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New Crowdin updates (#795)
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* New translations: preferences.xml (Galician)

* New translations: site.xml (Spanish)

* New translations: site.xml (Galician)

* New translations: preferences.xml (Spanish)

* New translations: tourname.xml (Galician)

* New translations: learn.xml (Galician)

* New translations: learn.xml (Galician)

* New translations: site.xml (Galician)

* New translations: site.xml (Galician)

* New translations: arena.xml (Galician)

* New translations: contact.xml (Galician)

* New translations: tourname.xml (Galician)

* New translations: streamer.xml (Galician)

* New translations: tourname.xml (Galician)

* New translations: preferences.xml (Vietnamese)

* New translations: preferences.xml (Russian)

* New translations: site.xml (Russian)

* New translations: site.xml (Russian)

* New translations: learn.xml (Russian)

* New translations: insights.xml (Russian)

* New translations: pieces.xml (Russian)

* New translations: nvui.xml (Russian)

* New translations: faq.xml (Czech)

* New translations: site.xml (Russian)

* New translations: puzzle.xml (Russian)

* New translations: site.xml (Russian)

* New translations: insights.xml (Russian)

* New translations: pieces.xml (Russian)

* New translations: nvui.xml (Russian)

* New translations: preferences.xml (Russian)

* New translations: learn.xml (English)

* New translations: site.xml (Russian)

* New translations: search.xml (Chinese Traditional)

* New translations: pieces.xml (Chinese Traditional)

* New translations: learn.xml (Japanese)

* New translations: learn.xml (Japanese)

* New translations: learn.xml (Japanese)

* New translations: learn.xml (Japanese)

* New translations: learn.xml (Japanese)

* New translations: learn.xml (Japanese)

* New translations: learn.xml (Japanese)

* New translations: study.xml (Japanese)

* New translations: team.xml (Japanese)

* New translations: pieces.xml (Japanese)

* New translations: learn.xml (Japanese)

* New translations: learn.xml (Japanese)

* New translations: learn.xml (French)
  • Loading branch information
WandererXII authored Jun 26, 2024
1 parent 6f4e257 commit 5f81fc6
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Showing 26 changed files with 349 additions and 347 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions translation/dest/arena/gl-ES.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,13 +22,15 @@ O modo Berserk non está dispoñible en partidas con tempo inicial cero (0+1, 0+

O modo Berserk só garante un punto adicional no caso de que se realicen polo menos 7 xogadas na partida.</string>
<string name="howIsTheWinnerDecided">Como se decide o gañador?</string>
<string name="howIsTheWinnerDecidedAnswer">O(s) xogador(es) con máis puntos á conclusión do tempo establecido para o torneo será(n) proclamado(s) gañador(es).</string>
<string name="howIsTheWinnerDecidedAnswer">O(s) xogador(es) con máis puntos á conclusión do tempo establecido será(n) proclamados gañador(es).

Cando dous ou máis xogadores empatan a puntos, emprégase o rendemento no torneo como desempate.</string>
<string name="howDoesPairingWork">Como funcionan os emparellamentos?</string>
<string name="howDoesPairingWorkAnswer">Ao comezo do torneo, os xogadores son emparellados segundo a súa puntuación.
Así que rematas unha partida, voltas á sala de espera: alí serás emparellado cun xogador que estea preto na clasificación. Isto garante un mínimo tempo de espera, aínda que pode que non xogues contra todos os xogadores do torneo.
Xoga rápido e volta á sala de espera para xogar máis partidas e gañar máis puntos.</string>
<string name="howDoesItEnd">Como remata?</string>
<string name="howDoesItEndAnswer">O torneo ten un reloxo cunha conta atrás. Cando chega a cero, a clasificación do torneo se conxela e se proclama ó gañador. As partidas en curso nese momento deben rematar, pero non contan para a clasificación do torneo.</string>
<string name="howDoesItEndAnswer">O torneo ten un reloxo cunha conta atrás. Cando chega a cero, a clasificación do torneo conxélase e proclámase o gañador. As partidas en curso nese momento deben rematar, pero non contan para a clasificación do torneo.</string>
<string name="otherRules">Outras regras importantes</string>
<string name="thereIsACountdown">Hai unha conta atrás para a túa primeira xogada. Non executala neste tempo dará a vitoria ao teu opoñente.</string>
<plurals name="drawingWithinNbMoves">
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion translation/dest/contact/gl-ES.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<string name="doPasswordReset">Completa o restablecemento de contrasinal para eliminar a autenticación en dous pasos</string>
<string name="accountSupport">Necesito axuda coa conta</string>
<string name="wantTitle">Quero que o meu título se amose en Lishogi</string>
<string name="visitTitleConfirmation">Para amosar o teu título no teu perfil de Lishogi e participar en Torneos Titulados, visita a páxina de confirmación de título</string>
<string name="visitTitleConfirmation">Para amosar o teu título no teu perfil de Lishogi e participar en Torneos Titulados, contacta con Lishogi en</string>
<string name="wantCloseAccount">Quero pechar a miña conta</string>
<string name="closeYourAccount">Podes pechar a túa conta nesta páxina</string>
<string name="doNotAskByEmail">Non nos solicites o peche da túa conta por correo electrónico. Non o faremos.</string>
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion translation/dest/faq/cs-CZ.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Finally there is an honorary %2$s title.</string>
We rarely award it to highly notable players who are good citizens of Lishogi, at our discretion. You don\'t get the LM title, the LM title gets to you. If you qualify, you will get a message from us regarding it and the choice to accept or decline.

