A simple executable program that takes a CLite source file as its argument and will then perform lexical, syntactic, and (basic) type analysis on the file. Upon failure, a failure message will be outputted. Upon success, intermediate tree structures will be sent to the 'output' folder. These trees represent the underlying transformations that take place while parsing source files.
Since this program uses Clojure, make sure you have the latest Java Runtime from Oracle
Instaparse depends on Graphviz to draw out the parse trees. It may be installed from their website
Note: Windows users, make sure to you create a new entry for the graphviz bin folder in your system environment variables path.
You may run the distributed version with the following command.
java -jar cverify.jar SOURCE_FILE
Where SOURCE_FILE is the qualified file directory and name to be 'verified'.
Suppose relative to the executable we have a folder named 'tests', which contains the following file.
int main()
int a,b,c,d;
float e,f,g,h;
int i[3];
a = + ;
We may verify the file as follows:
java -jar cverify.jar tests/comprehensive_test.txt
Which produces the following error output:
Had the file been properly formed, we would have been given its parse trees in the 'output' folder, which would looking something like the following:
To build the program, simply navigate to the project directory and run the following:
lein uberjar
A standalone jar file will be available in the 'target' folder.