{listID} | Save imported list |
SMSApi | saveOptInList | PUT /v2/sms/optInList/{listID} | Save opt in list |
SMSApi | saveOptInListSource | PUT /v2/sms/optInListSource/{sourceID} | Save opt in list source |
SMSApi | sendPhoneNumberForVerification | PUT /v2/sms/phoneNumber/verification/{phoneNumberID} | Request phone number verification |
SMSApi | updatePhoneNumber | PUT /v2/sms/phoneNumber/{phoneNumberID} | Update phone number |
ServicesApi | archiveService | DELETE /v2/services/{id} | Archive service |
ServicesApi | createService | POST /v2/services | Create service |
ServicesApi | fetchAllServices | GET /v2/services/all | Fetch all services |
ServicesApi | restoreService | PATCH /v2/services/{id} | Restore service |
ServicesApi | updateService | PUT /v2/services/{id} | Update service |
SettingsApi | getActiveCampaigns | GET /v2/settings/campaigns/active | Get active campaigns |
SettingsApi | getVouchersCount | GET /v2/settings/vouchers/count | Get vouchers count |
ShopifyTerminalApi | fetchWalletItemFromShopifyTerminal | GET /v2/pos/shopify/item/{itemID} | Fetch item |
ShopifyTerminalApi | redeemWalletItemFromShopifyTerminal | POST /v2/pos/shopify/item/redeem/{itemID} | Redeem item |
ShopifyTerminalApi | refundWalletItemFromShopifyTerminal | POST /v2/pos/shopify/item/refund/{ledgerEntryID} | Refund transaction |
SmsSubscriberApi | archiveSmsSubscriber | DELETE /v2/SmsSubscriber/{id} | Archive email subscriber |
SmsSubscriberApi | createSmsSubscriber | POST /v2/SmsSubscriber | Create email subscriber |
SmsSubscriberApi | fetchAllSmsSubscribers | GET /v2/SmsSubscriber/all | Fetch all email subscribers |
SmsSubscriberApi | restoreSmsSubscriber | PATCH /v2/SmsSubscriber/{id} | Restore email subscriber |
SmsSubscriberApi | updateSmsSubscriber | PUT /v2/SmsSubscriber/{id} | Update email subscriber |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | archiveStaticVoucherCampaign | DELETE /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/{campaignID} | Archive static voucher campaign |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | countVouchersLoaded | GET /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/count/vouchers/loaded/{campaignID} | Count loaded vouchers |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | countVouchersRedeemed | GET /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/count/vouchers/redeemed/{campaignID} | Count redeemed vouchers |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | createStaticVoucherCampaign | POST /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign | Create static voucher campaign |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | createStaticVoucherCampaignFromCSV | POST /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/csv | Import static voucher campaign |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | createStaticVoucherCampaignWithVoucher | POST /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/voucher | Create static voucher campaign with voucher |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | duplicateStaticVoucherCampaignById | POST /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/duplicate/{campaignID} | Duplicate static voucher campaign |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | fetchPerformanceOverview | GET /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/overview/performance/{campaignID} | Fetch performance overview |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | fetchReachStatsOfAllStaticVoucherCampaigns | GET /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/reach/all | Get the reach statistics of all the static voucher campaigns |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | fetchReachStatsOfIndividualStaticVoucherCampaign | GET /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/reach/{staticVoucherCampaignID} | Get the reach statistics of an individual static voucher campaign |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | fetchStaticVoucherCampaignById | GET /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/{id} | Fetch static voucher campaign |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | fetchStaticVoucherCampaigns | GET /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/all | Fetches all static vouchers campaigns |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | fetchStaticVouchers | GET /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/staticVouchers/{campaignID} | Fetch static vouchers |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | fetchStaticVouchersPage | GET /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/staticVouchers/page/{campaignID} | Fetch static vouchers by page |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | fetchViews | GET /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/views/{campaignID} | Fetch views |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | fetchVouchersRedeemed | GET /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/vouchers/redeemed/{campaignID} | Fetch redeemed vouchers |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | previewMessages | PUT /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/preview/{campaignID} | Preview static vouchers. This method has been deprecated. Please use /preview/page/{campaignID} for better performance. |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | previewMessagesByPage | PUT /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/preview/page/{campaignID} | Preview static vouchers by page |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | restoreStaticVoucherCampaign | PATCH /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/{campaignID} | Restore static voucher campaign |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | updateStaticVoucherCampaign | PUT /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/{campaignID} | Update static voucher campaign |
StaticVoucherCampaignsApi | updateStaticVoucherCampaignWithVoucher | PUT /v2/payment/staticVoucherCampaign/voucher/{campaignID} | Update static voucher campaign with voucher |
StaticVouchersApi | createStaticVoucher | POST /v2/payment/staticVoucher | Create static voucher |
StaticVouchersApi | deleteStaticVoucher | DELETE /v2/payment/staticVoucher/{id} | Delete static voucher |
StaticVouchersApi | fetchReachStatsOfAllStaticVouchers | GET /v2/payment/staticVoucher/reach/all | Get the reach statistics of all the static vouchers |