Do not ask for the LM title.</string>
<string name="whatUsernameCanIchoose">What can my username be?</string>
<string name="whatUsernameCanIchoose">Co může být moje uživatelské jméno?</string>
<string name="usernamesNotOffensive">In general, usernames should not be: offensive, impersonating someone else, or advertising. You can read more about the %1$s.</string>
<string name="guidelines">guidelines</string>
<string name="uniqueTrophies">Unique trophies</string>
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96 changes: 48 additions & 48 deletions translation/dest/insights/ru-RU.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="insights" comment="Feel free to translate to something more natural (like statistics) in your language if insights seems awkward">Insights</string>
<string name="moves">Moves</string>
<string name="drops">Drops</string>
<string name="movesAndDrops">Moves and drops</string>
<string name="total" comment="Usually in chart legend or tooltip summing other bars">Total</string>
<string name="count" comment="Example: Count: 11 moves">Count</string>
<string name="average">Average</string>
<string name="percentage">Percentage</string>
<string name="outcomes" comment="win/draw/loss">Outcomes</string>
<string name="color" comment="Meaning sente or gote">Color</string>
<string name="termination" comment="Checkmate, repetition, timeout, etc">Termination</string>
<string name="resign" comment="Game termination status">Resignation</string>
<string name="noStart" comment="Game termination status - game didn't start">No start</string>
<string name="speed" comment="Bulltet, blitz, rapid, etc.">Speed</string>
<string name="game">Game</string>
<string name="opponents">Opponents</string>
<string name="averageOpponentRating">Average opponent rating</string>
<string name="averageOpponentRatingDiff">Average opponent rating difference</string>
<string name="mostPlayedOpponents">Most played opponents</string>
<string name="averageAccuracy">Average accuracy</string>
<string name="wins">Wins</string>
<string name="draws">Draws</string>
<string name="losses">Losses</string>
<string name="accuracyByMoveNumber">Accuracy by game turn</string>
<string name="accuracyByPiece">Accuracy by piece</string>
<string name="times" comment="Move and drop times">Times</string>
<string name="totalTimeSpentThinking">Total time spent on player\'s turn</string>
<string name="averageTimePerGame">Average time spent on player\'s turn per game</string>
<string name="averageTimePerMoveOrDrop">Average time per move or drop</string>
<string name="timeSpentThinkingByPiece">Time spent by piece</string>
<string name="movesAndDropsByPiece">Moves and drops by piece</string>
<string name="capturesByPiece">Captured pieces</string>
<string name="promotionsByPiece">Promoted pieces</string>
<string name="mostPlayedOpenings">Most played openings</string>
<string name="openingMoves">Opening moves</string>
<string name="insightsUpdate">Insights are refreshed every few hours.</string>
<string name="accuracy">Accuracy</string>
<string name="nbOfMovesAndDrops">Number of moves and drops made by player</string>
<string name="nbOfMovesAndDropsPerGame">Number of moves and drops made by player per game</string>
<string name="nbOfCaptures">Number of pieces captured</string>
<string name="nbOfPromotions">Number of promoted pieces</string>
<string name="opponentRating">Opponent rating</string>
<string name="opponentRatingDiff">Opponent rating difference</string>
<string name="totalTimeOfMovesAndDrops">Total time of moves and drops</string>
<string name="nbOfGames">Number of games</string>
<string name="weekday">Weekday</string>
<string name="timeOfDay" comment="Morning,afternoon, evening, night">Time of day</string>
<string name="earlyBishopExchange" comment="Were bishops exchanged by the players early in the game">Early bishop exchange</string>
<string name="insights" comment="Feel free to translate to something more natural (like statistics) in your language if insights seems awkward">Игровая аналитика</string>
<string name="moves">Ходы</string>
<string name="drops">Сбросы</string>
<string name="movesAndDrops">Ходы и сбросы</string>
<string name="total" comment="Usually in chart legend or tooltip summing other bars">Всего</string>
