Web application that allow you to control GPIO ports in Raspberry Pi :-)
Project is in draft, my role was design UI and style it in CSS.
Made in Angular framework.
Created by Tomasz Szarek (core of application) and Michał Milanowski (UI design and styles in CSS).
- simple web UI
- on/off GPIO ports on RPi
- control the voltage of GPIO ports
- MockServer (mock server works on all devices and is used to test behaviour of app)
- RaspServer (works on RPi, listen on port 3000 and control GPIO)
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.1.3.
- Install dependencies
$ npm install
- Run script to launch app
$ ng serve
- Or build application
$ ng build
- JavaScript
- Angular
- TypeScript
- Paper Kit for UI (so beautiful CSS kit!)