StaticVouchersApi | fetchReachStatsOfIndividualStaticVoucher | GET /v2/payment/staticVoucher/reach/{staticVoucherID} | Get the reach statistics of an individual static voucher |
StaticVouchersApi | fetchStaticVoucher | GET /v2/payment/staticVoucher/{id} | Fetch static voucher |
StaticVouchersApi | updateStaticVoucher | PUT /v2/payment/staticVoucher/{id} | Update static voucher |
SystemApi | createRole | POST /v2/system/roles | Create role |
SystemApi | deleteRole | DELETE /v2/system/roles/{roleID} | Delete role |
SystemApi | fetchAuditLogOfRoles | GET /v2/system/roles/auditLog | Fetch role's audit log |
SystemApi | fetchEmployeesWithRole | GET /v2/system/roles/employees/{roleID} | Fetch employees with role |
SystemApi | fetchWebpagesForRole | GET /v2/system/roles/webpages/{roleID} | Fetch webpages for role |
SystemApi | getPaymentPrefixes | GET /v2/system/prefixes | Get payment prefixes |
SystemApi | loadRole | GET /v2/system/roles/{roleID} | Fetch role |
SystemApi | saveRole | PUT /v2/system/roles/{roleID} | Update role |
TicketApi | archiveTicket | DELETE /v2/ticket/{id} | Archive ticket |
TicketApi | createTicket | POST /v2/ticket | Create ticket |
TicketApi | fetchTicket | GET /v2/ticket/{id} | Fetch ticket |
TicketApi | restoreTicket | PATCH /v2/ticket/{id} | Restore ticket |
TicketApi | updateTicket | PUT /v2/ticket/{id} | Update ticket |
TransactionLedgerApi | fetchAllLedgerTransactions | GET /v2/pos/ledger/transactions/all | Fetch ledger transactions by page |
VideosApi | archiveVideo | DELETE /v2/video/{id} | Archive video |
VideosApi | createVideo | POST /v2/video | Create video |
VideosApi | fetchAllVideo | GET /v2/video/all | Fetch all video |
VideosApi | restoreVideo | PATCH /v2/video/{id} | Restore video |
VideosApi | updateVideo | PUT /v2/video/{id} | Update video |
VirtualBusinessCardApi | archiveVirtualBusinessCard | DELETE /v2/virtualBusinessCard/{id} | Archive VirtualBusinessCard |
VirtualBusinessCardApi | createVirtualBusinessCard | POST /v2/virtualBusinessCard | Create VirtualBusinessCard |
VirtualBusinessCardApi | fetchAllVirtualBusinessCards | GET /v2/virtualBusinessCard/all | Fetch all VirtualBusinessCards |
VirtualBusinessCardApi | fetchVirtualBusinessCard | GET /v2/virtualBusinessCard/{id} | Fetch virtual business card |
VirtualBusinessCardApi | fetchVirtualBusinessCardRequests | GET /v2/virtualBusinessCard/requests/{id} | Fetch requests |
VirtualBusinessCardApi | restoreVirtualBusinessCard | PATCH /v2/virtualBusinessCard/{id} | Restore VirtualBusinessCard |
VirtualBusinessCardApi | updateVirtualBusinessCard | PUT /v2/virtualBusinessCard/{id} | Update VirtualBusinessCard |
WebTerminalApi | fetchWalletItemFromWebTerminal | GET /v2/pos/web/item/{itemID} | Fetch item |
WebTerminalApi | redeemWalletItemFromWebTerminal | POST /v2/pos/web/item/redeem/{itemID} | Redeem item |
WebTerminalApi | refundWalletItemFromWebTerminal | POST /v2/pos/web/item/refund/{ledgerEntryID} | Refund transaction |
WixTerminalApi | fetchWalletItemFromWixTerminal | GET /v2/pos/wix/item/{itemID} | Fetch item |
WixTerminalApi | redeemWalletItemFromWixTerminal | POST /v2/pos/wix/item/redeem/{itemID} | Redeem item |
WixTerminalApi | refundWalletItemFromWixTerminal | POST /v2/pos/wix/item/refund/{ledgerEntryID} | Refund transaction |