<string name="count" comment="Example: Count: 11 moves">Количество</string>
<string name="average">Средний</string>
<string name="percentage">Процент</string>
<string name="outcomes" comment="win/draw/loss">Результаты</string>
<string name="color" comment="Meaning sente or gote">Цвет</string>
<string name="termination" comment="Checkmate, repetition, timeout, etc">Окончание партии</string>
<string name="resign" comment="Game termination status">Сдача</string>
<string name="noStart" comment="Game termination status - game didn't start">Не начата</string>
<string name="speed" comment="Bulltet, blitz, rapid, etc.">Скорость</string>
<string name="game">Партия</string>
<string name="opponents">Соперники</string>
<string name="averageOpponentRating">Средний рейтинг соперников</string>
<string name="averageOpponentRatingDiff">Средняя разница в рейтинге с соперниками</string>
<string name="mostPlayedOpponents">Самые частые соперники</string>
<string name="averageAccuracy">Средняя точность</string>
<string name="wins">Побед</string>
<string name="draws">Ничей</string>
<string name="losses">Поражений</string>
<string name="accuracyByMoveNumber">Точность по ходам</string>
<string name="accuracyByPiece">Точность по фигурам</string>
<string name="times" comment="Move and drop times">Раз</string>
<string name="totalTimeSpentThinking">Общее время, затраченное на ход игрока</string>
<string name="averageTimePerGame">Среднее время затраченное на ход игрока за игру</string>
<string name="averageTimePerMoveOrDrop">Среднее время на ход или сброс</string>
<string name="timeSpentThinkingByPiece">Затраченное время по фигурам</string>
<string name="movesAndDropsByPiece">Ходов или сбросов по фигурам</string>
<string name="capturesByPiece">Захваченные фигуры</string>
<string name="promotionsByPiece">Повышенные фигуры</string>
<string name="mostPlayedOpenings">Самые играемые дебюты</string>
<string name="openingMoves">Стартовые ходы</string>
<string name="insightsUpdate">Игровая аналитика обновляется каждые несколько часов.</string>
<string name="accuracy">Точность</string>
<string name="nbOfMovesAndDrops">Количество ходов или сбросов сделанных игроком</string>
<string name="nbOfMovesAndDropsPerGame">Количество ходов или сбросов сделанных игроком за игру</string>
<string name="nbOfCaptures">Количество захваченных фигур</string>
<string name="nbOfPromotions">Количество перевёрнутых фигур</string>
<string name="opponentRating">Рейтинг соперника</string>
<string name="opponentRatingDiff">Разница рейтингов соперника</string>
<string name="totalTimeOfMovesAndDrops">Общее время ходов и сбросов</string>
<string name="nbOfGames">Количество партий</string>
<string name="weekday">День недели</string>
<string name="timeOfDay" comment="Morning,afternoon, evening, night">Время суток</string>
<string name="earlyBishopExchange" comment="Were bishops exchanged by the players early in the game">Ранний размен слонами</string>
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions translation/dest/learn/en-US.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ To do that click the cog wheel or your username (top right corner) and then clic
<string name="knightsCanJumpOverObstacles">Knights can jump over obstacles!</string>
<string name="knightSummary">The knight can jump in an L shape forward, but only by two squares forward and one square sideways. Its movement also isn\'t restricted by other pieces - it will just jump over them.</string>
<string name="pknightSummary">Promoted knight moves are completely different from the unpromoted knight, but you can notice it moves the same as the gold general, so make sure to study that one thoroughly.</string>
<string name="knightPromotion">The knight can also be promoted. His movements change a lot after that, so pay attention.</string>
<string name="knightPromotion">The knight can also be promoted. Its movements change a lot after that, so pay attention.</string>
<string name="knightComplete">Congratulations! You have mastered the knight.</string>
<string name="thePawn">The pawn</string>
<string name="itMovesForwardOnly">March forward!</string>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ To do that click the cog wheel or your username (top right corner) and then clic
