This is a PHP Class to send sms using wasaTEXTO REST API
You must have a basic Apache and PHP environement:
sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-curl
Add the class package (texto-api) to the root of your virtual host or domain.
Every wasaTEXTO installation must use a unique key for the API. Please create an account on to get your unique API credentials.
After you login to your account obtain your account details(api credentials) from here .
When you get your credentials, replace the following in the test file test.php
//enter your api key
$key = '';
//enter your api username
$username = '';
//enter sender
$from = "";
//enter recipient's number
$to = "";
//enter your key
$key = 'example-key';
//enter your api username
$username = 'example-username';
//enter sender
$from = "example-sender";
//enter recipient's number
$to = "example-recipient";
Then run test.php
Command to run test.php in a Linux environment is: php -f test.php
Check the Api v2 Documentation for more info or Contact Wasamundi Support :)