WooCommerceTerminalApi | fetchWalletItemFromWooCommerceTerminal | GET /v2/pos/woocommerce/item/{itemID} | Fetch item |
WooCommerceTerminalApi | redeemWalletItemFromWooCommerceTerminal | POST /v2/pos/woocommerce/item/redeem/{itemID} | Redeem item |
WooCommerceTerminalApi | refundWalletItemFromWooCommerceTerminal | POST /v2/pos/woocommerce/item/refund/{ledgerEntryID} | Refund transaction |
- A2PApplicationSubmission
- AdvertisementCredit
- AdvertisementCreditBroadcast
- AdvertisementCreditScan
- Amenity
- Announcement
- ApplicableTerminals
- AuthError
- AvailablePhoneNumbersRequest
- BrowserDetails
- BusinessClassification
- BusinessIndustry
- BusinessRegionsOfOperation
- BusinessRegistrationIdentifier
- BusinessStockExchanges
- BusinessType
- ClaimTicketRequest
- ClickFunnelAmount
- ClickFunnelContact
- ClickFunnelContactProfile
- ClickFunnelEvent
- ClickFunnelOriginalAmount
- ClickFunnelProduct
- ClickFunnelPurchase
- ClickFunnelRegistration
- CountClaimedComps200Response
- CreateFile200Response
- CreateStaticVoucherCampaign
- CreateStaticVoucherCampaignWithVoucherWithCSV
- DashboardWidget
- Dining
- Document
- DuplicateRowFound
- DynamicVoucher
- DynamicVoucherBroadcast
- DynamicVoucherBroadcastListType
- DynamicVoucherTemporalDecreaseFrequencyType
- EmailSubscriber
- Employee
- EmployeeAPIKey
- EmployeeActivityLog
- EmployeeAlert
- EmployeeScheduleStartDay
- EmployeeScheduleStartHour
- EmployeeScheduleStartMeridiem
- EmployeeScheduleStartMinute
- EntityTooLarge
- ExportDataFile
- FalsumError
- FalsumField
- Feature
- FetchAllCountries200ResponseInner
- FetchAllLedgerTransactions200Response
- FetchAllStaticVouchersAssociatedWithCustomerWithVoucherID200ResponseInner
- FetchAllStaticVouchersAssociatedWithCustomerWithVoucherID200ResponseInnerValueType
- FetchCustomerTicketsWithTokenRequest
- FetchDomainsByIndustry200Response
- FetchImportedListRecipientsByPage200Response
- FetchInboundSMSByPage200Response
- FetchIndustry200Response
- FetchMembersCount200Response
- FetchOptInListSubscribersByPage200Response
- FetchOutboundSMSByPage200Response
- FetchPerformanceTicketsPage200Response
- FetchStaticVouchersPage200Response
- ForbiddenRequest
- ForeignKeyDoesNotExist
- Gaming
- HelpDeskRequest
- ImageGrid
- ImportTicketsRequest
- ImportedList
- ImportedListRecipient
- InboundSMS
- InternalServerError
- JobPosition
- LedgerEntry
- LedgerEntryParentObjectID
- LedgerEntryTransactionType
- LinkBook
- LinkBookSection
- LoginStatus200Response
- LoginStatus200ResponseAnyOf
- Lounge
- MSAnalyticsMemberCountPartitionedByDate
- MSAnalyticsMemberPointsRedeemedPartitionedByDate
- MSAnalyticsMemberPointsRefundedPartitionedByDate
- MSAnalyticsMembershipTierAmountRedeemedPartitionedByDate
- MSAnalyticsMembershipTierAmountRefundedPartitionedByDate
- MSMemberHistory
- MSMemberHistoryPagination
- MSMemberRedemption
- MSMemberRedemptionPagination
- MSMemberRedemptionTransactionType
- MSMembershipTierHistory
- MSMembershipTierHistoryPagination
- MSMembershipTierRedemption
- MSMembershipTierRedemptionPagination
- MSMerchantCreditHistory
- MSMerchantCreditHistoryPagination
- MSMerchantCreditRedemption
- MSMerchantCreditRedemptionPagination
- MediaFile
- Member
- MemberSearch
- MemberSearchSearchKey
- MemberSearchSortKey
- Merchant
- MerchantCreditSearch
