Demonstration interface for the MicroAngio UX project.
Clickable, navigatable demonstration of the new user experience design for OCT Angiography. No actual OCT processing is included. See the instructions below for running this demo on your windows 7 system. Also runs on Linux, and should run on any environment that supports conda. This interface rates approximately 5.8 TRAUDS of darkness.
HiDPI displays are not supported with pyqt4. This demonstration was developed for a target resolution of 1920x1080.
PySide and PyQt are required to show svg icons on controls on MS Windows.
Instructions for environment creation on windows 7:
Install miniconda 2.7 64bit
export PATH=/home/nharrington/miniconda2/bin:$PATH
conda update conda
conda create --name conda_install_only pyside
activate conda_install_only
conda install pyqt numpy pillow pytest pyqtgraph
cd projects\MicroAngio
python develop
Run the demo with the command:
python -u scripts\