Waiter is one of Deferred implementation, but with more helpful properties. We split Promise's resolve and reject method out of the declaration, know about settled
status, and get result
of resolve or reason
of reject anytime.
npm i -S waiter-promise
# or with yarn
yarn add waiter-promise
Use in JavaScript Promise:
import Waiter from 'waiter-promise'
const waiterA = new Waiter()
console.log(waiterA.settled) // -> false
waiterA.then(() => {
console.log(waiterA.result, waiterA.settled) // -> something result, true
const waiterB = new Waiter()
waiterB.catch(() => {
console.log(waiterB.reason, waiterB.settled) // -> reject reason, true
waiterA.resolve('something result')
waiterB.reject('reject reason')
Use with async/await:
import Waiter from 'waiter-promise'
const waiter = new Waiter<string>()
const receive = async (): Promise<void> => {
const res = await waiter.promise
const send = () => waiter.resolve('hello world')
receive() // output: hello world