- MerchantNotInitialized
- MerchantURL
- Message
- MessageDirection
- MessageStatus
- ModuleError
- NewsArticle
- OptInList
- OptInListSource
- OptInListSubscriber
- OutboundSMS
- PaginatedWTMembers
- PaginatedWTMerchantCredits
- PaginationRequestWithIDAndWithoutSortOptions
- PaginationRequestWithSortOptions
- PaginationRequestWithSortOptionsSortOrder
- PaymentDesign
- Performance
- PhoneNumber
- PhoneNumberCapabilities
- PickCreateStaticVoucherCampaignWithVoucherExcludeKeyofcreateStaticVoucherCampaignWithVoucherIsActive
- PickCreateStaticVoucherCampaignWithVoucherExcludeKeyofcreateStaticVoucherCampaignWithVoucherSourceID
- PickMSEmployeeAPIKeyCreateParamsExcludeKeyofMSEmployeeAPIKeyCreateParamsEmployeeID
- PickMSEmployeeAPIKeyUpdateParamsExcludeKeyofMSEmployeeAPIKeyUpdateParamsId
- PickMSMemberCreationParamsExcludeKeyofMSMemberCreationParamsMemberIdentifier
- PickMSMemberExcludeKeyofMSMemberMemberIdentifier
- PickMSMerchantCreditCreationParamsExcludeKeyofMSMerchantCreditCreationParamsMemberIdentifier
- PickMSMerchantCreditExcludeKeyofMSMerchantCreditMemberIdentifier
- PickPaginationRequestWithSortOptionsExcludeKeyofPaginationRequestWithSortOptionsSortKey
- PickPaginationRequestWithoutSortOptionsExcludeKeyofPaginationRequestWithoutSortOptionsIsArchiveIncluded
- PickSSImportedListRecipientFromMembershipTierImportExcludeKeyofSSImportedListRecipientFromMembershipTierImportEmployeeIDOrTierID
- PickSSImportedListUpdateParamsExcludeKeyofSSImportedListUpdateParamsId
- PickSSMobileNumberUpdateParamsExcludeKeyofSSMobileNumberUpdateParamsId
- PickSSOptInListCreateParamsExcludeKeyofSSOptInListCreateParamsEmployeeIDOrOptInConfirmedMediaURLsOrOptOutConfirmedMediaURLs
- PickSSOptInListMemberUpdateParamsExcludeKeyofSSOptInListMemberUpdateParamsMerchantCreatedAtOrMaxSMSCount
- PickSSOptInListMemberUpdateParamsExcludeKeyofSSOptInListMemberUpdateParamsMerchantCreatedAtOrMaxSMSCountOptInSourceID
- PickSSOptInListUpdateParamsExcludeKeyofSSOptInListUpdateParamsId
- PickSSOptInSourceUpdateParamsExcludeKeyofSSOptInSourceUpdateParamsId
- PickSSOutboundMessageLogExcludeKeyofSSOutboundMessageLogToCellPhone
- PickSSOutboundMessageLogExcludeKeyofSSOutboundMessageLogToCellPhonePaymentObjectBroadcastID
- PickSSOutboundMessageLogExcludeKeyofSSOutboundMessageLogToCellPhoneStatus
- PickVSAdvertisementCreditCreateParamsExcludeKeyofVSAdvertisementCreditCreateParamsEmployeeID
- PickVSAdvertisementCreditScanExcludeKeyofVSAdvertisementCreditScanRedeemedAtOrRefundedAt
- PickVSAdvertisementCreditUpdateParamsExcludeKeyofVSAdvertisementCreditUpdateParamsId
- PickVSCampaignUpdateParamsExcludeKeyofVSCampaignUpdateParamsStartDateOrExpirationDate
- PickVSCampaignUpdateParamsExcludeKeyofVSCampaignUpdateParamsStartDateOrExpirationDateValueType
- PickVSDynamicVoucherExcludeKeyofVSDynamicVoucherTemporalDecreaseFrequencyType
- PickVSPaymentDesignCreateParamsExcludeKeyofVSPaymentDesignCreateParamsEmployeeID
- PickVSPaymentDesignUpdateParamsExcludeKeyofVSPaymentDesignUpdateParamsId
- PickVSPaymentDesignUpdateParamsExcludeKeyofVSPaymentDesignUpdateParamsIdBorderStyleType
- PickVSStaticVoucherExcludeKeyofVSStaticVoucherRedeemedAtOrRefundedAtOrLastViewedAt
- PickVSStaticVoucherExcludeKeyofVSStaticVoucherRedeemedAtOrRefundedAtOrLastViewedAtRegisterID