<string name="theSilver">The silver general</string>
<string name="itMovesEitherForwardOrDiagonallyBack">The general moves either forward or diagonally back.</string>
<string name="silverIntro">Another piece with unusual movements, but this is the last one. Promise!</string>
<string name="silverPromotion">When you promote the silver general his movements are the same as the gold general.</string>
<string name="silverPromotion">When you promote the silver general its movements are the same as the gold general.</string>
<string name="silverSummary">You will surely remember these moves with some practice.</string>
<string name="psilverSummary">Same as the gold general, you will see this a lot.</string>
<string name="silverComplete">Congratulations! You are on a roll.</string>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ Take the most valuable piece without losing your own.</string>
Take the most valuable piece.</string>
<string name="takeAllThePiecesStartingFromTheMost">Take all the pieces in order, starting from the most valuable until the least valuable!</string>
<string name="anExchangeIs">An exchange is when you capture a piece, and lose another. Which is a better exchange? Silver-for-rook, or gold-for-knight?</string>
<string name="theOpponentJustGaveAway">The opponent just gave away his valuable rook for free! Do you take it?</string>
<string name="theOpponentJustGaveAway">The opponent just gave away their valuable rook for free! Do you take it?</string>
<string name="yourKingsValueIsInfinite">The king\'s value is infinite, compared to a rook. What is the best move here?</string>
<string name="twoGeneralsAreBetter">Two generals can be worth more than one major piece. A knight and lance can be better than a general. Find a way to sacrifice the bishop and win two generals.</string>
<string name="rememberWhichPieceIsTheMostValuable">Do you remember which piece is the most valuable?</string>
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions translation/dest/learn/fr-FR.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<string name="ehThereIsNoPiece">Hein ? Il n\'y a pas de pièce sur le plateau. Mais regardez à l\'extérieur du plateau, un fou ! Cette zone est l\'endroit où vont les pièces que vous avez capturées. Vous pouvez placer la pièce sur le plateau. Collectez toutes les étoiles comme d\'habitude.</string>
<string name="bishopPromotion">Quand le fou se promeut, il deviendra un cheval-dragon, une pièce plus forte.</string>
<string name="bishopSummary">Le fou se déplace diagonalement autant de cases qu\'il veut.</string>
<string name="horseSummary">Le fou promu (cheval-dragon) se déplace comme le fou, mais il pet aussi se déplace d\'une case orthogonalement.</string>
<string name="horseSummary">Le fou promu (cheval-dragon) se déplace comme le fou, mais il peut aussi se déplacer d\'une case orthogonalement.</string>
<string name="bishopComplete">Félicitations ! Vous maîtrisez les déplacements du Fou.</string>
<string name="theKing">Le Roi</string>
<string name="theMostImportantPiece">La pièce la plus importante</string>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
<string name="reuseCapturedPieces">Réutilisez les pièces capturées !</string>
<string name="dropIntro">Encore une fois, capturez toutes les pièces de l\'adversaire, sans perdre les vôtres !</string>
<string name="capturedPiecesCanBeDropped">Vous pouvez parchuter les pièces capturées sur le plateau à votre tour de jeu !</string>
<string name="dropLimitations">Vous ne pouvez pas parachuter une pièce sur une autre pièce ou la lâcher là où elle ne peut pas avoir de déplacements légaux. Parachuter une pièce dans la zone de promotion ne donne pas de promotion.
<string name="dropLimitations">Vous ne pouvez pas parachuter une pièce sur une autre pièce, ni la lâcher là où elle ne peut pas avoir de déplacements légaux. Parachuter une pièce dans la zone de promotion ne donne pas de promotion.
Prenez les pièces ennemies !</string>
<string name="youCannotHaveTwoUnpromotedPawns">Vous ne pouvez pas avoir deux pions non promus sur la même colonne.</string>
<string name="protection">Protéger</string>
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