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J-RAP edited this page Jun 23, 2023 · 9 revisions


For practical reasons, the best method implement WaterMedia on your gradle is use CurseMaven CurseMaven is a maven repository based on CurseForge files.

repositories {
    // ...
    maven {
        url ""
        content { includeGroup "curse.maven" }

Now you can implement WaterMedia Check the latest version here: CurseForge - WATERMeDIA The best option to gestionate watermedia version is put mod version inside your to avoid your build.gradle

watermediaversion = '4600199'
dependencies {
     // FORGE
     implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:watermedia-869524:${watermediaversion}")

     // FABRIC
     modImplementation "curse.maven:watermedia-869524:${watermediaversion}"


Introducing basic classes you could need.


This is the base class for everything player-related This class is a empty class with static methods to provide a centralized access to internal code and some other tools.

All methods are documented


  • Milliseconds <--> Ticks converters
  • URL patcher
  • VLC utility


API player working over CallbackMediaPlayerComponent. This player do everything for you (URL patching, Threading start/release methodsm, event handling, etc.

Event handling is quite the most thing broken on forge environments, so try to not use Native Callbacks.

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