- PickVSStaticVoucherExcludeKeyofVSStaticVoucherRedeemedAtOrRefundedAtOrLastViewedAtTransactionType
- PickWTEmailSubscriberUpdateParamsExcludeKeyofWTEmailSubscriberUpdateParamsId
- PickWTEmployeeCreateExcludeKeyofWTEmployeeCreateEmail
- PickWTMemberMemberIDOrFirstNameOrLastNameOrMembershipTierIDOrPointsAccruedOrMobileNumberOrEmailOrBirthday
- PickWTMerchantCreditMemberIDOrCreditAmountOrMobileNumber
- PickWTMerchantURLUpdateExcludeKeyofWTMerchantURLUpdateUrlID
- PickWTNewsArticleUpdateParamsExcludeKeyofWTNewsArticleUpdateParamsId
- PickWTPaymentObjectBroadcastExcludeKeyofWTPaymentObjectBroadcastListTypeOrListID
- PickWTPaymentObjectBroadcastExcludeKeyofWTPaymentObjectBroadcastListTypeOrListIDBroadcastStatus
- PickWTPaymentObjectBroadcastExcludeKeyofWTPaymentObjectBroadcastListTypeOrListIDPaymentObjectPrefix
- PickWTSmsSubscriberUpdateParamsExcludeKeyofWTSmsSubscriberUpdateParamsId
- PickWTStaticVoucherCampaignCreateParamsExcludeKeyofWTStaticVoucherCampaignCreateParamsStartDateTimeOrExpirationDateTime
- PickWTStaticVoucherCreateParamsExcludeKeyofWTStaticVoucherCreateParamsCampaignID
- Plan
- PortalPage
- PresignedPost
- PresignedPostFields
- Product
- ProfileStatuses
- PromoCode
- QRCodeDesign
- ReachPerformanceStats
- Request
- Response
- Role
- RoleAuditLog
- RoomRate
- SSImportedListRecipientCreateParams
- SSOptInSource
- SSOutboundStatuses
- SaveMerchantCreditPaymentDesignRequest
- SaveTicketSettingsRequest
- SaveTicketSettingsRequestPaymentDesignID
- Service
- SetDefaultPaymentMethodRequest
- SimpleSMSBroadcast
- SmsSubscriber
- StaticVoucher
- StaticVoucherCampaign
- StaticVoucherCampaignBroadcast
- StaticVoucherCampaignGroup
- StaticVoucherCampaignUpdate
- Status
- SubscriptionFeature
- SubscriptionPlan
- SubscriptionProduct
- Tcpa
- Ticket
- TrustBundleStatuses
- UpdateEmailNotificationPreferenceRequest
- UpdateStaticVoucherCampaignWithVoucher
- UpdateStaticVoucherCampaignWithVoucherVoucherID
- VSCampaignGeneratedMessage
- VSCampaignGeneratedMessagePagination
- VSDynamicVoucherStatus
- Video
- VirtualBusinessCard
- WTA2PApplicationUpdateParams
- WTAdvertisementCredit
- WTAdvertisementCreditCreateParams
- WTAdvertisementCreditScan
- WTAdvertisementCreditUpdateParams
- WTAmenityCreateParams
- WTAmenityUpdateParams
- WTAuthenticationCheckSessionTokenStatusResponse
- WTAuthenticationForgotPassword
- WTAuthenticationLoginRequest
- WTAuthenticationLoginResponse
- WTAuthenticationRegister
- WTAuthenticationRequestResetPassword
- WTAuthenticationResetPassword
- WTAuthenticationSSOLoginForDiscourse
- WTBillingChangePlan
- WTBillingSavePaymentMethod
- WTBillingVerifyPaymentMethodResponse
- WTCountResult
- WTCustomerSearchByMemberID
- WTCustomerSearchByPhoneNumber
- WTDiningCreateParams
- WTDiningUpdateParams
- WTDynamicVoucher
- WTDynamicVoucherCreateParams
- WTDynamicVoucherRedemption
- WTDynamicVoucherRedemptionTransactionType
- WTDynamicVoucherSummary
- WTDynamicVoucherSummaryStatus
- WTDynamicVoucherUpdateParams
- WTEmailSubscriberCreateParams
- WTEmailSubscriberCreateParamsWalletUI
- WTEmailSubscriberUpdateParams
- WTEmployee
- WTEmployeeAPIKey
- WTEmployeeAPIKeyCreateParams
- WTEmployeeAPIKeyUpdateParams
- WTEmployeeCreate
- WTEmployeeCreateDocument
- WTEmployeeCreateMediaFile
