Single cell transcriptomics of human epidermis identifies basal stem cell transition states, S. Wang, M. Drummond, C.Guerrero-Juarez, E.Tarapore, A.MacLean, A. Stabell, S. Wu, G. Gutierrez, B. That, C. Benavente, Q. Nie & S. X. Atwood, Nature Communications, 2020.
- All the results are generated by applying SoptSC to the single-cell RNA-seq data, for detailed useage of SoptSC, please refer to
- Some figures are generated using custermized code below
Main_Figures1_2.m (Main_Figure1_2.mlx), Main_Figure3.m (Main_Figure3.mlx), Main_Figure4.m (Main_Figure4.mlx), Main_Figure5.m (Main_Figure5.mlx) for more details.
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