- WTEmployeeCreateStaticVoucherCampaignGroup
- WTEmployeeFileCreate
- WTEmployeeImportRecords
- WTEmployeeNotification
- WTEmployeeNotificationType
- WTEmployeePeerRoles
- WTEmployeeS3FilePresign
- WTEmployeeS3FilePresignContext
- WTEmployeeScheduleSMSCampaignBroadcast
- WTEmployeeScheduleSimpleSMS
- WTEmployeeScheduleSimpleSMSListType
- WTEmployeeScheduleSimpleSMSToRecipient
- WTEmployeeSendHelpDeskResponse
- WTEmployeeUpdate
- WTEmployeeUpdateRecords
- WTFetchWalletPaymentObjectsWithToken
- WTGamingCreateParams
- WTGamingUpdateParams
- WTImageGridCreateParams
- WTImageGridUpdateParams
- WTImportedList
- WTImportedListRecipientFromMembershipTierImport
- WTImportedListRecipientFromMembershipTierImportTierID
- WTInfoGenesisLookupRequestErrors
- WTInfoGenesisRecordFilterParameters
- WTInfoGenesisRoutingIDs
- WTInfoGenesisUniquePostingIDs
- WTLinkBook
- WTLinkBookCreateParams
- WTLinkBookLinkBookSectionID
- WTLinkBookSectionCreateParams
- WTLinkBookSectionUpdateParams
- WTLinkBookUpdateParams
- WTLocalInstance
- WTLoungeCreateParams
- WTLoungeUpdateParams
- WTMember
- WTMemberCreationParams
- WTMembershipTier
- WTMembershipTierCreationParams
- WTMembershipTierId
- WTMembershipTierUpdateParams
- WTMembershipTierWithMemberCount
- WTMerchantCredit
- WTMerchantCreditCreationParams
- WTMerchantURLCreate
- WTMerchantURLUpdate
- WTMerchantUpdate
- WTMerchantUpdatePOSIntegration
- WTMerchantUpdatePointsOfContact
- WTMessageInstance
- WTNewsArticleCreateParams
- WTNewsArticleUpdateParams
- WTOptInList
- WTOptInListCreationParams
- WTPaymentDesign
- WTPaymentDesignCreateParams
- WTPaymentDesignUpdateParams
- WTPerformanceCreateParams
- WTPerformanceUpdateParams
- WTPosMachine
- WTPosMachineCreateParams
- WTPosMachineUpdateParams
- WTProductCreateParams
- WTProductUpdateParams
- WTPromoCodeCreateParams
- WTPromoCodeUpdateParams
- WTQRCodeDesign
- WTQRCodeDesignCreateParams
- WTQRCodeDesignUpdateParams
- WTRole
- WTRoomRateCreateParams
- WTRoomRateUpdateParams
- WTSMSAcquirePhoneNumber
- WTSMSImportOptInListSubscribers
- WTSMSImportedListCreate
- WTSMSOptInListSourceCreate
- WTSMSUpdatePhoneNumberConfig
- WTServiceCreateParams
- WTServiceUpdateParams
- WTSettingsSetPassword
- WTSmsSubscriberCreateParams
- WTSmsSubscriberCreateParamsWalletUI
- WTSmsSubscriberUpdateParams
- WTStaticVoucher
- WTStaticVoucherCampaign
- WTStaticVoucherCampaignPreviewMessages
- WTStaticVoucherCampaignPreviewMessagesByPage
- WTStaticVoucherCreateParams
- WTStaticVoucherUpdateParams
- WTSystemApprovePhoneNumber
- WTSystemRoleCreate
- WTTicket
- WTTicketCreateParams
- WTTicketUpdateParams
- WTTwilioRequestAuthyCode
- WTTwilioVerifyAuthyCode
- WTVideoCreateParams
- WTVideoUpdateParams
- WTVirtualBusinessCardCreateParams
- WTVirtualBusinessCardUpdateParams
- WTWalletConfigurationSaveWalletRecord
- WTWalletItemRedemption
- WTWalletObjectPrefixCounts
- WTWalletPageView
- WTWalletPageViewCount
- WTWalletPageViewGeoPoint
- WTWalletPageViewId
- WalletConfiguration
- WalletConfigurationSmsOptInSourceID
- WalletPageView
- Webpage
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: access-token
- Location: HTTP header
To run the tests, use:
composer install
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version:
- Build package: